Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1057: Upright Blue Dragon

When it was almost noon, a policeman came over and told Wu Tian that someone was coming to see him.

Wu Tian was still wondering who it was. He arrived at the place where he visited the prison, and as expected it was Long Yun who came to see him.

It just so happened that he also wanted to find Long Yun to find out about the situation.

"I knew you would come and find me. I want to tell you about my situation. It seems a bit uncomfortable. I'm afraid I can't leave for a while."

Wu Tian made his situation clear in a few words. Now he is very short of time and only has five minutes to meet with Long Yun.

Long Yun didn't even have time to be surprised, and quickly accepted the result.

"Have you seen all the information I sent you?"

Wu Tian nodded, things seemed a bit passive to them, and they had to find a way.

"This Li Zhan is so careful in his mind, I almost got him involved in it." Wu Tian frowned. He now has a preliminary idea of ​​why Li Zhan would do this.

"Then what do you mean?"

"He is now announcing these news on such a large scale. It is certain that the stock will rise, which means that when the stock price reaches its peak, he will start harvesting."

And once such a thing happens, it means that Li Zhan will give all investors a slap.

Thinking of this, Wu Tian solemnly said to Long Yun: "You go back now and tell Wu Zaibin to be cautious and try to dump our stocks."

Long Yun nodded, it's just that the way the two of them communicated this way is really a bit poor. If it can't at all, then you can't let them communicate properly.

Before saying a few words, the police outside began to come in and rush them.

In the end Long Yun could only go back with Wu Tian's request, but when Wu Tian returned to her room, she found that she seemed to have a roommate.

"Mr. Wu! Qinglong, I'm so sorry for you!"

Before Wu Tian could see who it was, he suddenly ran over and knelt in front of him.

And who is the speaker who is not Qinglong?

When he heard his voice, Wu Tian suddenly became puzzled.

"How did you come?"

This prison is a place where felons are held. Strictly speaking, Wu Tian does not have such qualifications to hang here.

It's just that his behavior seemed too extreme last night, and the police felt that it could only be safe by putting it here.

"I'm really worried about your safety! Mr. Wu, how could I let you be I tried to get in overnight...hehe didn't expect it to be normal."

Qinglong was sad for a while, proud, and for a while joy to see Wu Tian.

He looked at Wu Tian up and down, and saw that he hadn't wiped a piece of oily skin. Knowing that Wu Tian had not been wronged here, he felt relieved a lot.

"You clean up this useless thing..."

Wu Tian didn't know where he should spit out, he desperately wanted to go out, but why did Qinglong want to come in from outside...

In any case, it is a bit difficult to understand, but it is already here, and it is impossible to let Qinglong leave now.

"Did Sun Hongsheng arrange you here?"

Wu Tian looked outside to make sure no one was eavesdropping, and then asked quietly.

Qinglong nodded quickly, "I don't know, but I guess it should be. I didn't ask him, but according to my past experience, people like me are unlikely to be locked up with you."

The two spoke for a while, and Wu Tian finally figured out how Qinglong came in.

This guy is really unscrupulous. Since he was actively making trouble outside, he even called the police.

In order to be able to meet Wu Tian, ​​Qinglong really used his countless brains, so he hoped to achieve his goal.

"Now you follow me by my side. Remember, don't cause trouble without my request."

One more person is also good news for Wu Tian, ​​so he doesn't have to worry too much about whether someone will attack them again.

"Mr. Wu, are you still safe inside?"

Qinglong can now see that Wu Tian is doing well, and he feels a lot more relieved in his heart. Otherwise, he would be worried about the whole day.

Wu Tian shook his head and told what had happened before. The angry Qinglong immediately went to those people to settle accounts.

But they were locked in prison at this moment, and couldn't get out even if they wanted to.

"Let's leave this thing alone, anyway, it must be counted in Li Zhan's head in the end."

Relatively speaking, Wu Tian saw it very clearly and clearly, so he also knew that it was not such a casual time.

The two were talking, when someone suddenly approached outside.

Wu Tian and Qinglong looked at each other vigilantly, and then cautiously asked outside: "Who is it?"

"Sun Hongsheng."

Sun Hongsheng's voice came from outside the iron fence, showing his head from the gap, and smiling at both of them.

"It's you... Don't you go busy, come and see what we two are doing..."

"Don't say that, I'm trying to find a way for you now. The surveillance from last night has been lost, and I'm now looking for evidence."

The evidence is that this was also within Wu Tian's calculations. It was impossible for what happened at that time to happen suddenly. In other words, it was definitely deliberate.

In other words, it is a bureau set by others from beginning to end, and it is naturally impossible to leave them with obvious evidence such as surveillance video.

"Don't try to work in this direction... Anyway, if they want to tell me, let them come up with evidence. If they can't get it out, naturally they can't think I'm doing something wrong."

Wu Tian is more concerned about when he can go out, even if he can't be charged, let him be released on bail first.

Sun Hongsheng scratched his head, a little worried.

"Now it’s because the above is not allowed to release you on bail. In fact, the documents were delivered long ago, and the Secretary quickly approved it. But I am not responsible for your case, so I don’t know why I keep pressing and not letting you bail...

Hearing what he said, Wu Tian suddenly had an idea in his heart.

The first policeman who rushed over appeared in his mind. The policeman's expression was not what he should have when he spotted criminals.

On the contrary, as if a trickery had succeeded, his face was gloomy. No matter how he thought, this person should have problems.

"I see... your people have a problem."

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