Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1058: General trend

Of course, this kind of remark cannot be said casually. Someone in the police team specifically targeted Wu Tian. If this matter is spread out, it will definitely attract public attention.

Sun Hongsheng was the first time he wanted Wu Tian to shut his mouth first.

"Don't dare to talk nonsense, this is a big deal!"

"Of course I know this is a major event. I mean, some of you have connections with Li Zhan and the others, and he is doing things for Li Zhan!"

Wu Tian is convinced of this, since it is to set off, then all the preparations should be done as it should be.

How could such a thoughtful person like Li Zhan not sit down to this point? It is very likely that he did indeed arrange this.

First, people made trouble on the shore of Huadao, and then the police dispatched to take Wu Tian away.

As long as Wu Tian can enter the detention center, some other thugs that have been arranged before can start at this time.

If it succeeds, naturally there is nothing to say. Li Zhan bought Wu Tian's life with a small amount of money.

If it is not successful, such as what Wu Tian has experienced, and these thugs are useless, then there is an insurance behind.

It was to let the police in the police station find ways to detain Wu Tian in this place, and even to charge him a little.

After clarifying these things in his mind, Wu Tian sneered at Sun Hongsheng outside by himself, and he saw Sun Hongsheng frowning.

"You...what are you doing, don't be crazy because of this."

Sun Hongsheng was a little nervous, because Wu Tian's current expression was very sullen, as if he wanted to fix someone.

"I'm not crazy, but I guess you will not be able to get me out for a while, so if you get me a device to communicate with the outside world, I will manage the company anyway!"

This requirement is relatively more likely to be achieved.

Although Sun Hongsheng frowned, he nodded.

"Okay, I'll get you a cell phone, but you try not to be found by the police, otherwise it will be difficult for me to handle it. After all, this is a bit of a violation of discipline."

"Come on, what kind of discipline violation, I am not even the identity of the suspect now, you put me in jail for serious crimes, if I go out to sue you, I will make a decision."

Wu Tianjiang Sun Hongsheng had no temper at all. Anyway, their little handle was caught by Wu Tian, ​​and Sun Hongsheng couldn't say anything.

He took out a cell phone from his pocket and threw it in from the outside.

"This is what Long Yun left for me before. Let me find a chance for you."

Wu Tianxin suddenly felt warm, and she couldn't think that Long Yun's preparation was truly comprehensive.

With the mobile phone, Wu Tian started contacting Wu Zaibin as soon as possible.

Learned with him about the current stock market situation.

Indeed, as Wu Tian had expected, Li Zhan now hopes that the stock will continue to depreciate to lock up Wu Tian's assets.

However, he did not expect that after he announced the news, the stocks would increase sharply. Many people thought that the film and television industry park would be very promising.

People who think this way are not only those stock investors, but even the municipal government.

For a time, Yingdi Entertainment’s stock is almost immediately sold short as soon as it goes public, and the stock price continues to rise.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wu Tian thought it was a good time to get away.

"You'd better try to sell the stocks we hold within these two days."

In fact, it is unnecessary for Wu Tian to say that this matter is already going on steadily by Wu Zaibin.

"Mr. Wu, don't worry, just leave this to me!"

The current situation is so good that Wu Zaibin is beginning to be more confident.

"That's not enough, you have to release some news outside."

Wu Tian cleared his throat, and now he wants to deal with Li Zhan, he has to use a careful plan.

Just biting the bullet is not enough.

"Find your sister Wu Zaiyao and ask him to release false news in the form of gossip, just say that our company has cash flow problems and there is no way to pay employees."

"The reason is that seafood tv's expenditure is too large, and our company's losses are too serious."

Regarding Li Zhan's next plan, Wu Tian predicted that he would definitely continue to issue additional stocks. As the saying goes, you will kill you when you are sick.

If he really believed the false news that Wu Tian released, he would definitely think that Wu Tian needed cash now.

The only way to lock Wutian cash is to let the stock depreciate as soon as possible.

But doing so will actually bring a huge risk. Many investors are waiting for the stock price of Yingdi Entertainment to drop to the bottom at this time.

In this way, they can buy the bottom and buy a large amount of British Emperor Entertainment stock at a very low price.

Nowadays, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yingdi Entertainment will surely usher in a surge of opportunities. It's just a matter of time.

"Okay, I get it, Mr. Wu, don't worry, I will get this thing done."

Wu Zaibin patted his chest to ensure that he is also eager to give Li Zhan a head-on blow.

The previous huge losses made Wu Zaibin a little bit worried.

To be honest, he rarely experienced such a fiasco. Now that he has the opportunity to stand up, he naturally has to seize this opportunity.

After Wu Tian gave these instructions, the two people waited quietly in the detention center, but they lived very well.

Although the environment of the detention center was not very good, Wu Tian and Qinglong lived in a small room, and it was sunny.

This kind of environment is very warm, Wu Tian simply put aside all the worries in his heart, and fell asleep beautifully.

When he woke up, the stock market had already turned upside down.

According to the news from Wu Zaibin, after Li Zhan saw some gossip, he immediately issued a large number of shares.

The reaction afterwards was just as Wu Tian had expected. Not only did the additional shares not cause the stock price to plummet, but because of the large number of purchasers, the shares of British Emperor Entertainment began to be acquired in large numbers.

And Wu Zaibin also took advantage of this time to sell the stocks worth tens of billions in his hand.

In just one afternoon, 50% of the cash has been recovered.

This speed is something that no one has expected. In time, they will be able to recover all their investment.

At that time, Wu Tian could roll up his sleeves and have a fight with this Li Zhan.

The only premise is that he has to figure out a way to get out of this place. Wu Tian looked at the thick iron railings in the room, staring thoughtfully.

Qinglong noticed his eyes and rushed to Wu Tian's side.

"Mr. Wu, how about I find a way to open this place, and then the two of us escape from prison!"

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