Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1047: There are thirteen

If you say that, then this matter is already relatively clear.

After leaving Huahua Island, Wu Tian couldn't investigate her traces. Now it takes a lot of time to find people using satellites, so some of the gains outweigh the gain.

"Well, you call her and ask when you will be back."

Wu Tian didn't panic at all, it had already happened, and no matter what he did now, it would not change the result.

The person in charge of the cleaning department hurriedly followed suit. Although he didn't know what happened, he still vaguely felt that the incident must be no small thing this time.

Otherwise, it won't alarm the group boss.

Only after he called for a long time, the other party did not answer the phone.

Wu Tian and Long Yun looked at each other, and immediately knew that they didn't need to guess anymore, basically this person couldn't run away.

"Okay, you go back first." Wu Tian asked the person in charge to leave first, but then they and Long Yun began to prepare and arrange the next thing.

This time, it was really not easy to deal with, and it was not a simple problem that could be solved.

"Mr. Wu, I will take someone to investigate now and see what is going on with this person!"

Long Yun was ready to set off without saying a word, while Wu Tian stood there thinking for a long time with a solemn expression.

"I'll go with you!"

"No, the situation is more complicated now. You have to preside over the work in this place." Long Yun refuted Wu Tian's request without hesitation, and did not intend to give him a chance, and directly handed this task to Qinglong. .

Wu Tian saw that since he couldn't leave, he just started to sort out the causes and consequences of this matter.

In other words, this cleaning aunt actually started to come to Huadao two months ago, and her performance in these two months has been very good.

Until this time she seized the opportunity to send out the stolen record of the conversation between Wu Tian and Wu Zaibin, and she herself retreated the first time.

This is like a precision gear set, which is all interlocking and interlocking. And Wu Tian and the others naturally became other people's dishes.

Now that Wu Tian himself is tied to his chariot by Li Zhan, it is already very difficult to jump off the car.

But if this matter was planned before, Wu Tian felt a bit unbelievable.

"Do they have other people... I mean, do they still arrange other spies with us, but they haven't been exposed yet."

Anyway, Wu Tian felt that if he were Li Zhanzhang Zerui, if there was a chance to plant a spy, he would definitely not just get one anyway.

And this action will cost them a spy. In comparison, is it too bad?

"This is also possible, but we have no way to investigate now..." Although Long Yun didn't want to say such frustrating words, she had to admit this fact.

First of all, they can't talk about this problem face-to-face and enlarge it.

No matter who it is, as an employee, if you know that your boss is jealous of yourself and suspect that you are a spy, you will definitely feel unhappy in your heart.

The Wu Group can't leave these employees, so this thing must not be done.

The more he thought about it, the more anxious Wu Tian became. At this moment, he looked at the two girls who were shining on the sofa and suddenly had an idea.

"Long Yun, go ahead." Wu Tian took Long Yun away. Only Wu Tian must know about Er Niu.

What a smart person Long Yun is, Wu Tian's move immediately made her realize something unusual. However, she was very cooperative and left the room as he requested.

It's just that when Long Yun went out, she didn't close the door, but stood at the door and listened quietly.

"Er Niu, can you tell me if there are any other spies in this company?"

At this time, Wu Tian was the only one who could actually tell him the answer, and that was the second girl.

If she could use her ability to investigate, it would be only a matter of time to figure out this question.

Moreover, the two girls wandered around the company before, and basically understood what was going on with the employees.

"I know... there are... thirteen."

Wu Tian and Long Yun who were eavesdropping at the door were both shocked by what Er Niu said as if nothing had happened.

Originally, Wu Tian thought that two or three would be almost the same.

But now Er Niu actually told Wu Tian that there are thirteen...This number is quite large, and their Hua Island was originally built for safety.

Every time employees are recruited, they are also very close, comparable to the general audit of the military. It is not easy to work here.

Realizing that something was wrong, Long Yun didn't dare to eavesdrop, and she hurried away. She had to make some preparations.

Since Wu Tian already knew about this matter, the rest must be resolved by everyone.

One cleansing is naturally inevitable. You have to find a way to find these thirteen people and expel them.

Of course, if necessary, you can even call the police and let the police arrest them.

What Long Yun didn't expect was that Wu Tian didn't even say this all night. It was like a okay person, not even a word of this matter was mentioned.

It's as if this thing didn't exist at all.

Long Yun found it strange, but she couldn't take the initiative to ask. Doesn't it mean that she eavesdropped on the conversation between him and Er Niu?

It's just that this thing has been held in Long Yun's heart, making her feel very uncomfortable.

Taking advantage of the investigation report for Wu Tian, ​​Long Yun finally couldn't help but began to attack.

"Mr. Wu, we are already investigating this spy. In half a day, we may be able to find out where she is now. But I always feel that it is still a little unsafe."

Wu Tian looked ignorant at this time, and looked at Long Yun curiously.

"Then tell me, what are the hidden dangers?"

"You don't doubt, are there other spies in Huadao?"

While talking, Long Yun carefully observed Wu Tian's expression, trying to grasp every detail.

"Your suggestion, I think it makes sense."

"Isn't it, Mr. Wu, or we are going to find out these **** now!"

Long Yun had been preparing for this for a long time, and was waiting for Wu Tian's order.

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