Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1062: Study your own way of death

But the more I listened, Wu Tian's brows frowned.

He knew that this policeman must have no good intentions, but he never expected that the other party's frenzy was far beyond his imagination.

"Time is too late. I heard that you have failed several times! You must do it for me this time! I don't want to watch Wu Tian come out of that place alive!"

Li Zhan's tone was very firm, which was equivalent to giving the policeman a death order.

"Mr. Li... You are what a strong man can't afford... To be honest, you want to buy a life for a small amount of money? Not to mention Wu Tian's life?

Of course the police officer refused, but it sounded more like a bargain.

Obviously, the other party did not take Wu Tian's life into his eyes, and they cared more about whether he could get the money that belonged to him.

"The problem of money is nothing to me!" Li Zhan said indifferently. As far as this matter is concerned, problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

"Well, let's make a price, I want ten million! If you give me ten million, I will help you get rid of Wu Tian!"

The policeman also spoke a lot, but Wu Tian felt that he was a bit useless. As far as Wu Tian's fate was, if it were replaced by Li Zhan, he would give it even if it was asking for 100 million.

"Ten million is ten million, but you have to do this for me before I give you money!"

Li Zhan is certainly not a fool, he can't pay the money directly.

"That won't work, what if you kill someone later? I ask you to pay half of the advance payment!"

In the end, the policeman was not bullying. He was still in this place, and he had been involved with Li Zhan, and the two sides were unwilling to give in to each other.

In fact, it is understandable that they are all for money, one is for money to do things, the other is for money to do things.

In the end, Li Zhan had to compromise, after all, the only person he could count on now was the policeman in front of him.

"Okay, I promise you! You will receive 5 million on your account in less than five minutes! But I hope I can hear the good news today!"

With that, Li Zhan hung up with a click.

Wu Tian also put down the wiretap in his hand and gritted his teeth.

This guy, it seems really frantic.

Wu Tian didn't even think about dealing with him in this way, but instead he became Li Zhan's target and was targeted by others.

"Mr. Wu, we can't forget about this! Let me tell you that after we go out, we will go straight to his hometown!"

Qinglong raised his fist, bit his molars and said, but when he thought of this, he was full of anger.

"Relax, this Li Zhan will deal with him sooner or later, and he won't even want to run!"

Wu Tian had also made up his mind secretly, since the other party is already so open fire, then there is no need for him to hide.

It's just that their top priority is to find a way to escape from this detention center. No matter what ideas they have, there is no way to realize it.

"What way does he want to kill me?"

Wu Tian began to fall into this thinking. Although he was very smart, it was impossible to predict everything.

"I don't know... If the two of us stay in this place, I guess that the policeman can't do anything with them either."

Qinglong became confident at this moment instead. He patted his chest and said that as long as he was there, Wu Tian would never be hurt.

"Okay, just take care of yourself, and don't worry too much for me."

Wu Tian is not muddy, and his bones are not so fragile.

In this way, the two of them lay in the prison and looked at the ceiling, thinking about what kind of death they might have.

Thinking about it, Wu Tian began to notice the pipes on the ceiling above his head.

Some are coarse and some are fine, but they don't seem to have the same purpose.

And one of them, the whole body is yellow, looks very abrupt.

"Qinglong, do you see the yellow pipe on the ceiling?"

Qinglong nodded, he just glanced at it and saw it.

"What's wrong with Mr. Wu?"

"What do you say this tube is for?"

If you ask someone about this, you may not be able to ask, but when you ask about Qinglong's head, you are really asking the right person.

"You don't know this. This is actually a natural gas pipeline, but it is all very pure natural gas. I think it was..."

After Qinglong went, Wu Tian quickly stood up before he finished speaking.

He suddenly thought, since there is natural gas on the top of his head, could there be this thing under his feet?

If there is any way to kill them silently in this place, then my natural gas might be a good choice.

After all, pipelines buried in the ground are likely to fall into disrepair for a long time, leak and cause an explosion, which is inevitable.

The entire prison is very strong everywhere, and the only shortcoming seems to be this.

Wu Tian immediately became nervous. He told Qinglong of his guess, and the two immediately began to think of a solution.

Qinglong stared outside at the door, suddenly his eyes widened.

"Mr. Wu, that kid is here!"

Qinglong shouted in a low voice, and the two quickly hid inside.

It's just that the policeman did not come directly to their cell, but went to a basement.

The two looked at each other as if their guesses were getting closer, Wu Tian simply put his ears on the floor, planning to hear if there was any movement below.

Sure enough, without a while, I heard a jingling sound of tapping the pipe.

"Broken! He really planned to do this!"

Wu Tian frowned, and quickly stood up and shouted to the outside: "We're going out! I'm going to the toilet!"

The police officers on duty nearby heard the yelling and were very upset. Because Wu Tian, ​​they have been tossing a lot in the past.

"What the hell! What do you guys do?"

"Sir, police officer, I'm a little upset... I really can't hold it anymore. Look?"

There is no toilet in their cell, so you must go outside to use the toilet. This is also a perfect excuse for Wu Tian and the others to go out.

"It's a lazy donkey who grinds **** and pee! Come out!"

After speaking, the police on duty opened the door of the prison for them and pointed to a small house not far away.

"That place is the toilet! Go back quickly!"

Wu Tian and Qinglong became happier when they saw that the policeman seemed to be unable to go with them.

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