Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1080: Torture

After receiving the information, Wu Tian's infiltration can be said to have become easier. Basically no one can be seen before and after.

The glass jars filled with liquids that were placed everywhere before are almost no longer found at this time, and great changes have taken place everywhere.

Relying on his own memory, Wu Tian constantly fumbled forward. Although he was careful, Wu Tian was not so nervous this time, and he was not afraid of meeting people.

Because he felt that his identity disguise seemed perfect, and it seemed that he would not be recognized so easily.

This seems to be basically the same as the rest of the outside world. It seems that those people have begun to rest.

Wu Tianshun followed the information he had just received and walked inside, and soon saw the camp mentioned by those people.

There are indeed a lot of people in black inside. They seem to be going somewhere, they are in a hurry, and everyone's face is tired.

"Hey, hurry up, the meeting will be coming soon!" Someone saw Wu Tian, ​​so he quickly waved to him.

Wu Tian didn't dare to respond, afraid of saying something wrong, so he nodded quickly and ran over. He found a remote place in the crowd to do a good job, and waited for something to begin on their side.

However, he did not make him wait long. A man in military uniform with several scars on his face appeared in their field of vision.

He has a sturdy body, and his strong muscles are like a bulging stone, so he doesn't look like an annoying guy.

After this person came, he did not rush to speak, but scanned the people below with his eyes, and then nodded.

"It seems to have discovered something today, but I heard that you didn't find anything! How did you special agents behave?"

Wu Tian originally thought he would say something else, but when he came up, he was just cursing.

After scolding for more than ten minutes, the secret service of hundreds of people underneath didn't even dare to show up, so he sat there and was scolded obediently.

Cursing goes to cursing, there will always be when the cursing is over.

After this guy got out of breath, he quickly beckoned to a few people not far away.

Wu Tianshun looked over and found that several people in black were holding an old man and walking towards this side.

The old man was depressed, with some sad expressions on his face. His small body is like a little chicken in front of these five big and three thick special agents.

It was easily picked up and there was no room for resistance at all.

Of course, this old man also knew that he had no way to take the exam, so he simply chose to resign.

"Go ahead, do you know where the **** Wu Tian is hiding?"

The brawny man spoke very viciously to the old man, and then he slapped it and almost knocked the old man out.

Wu Tian took a closer look at this time. This old man is not someone else but Mr. Chu.

No wonder, why this old man Chu was in a bad mood when he called himself, and he was arrested...

It is estimated that the other party must be forcing him to call himself, and Wu Tian's heart also began to feel a little sad when he thought of this.

In fact, what does these messy things have to do with this old man?

In fact, he didn't know much, but the other party found him, and even threatened him with such means.

Wu Tian clenched the fist in his hand tightly, but he had no way to rescue Mr. Chu.

"I don't know... I really don't know..."

Elder Chu shook his head. At this moment, all he could know had been told to these people. At such an age, there was really no need for him to ask for trouble.

"I think it's not enough for you to be beaten!"

The brawny man had a fierce face and he was about to fight again, but at this time, except for knowing that he could not hold it anymore, he quickly begged for mercy.

"You can let me try a few more times... I really don't know. Maybe the phone can get through that time, and it will get through the second time!"

Elder Chu had no other choice at this moment, other than succumbing to the opponent, he had no other choice if he wanted to survive.

After thinking about it again and again, the strong man nodded to the person next to him, and asked them to bring the phone over and hand it to the old man Chu.

"The thing is in your hands. How to use this is up to you. I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer sheet!"

The brawny man handed the phone to Mr. Chu, and it was obvious that he would be benevolent if he didn't succeed this time.

Feeling helpless except for his face, he can only nod in tears, and at this moment, he is just a weak person.

He dialed Wu Tian's number several times in a row, but how could Wu Tian answer the phone at this moment?

He had already deducted the battery in his mobile phone just now, so that even if someone called, he would not be called.

No signal will be sent out. It can be said that the method they rely on has completely failed. Especially when Wu Tian already knew everything.

"Can't get through..."

Elder Chu was already crying, and to be honest, what does this matter have to do with him, he just introduced him.

"I think you are looking for death!"

"Stop hitting me, I really didn't do anything. I did know this person, but he just asked me to do him a favor and introduced him here, so I did that...I'm completely If you don't know this, you should ask Sister Xing."

What Elder Chu said was crying, and people couldn't help but believe it.

The brawny man seemed to think it made sense, so he was brought up with Sister Xing.

It seems that they are not fools. I am afraid that all the people I come into contact with this public relations company are related. Naturally, Sister Xing bears the brunt.

If Sister Xing’s condition at this moment is no better than that of Mr. Chu, it seems that she has suffered a lot.

"Smelly old man, don't spit people!"

As soon as Sister Xing came out, she pointed at the old man and yelled at him. As for why he was so angry and excited, Wu Tian could also understand. After all, it would be uncomfortable in her heart to replace it with whoever had such a thing.

"I left it to you. What does he do to me?"

Of course, Mr. Chu was not to be outdone, and the two immediately froze each other. Anyway, you and I are revealing each other's shortcomings.

You only need to pull the other party into the water and then you can retreat all by yourself. They have already been deeply rooted in their hearts at this moment.

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