Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1056: Conviction

Wu Tian only noticed that he was holding the other's knife in his hand, and now he has become a murderer.

At this time, several policemen were pointing their pistols at Wu Tian's head. The barrel of the gun was trembling slightly. It seemed that these people were a little nervous.

At this level, Wu Tian could understand it, and he was completely loaded.

Unexpectedly, this Li Zhan turned out to be one ring after another, the trap was connected to the trap, and it did not give Wu Tian a chance to react, nor did he give him any chance to escape.

"Let down the weapon in your hand! Otherwise, I'll shoot!" The police officer's muzzle is not a joke, this thing is really possible to shoot.

Wu Tian slowly put down the knife in his hand, and raised his hand high, indicating that he was not at all threatening.

Several policemen rushed over, pressed Wu Tian under his body, handcuffed him, and took him to another separate prison.

And those people who made trouble in a prison cell looked like a tricky trick, and made Wu Tian annoyed.

It was the first time that he was so despised, even insulted like this. It really made Wu Tian's heart very upset.

Wu Tian was simply locked in. The policeman led him looked at Wu Tian with a gloomy expression, and then released his handcuffs.

"You committed the crime deliberately and must be severely punished! From now on, you will be waiting in this place!"

After the other party put down such a sentence, he walked away without letting Wu Tian ask anything, and the other party was not ready to answer anything.

Wu Tian looked like this, and suddenly felt a little regretful. If he didn't take the knife at the time, maybe he wouldn't be like this.

But things have already happened, and it's still business to think about how to solve them later.

Unexpectedly, the first night Wu Tian spent in the police station turned out to be in a single prison.

Although there is only one person, and the conditions are suitable and difficult, Wu Tian doesn't need to worry that someone will threaten his safety.

It was not until the morning of the next day that Sun Hongsheng, who had learned the news, hurriedly came to visit Wu Tian.

"You are in big trouble this time! I heard that you were fighting in the chant? Are you still trying to kill?" Sun Hongsheng's face wrinkled like a bitter gourd. He certainly hopes that Wu Tian can leave this place as soon as possible, but the current situation is completely beyond Sun Hongsheng's grasp.

"Do you believe it..." Wu Tian said very irritably, but he felt a bit embarrassed when he said about it.

I've been amazing for so long, but in the end I still overturned the car on this little thing. It's so stupid no matter how you look at it.

"I don't think you would do this for no reason. You don't have this reason." Sun Hongsheng did not hesitate. He could say that he believed in Wu Tian the most in this police station.

Wu Tian sighed. The only thing he can count on now is Sun Hongsheng.

"Well, see if you can get me to bail as soon as possible. Last night, I was holding knives for self-defense, and those knives were not mine..."

Of course, Sun Hongsheng wanted to agree to Wu Tian's request, but he was powerless now.

"This... to be honest, I am not allowed to intervene in this case now, because I know you, so according to the regulations, this case cannot let me be responsible..."

Sun Hongsheng also has his own difficulties here, but if this continues, Wu Tian doesn't know when he will be able to go out.

"Damn, you can't really lock me up here, right? I still have a lot of things to deal with. You know this thing!" Wu Tian's emotions began to a bit agitated. This approach is not intentional and explicit. Correct yourself.

"I will try my best to find a way for you, but you should also pay attention to it. You must not cause any more things here."

The reason why Sun Hongsheng is so worried is because this matter is a bit difficult for him to handle.

But things will always turn for the better, so waiting is the only thing Wu Tian can do right now.

"My hope is all in your body. The task is very heavy, but you can rest assured that this matter is over. I will definitely help you solve the corpse case."

Of course, Wu Tian couldn't let Sun Hongsheng walk around in vain. The key is that everyone exchanged their own interests.

Sun Hongsheng obviously began to look happy, but he seemed to pretend that there was nothing too much.

"Let's talk about it later. Get you out first. Actually, it won't solve any problems here."

Later, Sun Hongsheng comforted Wu Tian for a while, and soon left this place, but when he left, he brought a piece of information that Long Yun had entrusted him to bring in.

On the night when Wu Tian was trapped in the police station, their enemy Li Zhan did not stop his pace, but stepped up his acquisition plan.

Long Yun commissioned to send in, there was also a newspaper, which clearly stated that Li Zhan announced that they were about to build a film and television industry park in S City.

And plans to build this new industrial park into the largest industrial park in the country.

This project looks very attractive, and Wu Tian himself thinks this is a good idea.

But fortunately, Wu Tian knew what was going on behind this, so he could look at the essence of the phenomenon.

The argument Li Zhan used this time was to fight against the fresh film and television forces brought by Wu Tian and surround their tradition of TV stations and movie theaters.

"Only by integrating resources can the power of the traditional film and television industry be brought together, so that good works can be created." Wu Tian read the words that Li Zhan said to the reporter hypocritically, and laughed coldly.

This guy really lied without blinking his eyes.

No matter how you look at this kind of thing, it is obviously impossible. It is only a matter of time before the film and television industry turns to the field of fresh media.

Even if Wu Tian didn't come out to disrupt the situation, someone else would definitely come and make trouble.

Although Wu Tian was in a cage, he started to get excited at this time. This time he felt nervous. Wu Tian felt that he could also plan well and had to find a way to pull this Li Zhan down. .

When it was almost noon, a policeman came over and told Wu Tian that someone was coming to see him.

Wu Tian was still wondering who it was. He arrived at the place where he visited the prison, and as expected it was Long Yun who came to see him.

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