Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1059: Let the wind on the square

Hearing Qinglong's words, Wu Tian turned his hand on the back of his head.

Isn't this funny? I'm trying to get out, and the other party probably has no charges on him, so I'm studying it.

But if he escapes from prison at this time, it is undoubtedly a chance for the other party.

"No, they just waited for me to do this. Believe it or not, once the two of us escaped, there must be a policeman waiting to catch us."

After Wu Tian reminded him, Qinglong realized that he was a little concerned and confused. Although it is kind, it cannot be implemented like this.

"Then shall we just wait?"

"Can only wait."

Wu Tian and the people in the police station are supposedly caring pretty well. Leaders like the chief probably wouldn't want Wu Tian to have trouble.

However, Li Zhan’s arrangements should also be very important. There must be some very reasonable rules to hold Wu Tian down for such a long time, otherwise it would not make Sun Hongsheng so difficult.

Qinglong sighed, stood at the fence and looked outside. Suddenly he started to scream, calling the police not far away.

"what are you doing?"

The policeman looked at Qinglong with a vigilant look, but Wu Tian was good to say that he looked very gentle, which was in line with his identity.

But Qinglong looked like a virtuous criminal at first glance. When he became fierce, he could almost scare people to the ground.

"Hey, police officer, you see that the people over there are beginning to come out and let the wind go. We have been here for so long. It's time to let us go out."

Qinglong didn't get angry at the policeman at this time, but started to make a hippy smile in the past, which was unexpected.

"You wait for me, I'll go and ask." The police knew that their identities were not ordinary, and he did not dare to make a decision.

But not long after he went, he came back and opened the door here.

"Go out, you can be active for an hour."

This treatment is already good, Wu Tian can finally come out to stretch and breathe in the fresh air.

"Don't say it, only when you lose your freedom will you realize how precious the sunshine outside is and how fresh the air outside is."

Wu Tian sighed and walked toward the open square with Qinglong.

There are already a lot of people gathered here in small groups.

This place is not a prison, but a temporary detention center, so there are not many people in this place, that is, twenty or thirty.

Relatively speaking, management is not that strict.

Step by step, Wu Tian walked towards the suspects who were also locked up here. After looking around, he immediately found the people who attacked him before.

Seeing Wu Tian approaching with a look of malicious intent, the few people headed by the big man started to feel a little nervous at this time.

"Mr. Wu...what do they do?"

Qinglong looked at their destination as if they were a group of people. These people looked a little bit big and thick, but they seemed very courageous.

"They were the people who wanted to kill me in the cell before. They should have done things for Li Zhan."

Wu Tianruo said nonchalantly, as if that matter was just a small matter to him.

"What?!" Qinglong blushed and his neck became thick when he heard it, and he was suddenly upset.

He rolled up his sleeves, this kind of thing was pretty good, it turned out that someone dared to think of a way to do something to Wu Tian, ​​this is simply not treating Qinglong as a person!

"Qinglong wait a minute!" Wu Tian hurriedly stopped Qinglong. If he allowed this guy to mess around with his own temper, both of them would probably be finished.

Wu Tian looked at several nearby places, and saw that there were several watchtowers on the nearby high walls. The policemen above were holding guns in their hands, carefully staring at their situation.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Qinglong dares to do something, the people above will definitely dare to hit it with a bullet.

"But Mr. Wu, you just let them bully like this. I really can't swallow this breath!" Qinglong didn't understand the truth, but this matter really made him anxious, and there was no way to suppress his anger. .

"What are you worried about? They didn't take advantage of me. Instead, they were threatened by me. Let's go. Let's go over and ask them what is going on."

Wu Tian didn't intend to come to fight, but to ask for information.

Anyway, the big guy had already said something yesterday, knowing that they were invited by Li Zhan with money, but whether there will be other information behind this, Wu Tian can know through some means.

The big man looked left and right, feeling that Wu Tian looked like he was staring at him. He swallowed fiercely and pulled a companion beside him in front of him, hoping to block himself.

But his body is really tall and it is very conspicuous in every way.

"Eh, you!" Wu Tian stretched out a finger at the big man and hooked him.

The doubts and tensions on the faces of the big man and the people around him made everyone afraid of touching themselves. God knows what this man is going to do.

"Me?" A kid pointed to his nose tremblingly. He thought Wu Tian was calling him, so his legs began to tremble with fright.

"It's not you, it's the big man, come over to me, I'll ask you something."

Wu Tian's tone is very plain, but this is also this plain, which makes these talents more nervous. Because it means they don't know what to face next.

Normal people suffer from such a thing, how many will become very angry.

But Wu Tian happened to be an alien among them, his vision was more long-term, and naturally he would not be dazzled by his momentary anger.

The big man moved step by step, Wu Tian's eyes made him afraid to not listen.

When Wu Tian approached, this big man was about to cry. Wu Tian's aura was so strong that this big man felt that he really had blood mold in his previous life, so why would he pick up this voice.

"Tell me, how did Li Zhan arrange?"

Wu Tian said coldly, he has nothing to do now anyway, listening to them, maybe he can know some other arrangements of Li Zhan.

"Yes, yes!" The strong man knelt next to him with a plop at this time. He really couldn't stand out. The huge hardcover Chinese character was actually scared by Wu Tian.

At this time, a little man ran all the way from the side, moving very quickly.

Qinglong noticed this person for the first time and realized that he seemed to be coming to Wu Tian, ​​so he took the initiative to step forward.

But when the other party was about to reach Wu Tian's side, he suddenly turned a corner and walked towards the brawny man. At the same time, a burst of light appeared on his wrist.

The battle-tested Qinglong couldn't be more familiar, this person has weapons in his hand!

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