Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1069: Rising Star Project

One side succeeded in seizing power, while the other side was very busy.

Huang Lan relied on her reputation to recruit a lot of directors and producers for Wu Tian.

Most of them are people who have nothing to do with Yingdi Entertainment, and many of them are very young and talented directors.

Because they did not conform to the capital concept advocated by British Emperor Entertainment, they have been in a state where no one understands and no one is willing to invest in them.

After Huang Lan ran out of the olive branch to them, these people immediately seemed like a fish in water, and eagerly ran to meet Wu Tian.

In any case, Wu Tian can be regarded as a well-known big entrepreneur in the country. If he says he wants to prepare a film and television company, then this matter must be reliable.

Wu Tian did not expect that this decision he made would cause him such a big trouble. Because, on average, he meets dozens of people a day...

As he did not expect to be so popular, Wu Tian hasn't stopped for almost a moment in the past two or three days.

After the conversation, Wu Tian's own tongue felt like it was already dead, and he didn't know what to say. But he was in a pretty good mood, and all the circumstances showed that the path he had chosen was the right one.

As the saying goes, those who gain the way help more, and those who lose the way are few. At this moment, Wu Tian is the one who gets more.

Seeing that Wu Tian finally finished his day's work, Huang Lan hurried over and rubbed his shoulders.

"How is it? I talked recently? If there are people who can be admired, or if we feel talented, we can stay." Huang Lan's Qianqianyu hand moved back and forth on Wu Tian's shoulder, making him happy and comfortable. Extremely.

Wu Tian nodded slightly, he still had no choice but to make a decision so early.

"Walking horses and watching flowers, some are too general, I don't say it is good, who is good and who is not, I don't think it is appropriate to continue this way." Wu Tian's statement is not unreasonable, in the way he meets guests, I can't ask anything meaningful at all.

Huang Lan smiled, and didn't pay much attention to this matter. "Let you pick what you have, but you don't know how to pick it, so let me give you a suggestion."

Speaking, Huang Lan gently patted Wu Tian on the shoulder and let him lie on the sofa. Then Huang Lan kneeled and sat on Wu Tian's body, pressing his hands into fists under Wu Tian’s shoulders, giving him massage.

Huang Lan's technique is very comfortable, and it is really the first time Wu Tian has experienced such a wonderful service.

"Okay, I'm sure to listen to the suggestion from our Huang Daxing star!" Wu Tian agreed without even thinking about it.

"I haven't said anything yet." Huang Lan gently patted Wu Tian on the shoulder, then leaned over to his ear, and whispered: "You can use Hualong Film and Television's money to develop A star-making plan. For example, if a director comes over and he wants to make a movie, you can invest in him. But this investment amount, you guarantee that every step is basically around 1 million, although there is a place to lose money , There must be some who can make money."

Hearing what Huang Lan said, Wu Tian's eyes suddenly brightened, not to mention that this method is indeed good.

"It makes sense!" Wu Tian said as he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and asked Long Yun to come over and arrange the matter.

But she didn't expect that Wu Tian had forgotten that Huang Lan was still massaging her body. As a result, Long Yun came in a few minutes later and just watched them two on the sofa.

Although Wu Tian had his back facing the sky, the posture of the two of them really made it easy to think of other unsightly things.

Long Yun stood by the door and coughed slightly, reminding the people inside to act quickly.

"Come on, Long Yun, I have one thing to tell you." Wu Tian's expression of excitement was so excited that he didn't even notice what happened between him and Huang Lan.

"Please tell me, Mr. Wu." Seeing that Huang Lan had gotten off Wu Tian, ​​Long Yun was not so evasive, and strode into the room.

Wu Tian told Long Yun the plan that Huang Lan had just mentioned.

Long Yun listened to what Wu Tian said blankly, and looked at Wu Tian looking forward to her, knowing that this guy was waiting for her conclusion.

As long as Long Yun says that this matter can be done, Wu Tian estimates that it will proceed immediately.

"In a sense, this is really good for us. So many directors have no funds. If we propose this plan, it will definitely help them to a certain extent." Long Yun first affirmed, Wu Tian’s idea is indeed feasible, and it has a very positive meaning.

But not yet. When Wu Tian was happy, Long Yun immediately turned her head on her head and began to fall back.

"But don't you think this project is a bit too consuming our cash? If a film costs 1 million, you have seen dozens of directors in the past few days, wouldn't it cost tens of millions or even several Billion?"

Regardless of the cost of one, although it is not a lot, 1 million is just the price of an ordinary exoskeleton mecha for Wu Tian, ​​but when these are accumulated, this is not a small amount.

"This...but this is a long-term strategy. Although some will lose money, some will make money!" Wu Tian blinked his eyes, fantasizing that through this way of selling cute, let Long Yun agree to this. One-time funding approval.

Long Yun also had nothing to do with Wu Tian, ​​and she sighed and said, "Okay, but I can only allocate 100 million to you! If it is more, our company's operations may have problems."

Nowadays, the Wu Group companies are everywhere when they need money, so Long Yun will become cautious when doing anything, and can't let the company go into a shutdown again because of the money problem.

"Great!" Taking advantage of this happy energy, Wu Tian quickly called Wu Zaiyao over and asked her to quickly report the matter into several articles.

Soon, Hualong Film and Television's new star plan to support young directors came on stage. For a while, there was a violent discussion in the entire film and television circle.

In the past, in the entertainment industry of China's film and television industry, if you want to make a movie, you must have a relationship, and you can get investment before you can shoot.

But now they don't have to worry about this. As long as they have a good work, they can come to Wu Tian to apply for a million or more.

Although the money is not a lot, it has already given them a huge help to many shy young directors.

For a time, public opinion on the Internet immediately began to turn.

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