Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1077: The battle in the surveillance room

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is also the safest place. I am afraid that few companies in the world will install surveillance in the surveillance room.

Moreover, most of the current surveillance rooms are unmanned, and no one needs to watch. The monitoring room in this place is the same. The messy ground is full of wires, and rows of screens are hung on the walls.

These screens cover almost every inch and corner of the entire surface building of Guangyao Company.

You can see clearly through these pictures on the screen.

After Wu Tian entered, he first hid in a dark corner. He did not rush to act, but first planned to check if there was any movement.

The patrols outside have already walked two or three times. Although they will patrol outside, they don't seem to walk into this room to check.

Wu Tian was relieved now, so he devoted his attention to these monitors.

If you knew that you should bring one more person, leave one person here to check the monitoring, and the other person might be more convenient to act.

After fiddling with the surveillance computer here, Wu Tian found that he seemed to be able to investigate the surveillance video here a few days ago.

Because according to Tiejun's statement, the last operation seemed to have been carried out a few days ago.

Wu Tian hurried back to the front and found something wrong.

Because many cleaning workers appeared in the surveillance to clean up these surveillance images.

Moving forward, the inside of the monitor display was completely dark, which lasted for several hours.

Putting all these things together, Wu Tian discovered that there were really some clues in it.

When the agents of the special agent team were on the offensive, the first thing they did was spray all these monitors with black paint.

This is tantamount to ruining their eyes, but in the back, although the picture is dark, Wu Tian can hear the sound in some monitored places.

The attack of the special agent team seemed to be severely hindered, and screams continued to be heard.

Two or three hours before and after, Wu Tian heard the sound of the opening and closing of the door, and he knew that someone must have brought these agents to the ground.

I don’t know if they are alive or dead at this time...

After several hours, everything has returned to calm, and the surveillance has begun to be scrubbed clean again. The entire Guangyao company is as usual, as if nothing happened.

"Oh, this is hard to do..."

Wu Tian sighed, he still didn't know what to do with a sad face.

The other party made himself like an iron king, with just one entrance and exit, how could he get in?

As he was talking, suddenly a black image behind him was like a cheetah rushing for food, and Wu Tian rushed over from a corner of the monitoring room.

Wu Tian was caught off guard by the person behind him and grabbed his neck and head. He immediately realized that it was not good, so he tensed the muscles of his whole body and grasped the opponent's arm tightly with both hands.

This posture is very easy to be killed by people. When the head and neck are grasped, the cervical spine will be twisted if the opponent twists.

But Wu Tian is not a fool, he will not stand there so dumb and be beaten by others.

So he resisted desperately, Wu Tian even grabbed the man's clothes and hooked his neck with his feet, and used the strength of feeding him to move forward.

Someone else was thrown into a corner in this posture, but he still held Wu Tian's head tightly without letting go.

The two people twisted each other on the ground in a very awkward posture, as if to rely on their brute force to come to a showdown.

Mainly, Wu Tian felt very surprised. He had also practiced before, especially Alien Boxing, and he was even more proficient.

It happened that such a power as him not only didn't take advantage of this person, but there was no way to escape his shackles at all.

The other party probably also looked surprised, because he also didn't expect Wu Tian to be so tough, usually a means of killing the enemy, and it turned into a tug of war here.

Who is this person? Is Guangyao's biochemical man?

At this moment, Wu Tian began to guess the identity of this person with his little thinking ability left.

Could it be that you have been discovered? But this is a little unlikely. This person appeared silently, and even a sensitive person like Wu Tian didn't hear his movement.

If Guangyao Company discovered Wu Tian, ​​it would definitely be impossible to catch him with such a small battle.

But if it is not the person from Guangyao Company, then who is this person?

Wu Tian was almost exhausted from exhaustion at this moment. He blushed with a thick neck, exhausted the last trace of strength in his body, and shouted viciously at the enemy: "Your uncle!"

The other party was visibly stunned. Wu Tian didn't know if he was shocked by his own curse. Anyway, he seized this opportunity.

Taking advantage of the opponent's stunned, Wu Tian hit him in the face with a punch, and then kicked his feet away from the man's control.

It doesn't count that Wu Tian just punched and kicked in the past. The opponent now has nothing to fight but not fight back.

"I thought it was such a powerful character! The result was so simple that it broke my work!"

Wu Tianxin was also very excited. Although he didn't understand why, he at least knew that the situation before him was good news for him.

"Chinese? Or British?"

The other party's voice was very deep, but the spoken language was also Huaxia. Now Wu Tian was also stunned. What happened? Can speak Chinese, are you Chinese or living in the UK?

"Who are you?"

Wu Tian asked vigilantly, the two of them dare not do it lightly now. Both sides know that the identity of each other may not be that simple.

In order not to expose himself, Wu Tian would definitely not be able to reveal his identity first.

"You can't control it!"

The other party was also a dead duck and said nothing, and the two of them just got on the bar.

Staring at each other for almost an hour, Wu Tian sighed at this time.

"Well, I lost..."

He really didn't expect that the other party was even better than him, so he stared at each other with Wu Tian without blinking.

The key is that Wu Tian looked at the clothes on this man, dirty and torn, and felt like a tramp, but the tramp certainly didn't have such skills.

"My name is Wu Tian and I am from Huaxia."

As for what he was doing here, Wu Tian certainly couldn't tell his mission.

It was enough for him to reveal so much information. The other party squinted his eyes and looked up and down Wu Tian, ​​and finally fixed his gaze on her face.

"It turns out that Wu Tian is you!"

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