Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1054: Broken bridge

For a time, public opinion almost completely criticized Wu Tian.

No one even cares what is going on, and why those people come to demonstrate.

The pressure caused by this incident was quickly passed to the police station.

Under such circumstances, if they would release Wu Tian casually, public opinion would drown him with saliva.

Wu Tian was anxious in the police station, but at this moment Sun Hongsheng was not only afraid to let Wu Tian go, but even followed him closely.

Where he goes, where Sun Hongsheng will go. Although he was still very polite to him, the nature of it had completely changed.

Upon seeing this, Wu Tian knew that he would not be able to leave for a while, so he simply reached out to ask for his mobile phone.

"You give me my phone number, I don't plan to leave now, but my company's affairs can't be delayed!"

Sun Hongsheng originally wanted to refuse, but when he looked at Wu Tian's eyes, he immediately trembled. After thinking about it, he decided to do what Wu Tian said.

"It's okay for you, but you don't have to do anything to me, don't worry, what is our relationship, I will definitely help you, wait for the limelight to pass."

Sun Hongsheng didn't forget to say something nice to Wu Tian on the side, and wanted him to be a little relieved.

But at this time, it was actually too late for him to say anything. Wu Tian just wanted to know what his company was like now.

He quickly called Long Yun. Fortunately, Long Yun was able to hold up a part of the situation when Wu Tian was away, and the company's operations did not suffer much.

"Mr. Wu, there is nothing serious on the island now, but there are still many people gathered here on the landing bridge, and the number of people is more than before."

Hearing this, Wu Tian's face suddenly pulled away. This group of people are really like bugs that can't be killed, and they can't be driven away. It seems that Li Zhan and Zhang Zerui are going to give Wu Tianxia a stumbling block.

"You must stand up to it, absolutely can't let them go to the island!"

Wu Tian didn't particularly understand the situation, but he knew that if they couldn't resist the pressure at this time, everything they had done before would be wasted.

"It's Mr. Wu! What's the situation on your side? Do you want me to let the security team come..."

"It's okay, it will take some time. I will take care of it. You just need to fix the company for me."

With Wu Tian's affirmation, Long Yun didn't ask anything anymore. In fact, no one would worry about Wu Tian's ability to do things. Since he had said it, he would definitely do it.

After hanging up the phone, Long Yun looked at the situation in front of her, feeling speechless in her heart.

"Qinglong, you can withdraw back with someone, don't confront them!"

Qinglong was leading the security team at this time, planning to guard the entrance so that these demonstrators would not block it.

But the effect is not very good. The opponent keeps burning bottles and some rocks towards them, which looks like a battlefield from a distance.

The nearby TV stations and reporters turned a deaf ear to these, and filmed when the security team was using violence.

If this continues, Wu Group's reputation will definitely be over. The makers of these public opinions are the real trouble.

"That won't work, if this place is blocked, our people will not be able to go to the island!" Qinglong still doesn't want to give up. He has already failed once, so now he doesn't want to fail again Twice.

"Listen to my order and come back quickly!" Long Yun watched as several buses came in the distance, and the number of the other side was increasing.

It is useless to call the police. The police have no choice but to take these hooligans.

"But..." Qinglong still wanted to persist, but was scolded by Long Yun several times, and in the end he was very helpless, so he could only choose to retreat.

Seeing that everyone had returned to the bridge, Long Yun decisively ordered the staff to disconnect the floating bridge.

In this way, there is no direct connection between Huadao and the shore. Even if the other party gathers on the shore, it is meaningless.

Qinglong looked at Long Yun doing this, very puzzled.

"You broke the pontoon! How come the staff go back!"

This matter is not a trivial matter. There are nearly one to two thousand staff on Flower Island.

"In an emergency, I can't manage that much now." Long Yun is very clear about what the urgent task is now, and there is no way to abandon something necessary at this time.

However, her courage is indeed very powerful.

The gangsters who were demonstrating on the shore were also taken aback at this time, and did not expect the other party to have such a hand. Huadao has really become an island now, and people like them certainly can't swim there.

For a while, the idle people tangled on the shore for a while, and immediately left a large area.

However, there are still a group of people staring at the shore, and they are probably sure that it is impossible for the Wu Group Company not to dock.

Naturally, Long Yun had already anticipated the other party's guess, and quickly transferred a dozen barges.

There is a special port on Huadao. Without a bridge, people can be transported to the shore by boat.

It's just that those hooligans on the shore won't leave for a while, and shipping may also be blocked by them.

Thinking about it, Long Yun decided to work with Qinglong to direct people to build some temporary residential areas on the open space.

"Is this possible?" Qinglong's heart was a little bit ignorant. Although the living facilities on Huadao were perfect, there were not many rooms to live in.

If only a hundred people rest, there is no big problem, but this is more than two thousand people, this logistics supply is not a small matter.

"Yes, just when we are holding a staff meeting, isn't it that we haven't organized related activities in normal times? It's just this opportunity!" Long Yun's brain was very active, and she quickly figured out a way.

Not to mention, it really looks a lot like this. Long Yun even built a small stage close to the beach, seemingly intending to build a concert.

On the other side, the people on the shore watched the busy life on Huadao, and it was you who looked at me and I looked at you. No one could say anything.

When the TV reporters saw that there was nothing suitable for them to shoot, they also began to retreat.

This time the crisis, after night fell, it was just like this.

The staff party started on Huadao, which was very lively, but Wu Tian was in the police station and had a meal in prison.

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