Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1063: Shot uniform

They didn't even go directly to the toilet, but when they passed the basement door, they just turned around and sneaked in.

They quietly touched the floor and leaned forward with their feet, only to see that deep inside, under Wu Tian and their prison, the traitor policeman was hitting the gas pipeline underneath with a hammer.

This basement is cold and humid, and I don't know how long it has been since no one has been here, so everything in it seems very messy.

And those pipes were covered with layers of rust because of disrepair.

It didn't look very sturdy. When the police hammered them down, there was a screaming sound from the natural gas pipeline, which seemed to be dead soon.

"My dear... he wants his life?"

Qinglong looked at this scene and couldn't help grinning.

When things became like this, no one thought it would develop like this.

"I'll go up and see! Don't move here!"

Wu Tian whispered, and then stepped on his waist, leaning toward the policeman's back step by step.

He was so focused that he didn't even notice Wu Tian and the others.

Qinglong looked at Wu Tian nervously. He was very afraid that Wu Tian would be discovered, because he was still holding a pistol around the policeman's waist.

Although I don't know how the opponent's marksmanship is, it is a big threat after all.

The police rapped again and again, stopped suddenly, and then turned back sharply.

Just watching Wu Tian approach him, both of them opened their eyes wide. They didn't expect the other to make such a move.

But even though Wu Tian was stunned for a moment, his body didn't stop. He stepped forward and hit him on the head with a punch.

The police officer was directly beaten up, followed by punches and feet, and the policeman’s arms could be almost stripped.

There would have been some fierce battles, but it was very simple.

Wu Tian investigated this policeman unilaterally. Although he has no public power, his combat strength far exceeds the level of this group of police officers.

And the police who conspired to kill him had completely lost combat effectiveness at this moment, and could no longer carry out their own plans and plans.

"You two! What are you doing here without going to the bathroom!"

The police on duty outside looked at the trajectory of the two of them, and there seemed to be something wrong, so they rushed over to check.

Instead, he saw Wu Tian fighting with the policeman, and was shocked by the scene in front of him.

"What are you doing..."

He tremblingly took out his pistol and pointed it at Wu Tian and the policeman under his body.

"Inspector Cao... why are you here?"

At this moment, the policeman who was beaten was speechless, and he couldn't respond to the questions of his colleagues.

The frightened policeman on duty hurriedly communicated with the above through the walkie-talkie at this time, and briefly talked about the situation here.

Soon, the pink team surrounded the place with a group of armed police, and Wu Tian and the police officer Cao were all taken out.

"What exactly is going on…"

Sun Hongsheng felt that his head was about to explode, but after Wu Tianyi came in, more and more things happened to him.

He is really a talent, even if he is kept in the detention center, he can continue to cause trouble.

"What's the matter? Why don't you investigate, this man ran under our house and knocked on the natural gas pipeline. Is this trying to blow up the two of us?"

Wu Tian said angrily, this matter was evidenced by human and material evidence, even if Officer Cao wanted to argue, there was nothing to do.

When Sun Hongsheng heard Wu Tian say this, he hurriedly went down to check and found that there was indeed a hammer and a damaged natural gas pipeline.

As he said, the physical evidence is there, so even if Officer Cao wants to argue, there is no convincing power.

"Okay, I will investigate now!"

Sun Hongsheng waved his hand and took the police officer Cao away, but Wu Tian and the two of them, no one was in charge anyway, they acted freely.

To be honest, every policeman trembled in his heart when he heard the news.

You know, in their detention center, if there is a life case, it is probably the entire police station that has to bear a responsibility.

From top to bottom, maybe all the main leaders will be removed.

Fortunately, Wu Tian prevented Officer Cao's behavior this time, and it can be regarded as gaining an opportunity for them, large and small cadres.

Those who hadn't had much feeling for Wu Tian, ​​at this moment involuntarily began to lean towards Wu Tian.

There has been a backlog of bail applications that have not progressed, and without the intervention of Officer Cao, recommendations have begun to advance by leaps and bounds.

Within half an hour, Sun Hongsheng came over with a bail application.

"Tell you two good news! You can be released on bail."

This incident was actually already in Wu Tian's expectation. The biggest boss in this detention center had been taken down by Wu Tian, ​​so he naturally didn't need to stay in this place anymore.

"What's the matter with that police officer?"

Wu Tian accepted the bail application and mentioned by the way.

"Under investigation, we found an unknown large amount of money in his account..."

Sun Hongsheng said with some embarrassment. After all, this matter was caused by an internal problem in their police station, and what he said was not a show-off.

Moreover, the progress of the case this time was brought to them by Wu Tian. If you rely on them alone, I am afraid there is no way to find out that there is an insider inside them.

"Well, you have to investigate it carefully." Wu Tian thought for a while, and listened to Sun Hongsheng about the recording of the police officer and Li Zhan he heard at the time.

Sun Hongsheng's eyes widened immediately. He never thought that there would be such a entanglement behind this matter.

"Mr. Wu...Can you give me this...I can use it as an investigation clue!"

Sun Hongsheng looked at the mobile phone in Wu Tian's hand excitedly. With this thing, they can now prove the crime committed by this Officer Cao.

But Wu Tian shook his head and refused directly.

"This won't work... Li Zhan is not so easy to defeat, he is not a fool! This thing can't work in your hands, so you still don't let that plan."

Although Wu Tian refused, what he said was not a deception. Sun Hongsheng knew in his heart that it was too simple for people of the level like Li Zhan to get rid of crime.

For him, such evidence is just a mosquito bite.

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