Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1074: Agent team lost contact

The security team quickly withdrew, and they also knew that there was no point in continuing to stop here, and their vitality was simply not worth mentioning in front of the military.

It may take less than a minute, and my side will be wiped out.

As for Wu Tian and Er Niu, at this moment, after all, they were sent directly to the secret military base by helicopter.

For reasons of confidentiality, Wu Tian's eyes were blindfolded. He didn't know how long it had passed or where he went.

When he could see outside, he found that he was already inside a military base.

The guards in this place are very strict, which is equivalent to five steps, one guard and ten steps, and there are soldiers in military uniforms walking around and patrolling.

The Tie Jun beckoned Wu Tian and called him over.

"Don't you want to see, now I'm bringing you here."

The Iron Army pointed to this military base, and then a door opened in front of them.

Wu Tian looked inside and found that there were some equipment everywhere inside, and he couldn't say what it was for, but it looked dazzling and spectacular.

Er Niu was still struggling at this moment, it took several soldiers to hold him alone.

Wu Tian couldn't bear to see her in such pain, so the soldiers who walked over said, "Let him go, because I won't run away with her."

The soldiers will be suspicious, and they don't know whether what Wu Tian said is true or false, but if she is let go, the responsibility for Er Niu's escape must be on their heads.

The Iron Army nodded to these soldiers, and then let go of the two girls.

After the two girls regained their freedom, they rushed to Wu Tian's side, grabbed his clothes tightly and said not to let go.

It can be seen that she was really frightened.

"Go in, you'll know when you get inside."

The Iron Army didn't say much, but just led the way.

There are a lot of medical equipment in the base, and there are also some doctors in white coats walking back and forth.

When the next room has a transparent window through the corridor, you can see the situation inside.

Many doctors are testing and studying the bodies of the biochemical fighters, but none of these studies are harmful.

Those people are lying on the bed, and the doctor is holding various instruments and gestures on them, studying the difference between them and ordinary people.

And where did their power and those special abilities come from.

After seeing the back, Wu Tian didn't notice any obvious actions that could cause harm to people.

"Now that's it? Do you still think we will hurt her?"

Wu Tian faltered, he couldn't answer this question from the Tiejun.

"That might be... just in case you show me only the surface."

Wu Tian stiffened his neck, and he was unwilling to admit his mistakes. The Iron Army laughed. The army liked such people, had its own principles, and was able to stick to it.

"Don't worry, we are not fools either. If every person studying it has to cause harm to it, wouldn't we only have to study it once?"

This is true. These biochemical and genetic warriors have learned that it is very difficult. If they are killed, it will be a real waste.

"Then why did you release number one?"

Wu Tian had this suspicion from the beginning, he just thought that even if the Tiejun could give up No.1, could that also put down the second girl.

"I don't think it is necessary, because I think you are more important than number one."

Tie Jun also made no secret of it. He knew which was more important and which was more important.

"Come on, I'll take you to see one thing."

With that said, Tie Jun took Wu Tian into a small room with a row of tables and chairs in the middle, which looked like a small meeting room.

A projector hung on the ceiling, and Tiejun turned on the projector.

Other related people have been driven out, only Wu Tiantiejun and Er Niu are left.

Soon a picture appeared on the wall, showing a line of soldiers looking like soldiers, sorting out their equipment.

Although he doesn't know what these people are going to do, Wu Tian knows what tasks they are going to perform.

And the figure of Tiejun also appeared in the picture, he seemed to be mobilizing these people before the war.

"This is the special agent squad of our special response team. Two days ago, I sent them to perform a secret mission! But after they got there, they lost contact and have not responded yet."

Tie Jun's expression began to become solemn, and it could be seen that this incident dealt a great blow to him.

"Is it impossible..."

Wu Tian had a bold guess. He could almost feel why the Iron Army reacted so violently to this matter.

I'm afraid it might not be the goal of their special agent team, which is the base of Guangyao Company...

"Yes! I really accompany them to destroy this so-called Guangyao company."

The Iron Army can be regarded as directly admitted.

"My God, what are you doing? Send them to die? Do you know what it is!"

Wu Tian felt that this matter was very outrageous, and Tie Jun made this decision without even discussing it with him.

If Wu Tian had reported all the reports he described at the beginning, the number of biochemicals underneath would have to be hundreds, if not to mention, it would be idiotic if they wanted to destroy this base with their No. 20 people.

"They are also very powerful players. Don't underestimate this special agent team! I was able to send them there for this reason! But he has completely lost contact now. I don't even know if they are alive or dead..."

This is what really made the Tiejun heart and lungs. Even if it was to give him a message that the spy team had been wiped out, the Tiejun was relatively more accepting.

But if there is no news, people will continue to fall into conjecture.

The end result of guessing and guessing is that people will go crazy.

Thinking of this, Wu Tian probably understood what was going on.

He rolled his eyes a few times and looked at Tie Jun and suddenly said, "I want to make a deal with you."

"Deal?" Tie Jun was a little at a loss. At this time, why would Wu Tian trade with him? What could he trade with him.

Wu Tian nodded, making sure that these two words were correct.

"I will check this out for you, but relatively, you have to let the second girl go. I will never ask about him again."

Tie Jun looked at Wu Tian solemnly, presumably he didn't know at this moment whether he should trust Wu Tian or not.

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