Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1060: The black police behind the scenes

Qinglong kicked it without saying a word.

Even if he is empty-handed, he is really not afraid at all.

It's just a little unclear what this person wants to do.

When it was too late, the gangster suddenly stabbed the strong man with the knife in his hand.

It's just that although his movements are fast, Qinglong's feet are faster, kicking the weapon in his hand with one kick.

Seeing that his attack failed, the man turned around and wanted to escape. But wanting to do this kind of thing in front of Wu Tian and Qinglong is really wishful thinking.

Wu Tian had already caught up in three or two steps, and knocked him to the ground with a punch.

"This kid, still want to kill someone?" Wu Tian raised his hand and let out a voice that seemed to be disdainful.

"What's the situation?" The police ran over quickly looking at the movement here.

A police officer pointed a pistol at Wu Tian and the others and told them to step back quickly.

"Police officer, this matter has nothing to do with us."

Wu Tian quickly opened his arms, indicating that he had no weapons in his hands.

"I said step back!" The police still stared at Wu Tian nervously, and didn't know what was wrong with him. The muzzle was never aimed at other people.

Fortunately, at this time, Sun Hongsheng rushed over, and he took several people under him to control the people who made the trouble.

Then he walked to the policeman who threatened Wu Tian.

"Put down the gun!" Sun Hongsheng's voice was very determined, this time he was not joking.

"At first they had a knife in their hands..." The policeman wanted to quibble, his fingers were already at the trigger and started to move.

Perhaps if he left to live at this time, Wu Tian would die.

"Does it threaten you? What do you want to do when you take out the gun at every turn?" Sun Hongsheng stared at the policeman very domineeringly, and he found that this kid was actually quite stubborn.

It may be that feeling the strong pressure from Sun Hongsheng, the police officer can only put down the pistol in an anguish, seemingly very upset.

Sun Hongsheng looked at his expression with a cold face.

"Go to my office in a moment and hand over your gun!"

The police officer did not expect that Sun Hongsheng would actually let him hand over the gun. This is obviously not a particularly important thing...

After Sun Hongsheng finished speaking, he stopped talking to the police officer and walked to Wu Tian and the others.

"Are you okay, it was me who did not do the right thing, I apologize to you."

Sun Hongsheng said with apologetics that he really felt sorry for Wu Tian for this matter. After all, he was always pointed at his head. There was no way to accept this matter easily by whoever came.

"It's okay, you guys should investigate this person carefully. He didn't come to attack me."

Wu Tian didn't think so much when he arrived. Nowadays, many people are targeting the two of them, and they don't care about one more policeman.

"Well, don't worry. There is also your bail issue. I will notify you as soon as I make progress."

Sun Hongsheng nodded. Since Wu Tian didn't initiate the attack this time, he just subdued the prisoner, so Wu Tian and the others were not taken away, and the square quickly recovered calm.

Seeing that there were no more people, Wu Tian began to turn his attention back to the big man who was already a little scared to pee his pants.

He felt that this person must know something, that's why someone came to silence it.

"You have seen what happened just now. After people have finished with you, they just want to cross the river and demolish the bridge. Do you think it is necessary to keep secrets for such people?"

Wu Tian's words were like the whispers of the devil, bit by bit eroding the nerves of this big man.

His face was distorted at this moment, and he was probably tangled in his heart.

"If you are willing to say it, I can promise to guarantee your safety, and I can also give you three times the reward! I will triple how much your family will give you, and I will never break my promise!"

As the saying goes, there must be a brave husband under the reward.

In such a sugar-coated cannonball attack, it was both coaxing and threatening. Wu Tian almost broke this big man's psychological defense line apart, crushed it, and rubbed it wantonly, completely leaving him without any dignity. There is no room for resistance.

"I said, I said! As long as you can guarantee that I will not be attacked again! I want to live..." The big man's tears fell, and no matter how much money he earns, what is the point if he can't live.

Seeing the effect of his offensive, Wu Tian nodded with satisfaction.

"Talk about it and see what good news you can give me."

"Actually, we don't know each other, but we all came for one thing, just to keep you in this place."

While talking, the big man pointed at several companions behind him. It turned out that in order to keep it secret, they actually didn't know each other. This time they called each other by their code names.

All they know is that they all have one goal, which is to try their best to kill Wu Tian, ​​or frame him. In short, he can't let him walk out of the police station in a big way.

Of course, the remuneration that Li Zhan promised is naturally not less, each of them is one million.

These seven or eight people add up to seven or eight million. But to use this little money to buy Wu Tian's life is still a bit short.

"I'm worth the money..." Wu Tian smashed his mouth, he didn't seem very satisfied with the result.

"But it seems that there are not only a few of us. When Li Zhan told us our purpose this time, he seemed to have mentioned that there were other people in the police station who would cooperate with us."

The big man scratched his head at this time, looked around vigilantly, and made sure that no one noticed the two of them before he dared to continue.

"And this man seems to be a policeman... I'm not sure, you just say it like this, you listen like that."

Hearing the word police, Wu Tian frowned. He felt this way from the beginning, because he always felt that everything was under the control of others. Wu Tian can be said to have been passive all the time. .

"No wonder, how did I say that one link after another?" It's just that Wu Tian couldn't guess who this person was for a while. He might not be quite sure about what this big man looked like.

"This policeman, although we haven't seen him and don't know who he is, I can be sure that there is one hundred percent. Because this time the change of operation was issued by him. We did not expect that the police would cooperate with us in this way. smoothly."

Dahan's remarks can be said to reaffirm Wu Tian's idea.

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