Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1075: Investigate again

Tie Jun looked at Wu Tian solemnly, presumably he didn't know at this moment whether he should trust Wu Tian or not.

But this temptation was too great for him. After weighing the pros and cons of both sides, Tie Jun finally agreed to Wu Tian's request.

"Okay! I am willing to facilitate this transaction for you!" Tie Jun nodded and agreed to this matter. The reason why he was so anxious to arrest the second girl was because he wanted to ask about the specific situation of the base.

See if there is any situation they haven't grasped, and then figure out a way to see if the agent team can be rescued.

Now that Wu Tian is willing to take the initiative to invite Ying, it is of course better, even a lot less.

It's just that time is too tight. Wu Tian didn't even have time to return to Huadao, and directly took Er Niu on the plane to Britain.

The development was so rapid before and after that Er Niu didn't understand it till now. But she didn't need to understand anything, only knew that she could hold Wu Tian's clothes tightly.

He is safe with Wu Tian. Regarding this point, Er Niu knew better than anyone.

"You must have been terrified just now, but now it's okay. With me, they won't bully you again!"

Wu Tian touched Er Niu's head with pity, this little guy really makes people feel so cute, no one can help but want to sympathize with her.

Er Niu happily held Wu Tian's arm and rubbed it, like a kitten.

After spending a few hours on the plane, the two of them again quietly set foot on British soil.

Just as soon as Wu Tian just landed, he turned on his phone and found that he received a call.

The key is that this phone number made Wu Tian feel very strange, it was Mr. Chu calling.

After thinking about it again and again, Wu Tian took the second girl and hid in a corner, and then he answered the phone.

"It's me Wu Tian."

"Thank God, you are finally contacted! Are you in the UK? Do you want me to pick you up!"

Mr. Chu was so enthusiastic that Wu Tian felt a bit strange to the enthusiastic Wu Tian. He obviously didn't ask Mr. Chu, but why did he take the initiative to contact him?

"No need...I have a place to go now, so I won't bother you."

Since Mr. Chu had also helped himself a lot, Wu Tian couldn't refuse directly.

Mr. Chu is still reluctant, and continues to promote his plan to Wu Tian: "What are you talking about? Tell me where I have sent someone out to pick you up. It just happens that I have something to do with you these days. Let’s talk about it, the two of us are eating and talking today."

Wu Tian always felt that something was amiss, and Mr. Chu did not seem to be such a person. Although the relationship between the two of them is good, I am afraid it is not for this purpose.

But because Mr. Chu was so enthusiastic, Wu Tian knew that if he didn't say anything, the other party would definitely refuse to hang up on this call.

He looked at a coffee shop not far from the road, and told Mr. Chu the location of the coffee shop.

The two quickly hung up the phone, but Wu Tian did not go to the cafe, but found a very hidden place to observe.

Sure enough, there was no time for two minutes before and after, a group of people in black suddenly jumped out from some places nearby.

Their dresses are almost exactly the same as those of the group that chased Wu Tian before, and it seems that Wu Tian's worries are indeed met.

"Grandma's, as expected!"

Wu Tian slammed the ground fiercely. Seeing that this situation was out of confinement, he should have been in contact with Guangyao Company.

Although I don't know if his intention is good or bad, I am afraid I can't trust anyone in the UK now.

The most urgent task is to find a place to stay, and then find a way to go to the base of Guangyao Company.

Although the men in black did not find Wu Tian, ​​they immediately began to conduct interrogation nearby. Because they can still track Wu Tian's cell phone signal now.

Only after they went through several blocks in a row, they found that the phone signal was coming from inside the river. Several people in black were holding the railing and looking into the river. They found a paper box floating on the river, and Wu Tian’s cell phone Just put it in the paper box and drift along the water...

Of course, this little trick could not be hidden from Wu Tian's eyes. When he saw the black man, he immediately realized that his mobile phone was no longer safe, so he quickly did such a small treatment.

And he himself has gone a long way with Er Niu and is buying a new mobile phone in a mobile phone shop.

Putting on a new suit, the brand new image is almost unrecognizable.

"Remember, the two of us must never reveal our identities here! If anyone wants to arrest us, you must tell me the first time!"

Wu Tian cautiously asked Er Niu, and he discovered at this time that it was really convenient for the consciousness in the brain to communicate.

Just talk about something important, and don’t worry about being heard by others.

Er Niu nodded heavily, indicating that she completely obeyed Wu Tian's command.

With clothes, this is just the beginning. Wu Tian went to buy a second-hand car. The two of them couldn't walk on their feet.

Sometimes it is inconvenient to take public transportation.

When the people in black were searching for the two of them in the city, Wu Tian and Er Niu had already swaggered into the vicinity of Guangyao Company.

They didn't intend to hide anything at all, they just went in directly and honestly.

As a result, no one searched them in this place. Perhaps this confirmed what is called the most dangerous place is the safest place.

The enemy might not have thought that Wu Tian would directly choose to go to their lair this time.

Outside of the Guangyao company, there is no seriousness, everything seems so peaceful and ordinary.

There is not much difference in peacetime.

"It's weird, didn't it mean that someone was sent over to destroy it..." Wu Tian muttered in the distant car. He really couldn't understand why no trace was left.

Is it possible that the people in the special agent team have evaporated from the world? This is obviously impossible.

While he was guessing, Er Niu suddenly pulled Wu Tian's clothes.

"'s painful..." she explained with great effort, and pointed in the direction of the underground.

Wu Tian looked at Er Niu and then at Guangyao Company.

"You mean, there are people in their underground facilities that are in great pain now? Are they from the secret agent team?"

Wu Tian's face was surprised, and he didn't expect Er Niu to really come in handy! It was really the right thing to bring her here.

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