Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1053: Enter the game

For a while, it seemed that an eagle and a chick were playing on the shore, and the police were arresting everywhere.

Wu Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not relax in his heart.

Because the people at the TV stations next to them are still shooting, you can know without thinking that these people will definitely make a lot of false falsehoods.

It's just that since everything has already happened, it's useless for Wu Tian to think about it so much.

"What did you do? Why did it happen suddenly?" Sun Hongsheng walked over with a look of confusion. The policemen under him were already arresting, so he simply walked over to find Wu Tian to find out the situation.

"How do I know... Suddenly so many people came over, I think it's just sick..." Wu Tian's tone was very comfortable. This is actually easier to understand. After all, most people would never expect it to happen. Such a thing.

"Oh, I have seen these people before, and they are not very easy to deal with. It seems that you have provoked someone." Sun Hongsheng just glanced at it, and he actually had a few points in his heart.

These people are all professional troublemakers. In fact, they are not much different from underground forces, except that their names are different.

"Hey don't mention it..." Wu Tian also wanted to complain, but the situation at the scene was really chaotic, not a place to talk.

He was about to greet Sun Hongsheng to go to Huadao for a detailed discussion. At this time, several police officers ran over with a nervous expression and whispered something in Sun Hongsheng's ear.

Sun Hongsheng's expression changed suddenly, and he was a little nervous.

"Mr. Wu, you can't leave now!" Sun Hongsheng quickly stopped Wu Tian.

Qinglong felt something was wrong at this time, so he stood quietly in front of Wu Tian. If there was anything wrong, he could protect Wu Tian's safety immediately.

"what happened?"

Wu Tian signaled Qinglong not to get excited, he still had to watch this guy finish talking.

"The wounded at the scene pointed out that you deliberately injured someone, so you must also go to the police station with us!" Sun Hongsheng can be regarded as an official business, of course, he can understand that this matter may not have much to do with Wu Tian.

But if the other party said that he had a fracture, it was Wu Tian who did it. This is indeed suspected of deliberately hurting others, so Sun Hongsheng couldn't let Wu Tian just leave.

"Let me see which of you dare!" Qinglong stood in front of him very upset at this time. He was not joking when he said this.

As Qinglong said, he rolled up his sleeves. He used this way to express that he would come true now. The policemen originally wanted to come and take Wu Tian away, but looking like this, Some did not dare to go up.

Upon seeing this, Wu Tian hurriedly pulled Qinglong behind him. This guy is so sturdy, it is easy to get into trouble.

"Officer Sun, since I need my cooperation, of course I have an unshirkable responsibility!" With that, Wu Tian walked straight towards Sun Hongsheng and the others.

Qinglong wanted to follow, but Wu Tian glared at him.

"You have to stay here. I will go to the police station. I will be back soon. Officer Sun will follow the rules and will not be embarrassed."

"But..." Qinglong felt that he had completely failed as Wu Tian's subordinate, and it turned out to be let him enter the game.

Wu Tian's face was very plain when he arrived, and it seemed that there was not too much emotion in it because of this incident.

"Someone needs to guard this place for me. I don't want to see Huadao be like this when I come back!" Wu Tian looked at Qinglong still faltering, and he became a little serious.

Qinglong saw that Wu Tian was serious, so he couldn't say anything more, and finally nodded and stayed where he was.

Wu Tian walked in front of Sun Hongsheng and prepared to follow him.

The policeman next to him took out the handcuffs from his body with a chuckle, and in the end, Sun Hongsheng gave it to the back of his head.

"This is Mr. Wu! What do you guys think!"

The little policeman didn't know that the house in their police station was given by Wu Tian, ​​and that being beaten was just what he deserved.

Sun Hongsheng very politely invited Wu Tian to his car. This is probably the suspect with the biggest name in their police station.

Of course, Sun Hongsheng wouldn't be so tolerant of those who made trouble, one of them counted as one, he just pulled the three big cars.

Those diehards and those who took the lead, basically none of them ran away.

But it is common for them to enter the police station, so no one is afraid.

Even if Wu Tian arrived at the police station, he was not detained. On the contrary, apart from not being able to walk out of the police station casually, basically no one would take care of him wherever he wanted to go.

But Wu Tian doesn't have much time to spend here now, he still has many important things to do.

"How's your trial going on? When can I leave?"

Sun Hongsheng looked sad and said helplessly: "Mr. Wu, I am afraid that you will not be able to leave for a while. That person is undergoing emergency treatment, but fortunately there is no life-threatening danger. Otherwise, you It is very likely that the lawsuit will be filed."

Wu Tian didn't expect the matter to be so serious. He really kicked a guy at the time, but shouldn't this be considered a legitimate defense.

"You should be able to investigate the situation at the time. He attacked me and I countered..."

Regarding Wu Tian's defense, Sun Hongsheng just said helplessly: "It's useless to say this, you can see the news if you look at it."

After being reminded by Sun Hongsheng, Wu Tian went to the fair to watch the TV on the wall. Sure enough, some related events are now being broadcast on the news of the TV station.

Wu Tian's conflict here seems to have become the headline of the country. Without knowing who it was, he shot Wu Tian rushed up and kicked it with great accuracy, and it was repeatedly broadcast on TV.

The key is that when looking at it from that angle, the video is indeed Wu Tian's first hand.

"No... can it be like this..." Wu Tian was stunned for a while, and he immediately realized that he was being targeted.

The other party was just waiting for his own hands-on opportunity, waiting to see his own good show, but Wu Tian himself really got the bait.

Thinking of this, Wu Tian suddenly felt angry and wanted to slap himself a few times.

If I held it back then, I would be fine. I really wanted to suffer for myself.

For a time, public opinion almost completely criticized Wu Tian.

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