Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1078: The only survivor

Hearing this, the other party seems to know his name.

Wu Tian also became interested, because the other party had already withdrawn his fists and made it clear that he didn't seem to be too wary of Wu Tian. In this case, Wu Tian also reciprocated, but the two parties shook hands instead.

"I can't tell you my name or who I am."

I was expecting the other party to say his name, but Wu Tian got such a result...

"Are you playing with me?"

Wu Tian was very angry, but he actually couldn't do anything about this man with such a rogue thing.


The other party's explanation is also very simple.

But even if he didn't say anything, Wu Tian felt that he would definitely find some clues.

He took a closer look at the clothes on the opponent, which seemed to resemble civilians.

The things that ordinary people wear on the street outside are nothing special.

Moreover, his appearance is also very ordinary, neither handsome nor ugly. In short, he can't be found out by throwing it into the crowd.

Wu Tian suddenly realized that such a person might be exactly what Wu Tian was looking for.

Generally speaking, in many places, when you choose an agent, you will choose the kind of person who attracts the attention of others.

Especially not too handsome or too ugly, ordinary is their best disguise.

Secondly, the clothes worn by this person are also very ordinary, which precisely meets the needs of the previous special agent team in this battle.

This is the away game. It is impossible for the special agent team to wear their uniforms to act here, so they can only choose ordinary clothes, because it is easy to hide their identities.

Wu Tian decided to test it out to see if the other party was as he had imagined.

"I see! Your mission failed, so hide in this place! Where are your teammates?"

Wu Tian was not eager to verify the identity of this person, but said something like this.

The other party looked shocked, but then his expression fell into pain, as if Wu Tian poked something sad in his heart.

"You... how do you know..."

Wu Tian knew that his method had worked. Needless to say, the other party reacted like this, that is, the person from the special agent team he was looking for.

"I was sent by the Iron Army myself."

Wu Tian didn't say much, just when he mentioned the word Tiejun, the other party already understood it.

The two people hugged together with tears in their eyes, as if they met old friends in another country.

The other party's emotions were about to collapse, and he tightly grasped Wu Tian's arm.

"Why are you here..."

He was crying while talking, and he could see that it was really pitiful.

"I haven't eaten or drink for two days... It doesn't matter, the key is my brothers!"

Listening to this survivor speaking so sadly, Wu Tian quickly helped him to the side and comforted him first.

"Don't worry, what's the matter slowly, tell me what's going on." Wu Tian took out his phone and pressed the record button. It is necessary to record what happened before, so that if something happens to them, they can also send this information out to let the Iron Army know.

It turned out that this survivor was indeed a member of the special agent team, named Zhao Hui. Their party was originally twelve people and decided to completely destroy the base of Guangyao Company.

And Zhao Hui was one of the blasters. After the operation started, he was responsible for installing explosives in various places in this Guangyao company, but after he had installed them, he found that all of his companions had disappeared.

And where they fought, they left pools of blood stains. Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei immediately understood that his companions had been taken away.

So he immediately hid and came to this monitoring room.

During this process, Zhao Hui was accidentally injured. Although he wanted to find his companion, he had this heart but didn't have this power.

It should have been two days before, but Zhao Hui no longer had any expectations for this matter in his heart.

He couldn't get in touch with his superiors, and he felt that he was going to die here. After tonight, regardless of success or failure, he will go out and try, even if he is dead, he will die on the way to save his teammates.

But at this time, Wu Tian suddenly appeared. When Wu Tian just came in, Zhao Hui hadn't noticed Wu Tian.

Because he was asleep, but when he woke up, he found a person sitting in front of the screen and fiddling with the computer.

He thought he was from Guangyao Company, but found that it seemed wrong, because this guy looked like a Chinese face.

Zhao Hui, who had doubts in his heart, decided that no matter how much he was, he should solve this person first. If his identity was revealed, there would be no way to save his teammates.

So it happened that he would suddenly attack Wu Tian at first.

When things got here, everyone understood what was going on.

Wu Tian also sighed with emotion in his heart. He didn't expect them to meet in this way.

"Fortunately, it's me...or else I'm afraid that someone else would die just now..." Wu Tian still touched his neck, still feeling a little uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry... I made a heavy shot just now..."

Zhao Hui scratched his head. Fortunately, he is okay, otherwise...

Although the two were happy for a while, they immediately fell into deep anxiety again.

Judging from what Zhao Hui said just now, I am afraid that the current situation of these special agents is not optimistic.

There was such a large pool of blood on the ground. Someone must have been injured and taken away by the other party.

Now that two days have passed, who can know what the situation of these special agent teams is now.

The other party is not good at it either. If the person is tortured to extract a confession, the average person can exceed 24 hours and it is quite good.

And it’s been almost three days now...

Wu Tian couldn't help but feel his heart when thinking of this.

"Hurry up and tell me what they are doing, what did they do before, and what is the route they took?"

Wu Tian hurriedly grabbed Zhao Hui, ready to ask the truth. Now he must ask all these questions clearly, otherwise it will be troublesome.

"Are you going to save them?" Zhao Hui opened his mouth and looked at Wu Tian in surprise. He was very happy to see such a thing, but Wu Tian was the only one.

"That's for sure, since they are your companions, they are also my companions! How can I watch our own people drift outside like this?

Wu Tian said decisively, without hesitation.

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