Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1072: The sudden appearance of the military

Since Director Wang didn't have much interest in what Wu Tian said, Wu Tian didn't have the heart to remind him.

Anyway, he has done everything he can do, and when there is a problem, it is his own business.

Huadao began to return to its former calm again. Seeing nothing happened, Wu Tianxin felt pretty beautiful.

As a result, within two days, the Tiejun led hundreds of soldiers and suddenly landed on Huadao by helicopter, and immediately prepared to control Huadao as soon as they came out.

Su Cancan immediately sounded the alarm for the entire Huadao and mobilized everyone.

Ordinary employees were told that this was an exercise, so they put down their work and began to hide in the underground air-raid shelter.

Wu Tian was originally resting in his room, and when he heard this movement, he was immediately awakened from the bed.

"What's the matter?" Wu Tian quickly called Long Yun.

Long Yun was actually at a loss at this time. She just knew that someone had appeared on Huadao and seemed to have control over them.

"I don't know what's going on. It's from the army. They are now taking over our main control room."

"Huh?" Wu Tian was completely stunned. His relationship with the military is still good. How could such a thing happen suddenly.

He quickly put on his clothes, and then ran out in a hurry.

Just in the corridor, I ran into Captain Luo Huaicheng.

"What's the situation? I heard that you are taking over my flower island." Wu Tian was still the same as before, so kindly walked towards Luo Huaicheng, and wanted to ask him.

But Luo Huaicheng's face was stern and directly blocked Wu Tian's path.

"Wu Tian! You are now suspected of concealing major military information!"

"What?" Wu Tian was confused again.

When did he come into contact with military intelligence? Wu Tian can't understand what Luo Huaicheng is saying now.

"Please come with us, Chief Tie is waiting for you outside now!" Luo Huaicheng looked around for a while, and when he was sure there were no other people, he approached Wu Tian and stuck it to his ear. Whispered: "You are in big trouble!"

Wu Tian was a little unbelievable. During this period of time, he honestly got into trouble. This thing seems to be something wrong.

"Why don't I know at all? You revealed to me what happened to the Iron Army this time?"

Luo Huaicheng's eyes were pitiful, and he sighed and shook his head.

"Oh, let me tell you a little piece of news. It seems that there was something wrong with the action. Chief Tie is angry right now, so maybe he is going to have the operation on you. If you have any handle, I advise you to deal with it early s method."

Having said so much, Luo Huaicheng also knew that this was what he could tell Wu Tian, ​​so he quickly took him outside.

As Wu Tian walked, he was thinking in his mind what exactly had offended this iron army. But thinking about it, it seems that it is the second girl.

He brought the second girl back, but he didn't tell the Tiejun because he was afraid that the Tiejun would take the second girl away.

Is it possible that the Iron Army already knew about this now? Wu Tian felt that maybe it was really possible. After all, when he was investigating spies before, Wu Tian also found out that there were spies from the Iron Army on Hua Island who had been investigating intelligence.

It was just that Wu Tian felt that he had to maintain a certain degree of openness to the Tiejun, so he didn't take this to heart.

Now it seems that Tie Jun should have known the existence of Er Niu a long time ago, but he knew whether he knew Er Niu's special ability, this was very doubtful.

And Wu Tian quickly rescued the murderous Iron Army.

His current mood really looks very bad, the old man with a face drawn, he basically smiled when he saw Wu Tian before.

"Oh, isn't this Captain Tetsu? Why do you have the time to come to me? I really missed to welcome..." Wu Tian hurriedly greeted him, since he already knows the old guy's mood now It's not good, he still wants to coax first before talking as much as possible.

Tie Jun glanced at Wu Tian coldly, staring that he couldn't speak in an instant. To be honest, Wu Tian at this time had a feeling of being in court. Tie Jun seemed to be deciding on Wu Tian now. Processing method.

"Let's talk, what have you done?" Tie Jun's voice was still so calm, but there was a faint smell of explosion in the words.

Wu Tian swallowed and looked at the soldiers around him.

"Don't you know everything you should know? The character of Captain Tie must know something before coming to me."


The Tie Jun suddenly yelled, shocking Wu Tian.

"I'm asking you, do you know what I am here for?"

Wu Tian seemed very innocent. He was not a second girl, so how could he know what others thought.

"This... don't you think it's a bit difficult for a strong person? You can do whatever you want, just come to my flower island to shit, I have nothing to say."

In Wu Tian's words, of course, he was arguing against this old guy. Don't think the Iron Army was very powerful and powerful, but Wu Tian wouldn't give him a good face when he shouldn't.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, and give me the little girl that I brought back from Eagle Nation!" The Tie Jun didn't hide it now. He came this time to take away the second one. Girl.

"What? You want to take her away? No! The reason why I don't want to tell you her existence is because I'm afraid you take it away!" Wu Tiandang was about to shake his head like a rattle, and said that he didn't want to agree to this. Claim.

It's just that Wu Tian's disagreement doesn't seem to change much.

Because at this moment, Wu Tianzheng watched Luo Huaicheng lead a few people and pulled the two girls out of the base.

The two girls are trying to find a way to constantly struggle, but there are a few powerful men around him, and his struggle is nothing but futile in their eyes.

"You let her go!" Wu Tian yelled at Tie Jun, unable to stop the emotions in his heart when he saw this scene.

Tie Jun was taken aback. He had never thought that Wu Tian would dare to scold him. He was really too courageous.

"Don't talk nonsense, I must take this woman away!" Tie Jun waved his hand without saying a word, and Luo Huaicheng began to take the second girl onto the helicopter.

Saying that they turned around and were leaving, how could Wu Tian allow us to leave like this, and rushed to stop the Tiejun.

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