Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1079: Formula is too easy

Zhao Hui's eyes were fixed on Wu Tian. He found that the man in front of him was probably not joking.

He gritted his teeth, looked at where he was injured, and hit the ground with a punch.

"Okay! Since you are so kind! Then I can't admit it!"

Zhao Hui said viciously, originally he was begging to die, but now that he saw Wu Tian appear, of course he wanted to rescue his companion even more.

If he is willing to greet him, he is willing to help him together!

"You are in this state, you should rest here, I need someone to help me."

Wu Tian looked at Zhao Hui. I am afraid that the attack just now was the end of his force. Now he is asking him to make a sudden attack. It must not work.

At this time Wu Tian regretted that he did not carry some food and water with him, otherwise Zhao Hui would definitely recover better.

"But how do you get in if you are alone?"

Zhao Hui couldn't help but asked worriedly. In fact, Wu Tian still hasn't solved this problem.

He shook his head, sighed and said, "I can only find a way to get in and see if I can pass the iris inspection at the door."

This kind of thing... To be honest, Wu Tian is not sure at all, but judging from the current situation, he has no other chance.

Zhao Hui lowered his head and thought for a moment, and suddenly grabbed Wu Tian and said excitedly.

"I know there is a way! You should have seen their gate. When I was loading explosives, I looked at their wiring. As long as the facility is powered off, the gate can be opened manually."

Hearing what Zhao Hui said, Wu Tian was immediately surprised.

In any case, there is a way for me and no way.

"Are you sure? Let's do it if you are sure!"

Zhao Hui nodded. He hasn't done anything for the past two days here, and he has also found some information.

"I have installed an explosive in the power facility, which can be remotely detonated here, but they have backup power. If you switch it, it will only take three to five minutes. Therefore, I can only buy you five minutes ."

Five minutes to say more, no more, less than a lot, Wu Tian didn't pick and choose at the time, and now it's good to have these five minutes.

"Okay! Just five minutes!"

Since the situation in the underground facility is not very clear, it is best for Wu Tian to dive to the deepest distance within these five minutes.

And once they entered, Wu Tian and Zhao Hui lost contact, and the rest was up to him.

But these Wu Tian had already prepared mentally, and he had nothing to worry about.

This is not the first time he has visited the underground facilities. This time, if you dress up as a man in black, it should be much better than before.

It was dark outside. The two people waited until midnight before deciding to act.

The explosive that Zhao Hui originally installed in the power facility was a very small explosive, and it did not generate much light and noise.

Wu Tian had already ran out in advance and hid near the gate.

Zhao Hui could see Wu Tian from the monitor. He gestured an OK gesture to the monitor, and when he found it, he immediately pressed the detonation button.

Almost instantly, all the electricity in the entire facility was paralyzed.

The lights were all off, and the security guards of Guangyao Company who patrolled back and forth were also confused at this time, leading them to rush towards the backup power facility.

Wu Tian reached out and grabbed the handle on the outside of the door, as if sailing a boat, the upper door lock flowing in one direction.

This thing is dead and heavy, if you don't have a lot of strength, it really can't be fiddled with.

Just tossing this Wu Tian took a full two minutes, and during this period he had to be careful not to let others find out.

If there is any noise, it will be all in vain.

Soon, the door was finally opened by him, and Wu Tiantang pushed open a small slit that he could only enter by himself.

Now the lights in the underground city are also dark. It seems that their stores are all connected together.

Wu Tian took advantage of the present opportunity and quickly closed the door again, and the door closed with a click, and at this time, the backup power facility was activated outside.

The lights came on all of a sudden, Zhao Hui hurriedly looked at the picture inside the monitor and found that the door was intact, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Wu Tian was gone, so it seemed that he should have entered.

"Brother hope you are all right!"

Zhao Hui squeezed his sweat tightly, and the next thing was the real worry.

On Wu Tian's side, he glanced and found that there seemed to be no monitors on the corridor, and he was relieved in his heart. Then he pressed against the wall and leaned forward in small steps.

On both sides of the corridor, there were some debris piled up in the room. Wu Tian wanted to go in and hide, but the doors were locked.

There is no way he can only bite the bullet and continue to move forward.

But at this time, it seemed that someone was talking, Wu Tian quickly stood up straight, and walked out with the cool energy of being a man in black.

It turned out that there were two people in white coats muttering in their mouths, probably because they were wondering why the power went out just now.

When they saw Wu Tian, ​​they were taken aback, but they didn't say anything. Instead, he walked past Wu Tian.

This sentence shocked Wu Tian, ​​he thought he had been discovered.

"Why are there secret agents at this time? Haven't they all assembled?"

"I don't know if we don't care about them."

The two men in white coats murmured and left after saying a word.

Wu Tian rolled his eyes and suddenly felt that this was a good opportunity. Wasn't he worried about not having information?

So he turned back and patted the shoulders of the two men in white coats.


The two men looked at Wu Tian with a look of confusion, wondering what he meant by stopping the two men.

"Is this yours? I picked it up for you just now."

Wu Tian held a badge in his hand and handed it over.

The other party looked at his chest and found it was empty, and he realized that his breastplate had fallen to the ground.

Quickly thank Wu Tian.

"Thank you so much, we don't know how we would be reprimanded without this..."

"Nothing, by the way, I just transferred here recently... I just went to a toilet, and now I am a little lost, can you tell me where I should go?"

Wu Tian said with some embarrassment, but his move actually made the other party relax his vigilance.

"No wonder I said why I saw Secret Service in this place... It turned out to be lost. It's very simple. Just follow this road. Of course, there is a barracks in the front. That place is yours."

Wu Tian thanked them again and again, and turned around to go, but after thinking about it, he turned around and asked: "That's still there. I heard that I'm going to be responsible for the task of interrogation. Do you know where those people are? There are almost eleven people..."

"You said that! It's in your camp!"

Wu Tian never expected that intelligence could come so easily. With such a few words, the other party stupidly told him all the information.

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