Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1070: Thoughts of the Cultural Affairs Bureau

The public opinion suddenly turned, like a butterfly in the Pacific, flapping its wings.

In the entire field of film and television, a storm was caused, and a violent conflict between the change of new ideas and the old ideas began to erupt.

Gradually, the companies, celebrities, and even the people in the TV station in the entertainment circle that had been criticized by the Wu Group Company before, began to talk about Wu Tian's good words.

People who are angry are of course really angry. Some old-school people think that Wu Tian is trying to change their old rules and devour their interests.

For a time, the two voices began to quarrel up on the Internet, and no one could convince anyone.

As the center of public opinion, the Wu Group Company began to make a fortune in the process.

As soon as the information about the Rising Star Project came out, the director immediately began to ask for the 1 million investment.

Wu Tian was also very happy and passed the application. Of course, the money was not given for nothing, but was counted as shares.

When this movie is shown in cinemas or on the Internet, 45% of the income he earns belongs to the Wu Group.

This ratio is indeed very high, but compared with the previous British Emperor Entertainment Company's rake, it has a lot of conscience.

All kinds of directors came here for a while, almost breaking the threshold of Hualong Entertainment. Wu Tian was very keen and felt that this was a tiring job, so after dealing with a few cases, he immediately let go. .

At the same time, Wu Tian is advancing forward, while Yingdi Entertainment's share price has dropped accordingly.

The capitals probably thought that Wu Tian's model was more promising, so they sold off Yingdi Entertainment's stock one after another. The shareholders on the board of directors are painful one by one.

Their market value of hundreds of billions of dollars just got in their hands, and they didn't heat up for a few days before they all fell off.

It's like a gambler, he put all his net worth on it, and then he lost so much.

The shareholders were all anxious like ants on a hot pot, but He Wenjia, the head of British Emperor Entertainment, was not in a hurry at all.

Zhang Zerui has fully told He Wenjia of their plan, and now He Wenjia is also an extension of Zhang Zerui's will.

He knew very well in his heart that since Zhang Zerui was able to kill Li Zhanhao, he would definitely be able to kill him. Since he has already wade through this muddy water, then this matter must be done to the end.

Of course, the stock should fall as much as possible. Only in this way can it be considered in Zhang Zerui's interests.

Also anxious, there is another cultural bureau that is developing the film and television industry park with Yingdi Entertainment.

The director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau is now in desperation. Hearing that Yingdi Entertainment's stock price has fallen sharply, he immediately realized that they might have a miscarriage in this project.

"Director Wang, the Finance Bureau said that we want us to come up with the plan for the film and television industry park as soon as possible. Otherwise, this project will have to be reconsidered."

The secretary took an official document and walked into the office of the Director of the Cultural Bureau.

He handed the document to Director Wang and looked at him worried and asked with some worry: "Director Wang, are you still worried about Yingdi Entertainment?"

"Yeah, they said they would get back to us soon, but this Li Zhan is now actually not answering my phone, calling their company, and saying that he is not there!" Thinking of this, Director Wang felt upset in his heart. .

This project was originally pretty good, and it is a very promising project. Director Wang also wants to do this well and earn a little reputation for himself.

But who would have thought that everything is done, just waiting for the approval of the project, as a result, the British Emperor Entertainment has nothing to do... You say this is annoying.

The secretary looked at Director Wang so persistent, and she had something to say, and she didn't know if she should say it.

Seeing him hesitating, Director Wang waved his hand at him, "If you have anything, you don't need to hide it."

"Director Wang, you may not pay attention to online news recently. The Hualong Entertainment in our city is said to have a new star project. Many people are touting it! I think this project is a big deal for us. challenge."

The secretary also said whatever he wanted. The current trend of public opinion on the Internet has changed rapidly. The fact that their project went online at this time is a bit of sailing against the current.

"Anything else?"

Director Wang looked at the secretary in disbelief. He quickly turned on the computer, checked the latest news, and found that this was indeed the case.

"If that's the case...we shouldn't give up this project!"

Director Wang not only didn't get frustrated by this news, but he strengthened his belief even more.

"What do you mean by this?" The secretary found it a little difficult to understand. Logically speaking, it is more appropriate to wait and see for a while.

"You don't understand this. The more so, it means that the British Emperor Entertainment needs us right now. As soon as our Cultural Bureau cooperates with them, we will definitely be able to make this project popular! By then, the whole country will be Focus on our s market."

When talking about this, Director Wang's eyes were glowing, and it was obvious that he was very, very concerned about this matter.

Although the secretary did not particularly agree, he felt that he was no longer suitable to say anything, so he nodded and said nothing.

At this moment, someone came and knocked on the door. The secretary went to open the door and was surprised to find that there was a tall, thin man in a suit standing outside.

With a briefcase in his hand, he was looking inside.

"Hello... who are you?"

The secretary asked tentatively. He thought that this person should probably be from a certain company.

"Hello, hello, introduce yourself, I am the current acting chairman of Yingdi Entertainment, and my name is He Wenjia."

When he heard this, Director Wang, who was walking behind, jumped up and ran over with excitement.

"Are you here to sign the contract! Oh, I really waited for you for too long!"

Director Wang excitedly shook hands with He Wenjia, his tears were about to come down, he looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally brought the people from the British Emperor Entertainment Company to hope.

It seems that they really felt the huge threat from the outside, and knew that they had to come to cooperate with them, and that was the only solution.

He Wenjia hurriedly nodded her head back, and then solemnly took out the documents in her briefcase.

"Director Wang, this is a project plan made by our company. Please have a look."

"Well, you don't have to go through it, let's talk about this project!"

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