Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1071: Crumpled letter

After He Wenjia left Director Wang’s office, the two of them had already signed the contract.

Although the above amount did not meet Zhang Zerui's expectations, it was still as high as 150 billion.

In other words, the Cultural Affairs Bureau will promise to invest 150 billion yuan in their film and television industry park project, and the operation and construction of this project will be entrusted to Yingdi Entertainment.

No one can see this project. Director Wang is ambitious, but there are still some people who have expressed their opinions.

After all, Wu Tian and their success have proven that networking is now an inevitable trend.

The investment in the construction of such a large-scale film and television industrial park gives people the feeling that they are driving backwards, facing the general trend.

It's just that Director Wang, the director of the City Cultural Bureau, under his forced promotion, this matter was approved.

The news did not spread on a particularly large scale in the newspapers, and the only news was just such a sentence on a small page.

But it was such a small piece of news that Wu Tian still knew.

Wu Tian frowned slightly looking at the palm-sized news in the newspaper.

"It seems that their project still has to go on..."

Originally, Wu Tian thought that this matter should be pornographic, but wherever he wanted it, the other party actually resorted to some means to bring him back to life.

Moreover, the Cultural Affairs Bureau promised to invest 150 billion yuan, and the money will most likely enter the hands of Zhang Zerui and Li Zhan.

"It seems that the mind of the Cultural Affairs Bureau... isn't that clear, don't they even understand this simple thing?"

Long Yun made no secret of her contempt for the director of the Cultural Bureau, but fortunately, she said in their company that it doesn't make much sense to be heard by others.

Wu Tian waved his hand, thought for a while, and said four words: "Care is chaos."

It can be said that these four words perfectly fit Director Wang's state.

He values ​​this matter so much that he has no way to think and look at it seriously now. It is natural to make such a decision, and it is not so difficult to understand.

"Mr. Wu, then this matter has nothing to do with us. Anyway, we have already withdrawn from the stock market."

Long Yun didn't worry about this at all. Even if the money was sacked, it would be of no use, and it had nothing to do with them.

"That's how it is said, but where did the cultural bureau's money come from? It's not the tax we paid in!"

Wu Tian didn't feel sorry for the money, he just didn't want Zhang Zerui and the others to take the money to increase their strength.

Moreover, such a large-scale waste, once it is publicized, I am afraid that the director of city s will definitely be dismissed for investigation.

Just as a kind reminder, Wu Tian thought about it and decided to write a letter to this Director Wang.

In recent years, fewer and fewer people write letters, and even this behavior is more symbolic than practical.

"Long Yun, you send this letter of mine to the Cultural Bureau and hand it to the director."

Wu Tian wrote some of his own opinions in this letter. As for whether the director will read or not, or accept or not accept his own ideas, it is not something Wu Tian can control.

"I think you are superfluous." Long Yun took the line, but still thought that Wu Tian was a waste of time.

Wu Tian shrugged his shoulders: "Let me do my little effort. As for success or failure, it depends on God's good fortune."

This letter carrying Wu Tian's advice soon appeared in Director Wang's office.

The secretary took this letter and looked at the inscription on it, lost in thought, he began to hesitate whether to hand this letter to Director Wang.

Because Director Wang has devoted himself to the project of this film and television industry park now, and it seems that he doesn't have much idea to consider other things.

Moreover, the inscription on this letter is from Wu Tian, ​​the boss of the Wu Group.

This is the rival of Yingdi Entertainment. To give this letter to Director Wang is not equivalent to letting Director Wang slap her face.

After much deliberation, the secretary also felt very entangled.

At this time, Director Wang pushed the door and walked in, glanced at the secretary, and found that his face was wrinkled like a bitter gourd.

"What's the matter with you? Have you eaten Huanglian?"

Director Wang has been in a very good mood recently. On the one hand, his wish is finally fulfilled. On the other hand, the city seems to take this matter as an assessment. If the project is done well, Director Wang is likely to be promoted.

"The Secretary has a letter for you."

The secretary thought twice and decided to pass this letter out. As Director Wang couldn't read it, it had nothing to do with him.


The novice Director Wang received the letter and opened the envelope without looking carefully at the signature.

There are indeed few people writing letters these years, and Director Wang also finds it very novel.

I opened it and found that it was written by Wu Tian. There was a large article on it, to the effect that Zhang Zerui and Li Zhan were partnering to deceive the Cultural Affairs Bureau.

This is indeed a fact, and what Wu Tian said is all right.

It's just a pity that Director Wang smiled after reading it and crumpled the letter into a ball and threw it in the wastebasket.

"Deceptive tricks, ignore him."

Director Wang smiled, he didn't take this matter to heart at all, and he returned to his job.

The secretary looked at his back, then looked at the crumpled letter, and picked it up while Director Wang was not paying attention.

He surreptitiously read the contents, his face turned pale.

If this matter is true, then their Cultural Affairs Bureau is really miserable. This is not a small amount. Most of the 150 billion funds came from the Finance Bureau of S City.

If all this money is lost... Let alone anything else, the Bureau of Finance will first have trouble with them, and the municipal government of s will probably send someone down to hold them accountable.

Thinking of this scene, the secretary suddenly began to get goose bumps all over, he didn't want his job to be kept.

Moreover, Director Wang is now oblivious to his own way, not listening to anyone who says. If this continues, problems will only happen sooner or later.

After thinking about it, the secretary focused his gaze on Wu Tian's signature. He determined to meet this man himself.

Since Director Wang didn't have much interest in what Wu Tian said, Wu Tian didn't have the heart to remind him.

Anyway, he has done everything he can do, and when there is a problem, it is his own business.

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