Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1046: Spy identity

This sudden change surprised Er Niu. Wu Tian, ​​who was good at talking to her, was beaten suddenly.

The Er Niu's complexion changed drastically, her body slammed, and she rushed towards Su Cancan.

"Er Niu!" Wu Tian hurriedly shouted loudly. He didn't want Su Cancan to hurt the second girl.

Although Wu Tian was kicked, he was not affected very much. It was not a big problem for his body to be beaten.

It just looks a little embarrassed.

But things started to get a little troublesome, Er Niu was far more fierce than Wu Tian thought.

Although she looked like a weak teenage girl, her speed and strength far surpassed ordinary people. She only attacked a few times and pushed Su Cancan to the side.

Su Cancan was also taken aback, because she was almost slapped by the second girl just now. Fortunately, her body was more flexible and she avoided it in time.

Even if it didn't scan, when the second girl's hand passed by, Su Cancan also very clearly felt the powerful wind pressure brought by her attack.

Su Cancan had no desire to fight, so after blocking for a while, he quickly jumped out towards the back.

And Er Niu was blocking Wu Tian's body. Looking at that posture, she should use her body to protect Wu Tian.

"Er Niu, it's okay, it's okay. She's not a bad person." Wu Tian quickly explained, he also moved his bones a bit, indicating that there was nothing serious about him.

"I... kill... your enemy!" Although Er Niu's expression is very problematic, she said it very powerfully, and Wu Tian can clearly feel the firmness in her words. Tone of voice.

Even if this sentence appeared directly in Wu Tian's mind.

"Um, calm down for both of you...Neither are outsiders...If you fight with yourself, you will be in trouble." Wu Tian said as he gently touched the head of the second girl.

"Don't worry, this sister will never hurt me."

After hearing Wu Tian's words, Er Niu was slightly relieved, but when she looked at Su Cancan, she was still very alert.

Su Cancan's expression is not very good. She didn't like children very much. Now that she is better, she doesn't like it even more.

However, since it was a false alarm just now, there is no need to maintain one's own fighting state.

"What the **** are you two doing? Did Wu Tian look at you just now molesting this little girl?" Su Cancan raised his eyebrows, pointed at Wu Tian's nose and began to scold.

When Wu Tian heard this, his face suddenly blushed.

When did he become such a person! Moreover, although there are few people around the place where they quarrel, there are still people working in the office. If employees hear about it, what will everyone think of Wu Tian?

"You are innocent out of thin air, why do you say that! I just have something to discuss with the second girl!"

Of course Wu Tian is going to argue, but the person he will face this time is Su Cancan, which makes him feel Alexander.

"Huh, I don't care how you explain it, anyway, if you let me see something like this again, don't blame me for giving you some minor surgery!" Then Su Cancan gestured with a scissors gesture, and then shook his head. Just left.

Wu Tian let out a sigh of relief, but fortunately this crazy lady is gone, otherwise, how would he explain it himself?

If I did something, it would be fine, at least not being framed by being accused of that way.

But Er Niu can't talk to others now, there must be no way to explain it for him.

Wu Tian quickly brought the two girls to his office, so that he would not be seen casually.

It's just that when Long Yun opened the office, she looked at Wu Tian and Er Niu sitting very close together on the sofa, she also looked startled.

Her reaction was not as great as Su Cancan's, but the expression on her face was obviously contemptuous. After sending a pot of tea, Long Yun left.

Not at all procrastinating, even Wu Tian didn't have a chance to explain.

Wu Tian felt that his rumors should be completely finished in a few days, and his fame was ruined.

"This person." Wu Tian hugged her head there and felt uncomfortable. Er Niu did not stop her movements, and quickly found Wu Tian the information about the traitor he needed.

Wu Tian quickly took it over and found that this was a cleaning aunt who was in her forties and nearly fifty.

"Are you sure it's her?"

Such people generally have no access to these confidential things, so how can they become spies? Wu Tian is a little confused.

"OK... Er Niu... I can't remember it wrong."

Seeing that Er Niu was so sure, Wu Tian had no choice but to approve the result. It's just that he couldn't figure out how the cleaning staff overheard their conversation.

Wu Tian decided to investigate the trajectory of this person. The company actually has this system, but few people know it, basically only Wu Tian, ​​Long Yun and Su Cancan know.

Even Yu Naixin didn't even know that they had this function.

But now they are also fortunate to have this thing, they have the opportunity to verify whether this cleaning staff really has a problem.

On Wu Tian's computer, they immediately discovered that there was a problem with this trajectory, because this person had left Huadao now.

At such a sensitive time, I left Huadao, and not long after this person left, the report was already fresh.

No matter how you look at it, it's a coincidence.

"Mr. Wu, let's get in touch now and prepare to arrest someone!" Long Yun immediately frowned because this person seemed to be really suspicious.

Wu Tian was not so impulsive, but took a deep breath.

"Wait, don't worry!" Wu Tian stared at the cleaning information, and said for a while: "Call their supervisor first and ask what's going on! Also, how did she get the information?"

Long Yun nodded and walked out soon. In a short while, she brought a person in charge over.

This person in charge is specifically responsible for the cleaning of the entire Huadao. When he learned that he was called, he thought that something was wrong, and his whole body was shaking.

"Don't be nervous, let me ask you a question, does this person know her identity? And where does she go now?"

Wu Tian didn't have much interest in this guy, and he didn't want to expand this matter. It's better to know as few people as possible.

"I know, this is one of our cleaning products. It just came two months ago. I just asked me to say that I was unwell and went ashore to rest."

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