Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1082: Rescue agent

The black man Secret Service left happily. He eagerly wanted to return to his bed and enter the sweet and sweet dreamland.

Wu Tian stood in his position and looked inside carefully for a few moments. This look didn't matter, it really hurt Wu Tian.

Because there were exactly eleven agents, they were hung in this room at this moment.

Their hands are hung on the roof with wire ropes, and their feet must be on tiptoe to stand up.

This alone is not a big deal. There are large and small scars all over their bodies, which look heart-wrenching.

And all kinds of torture instruments are placed on the surrounding walls, needless to say, they have been specially served for several days.

God knows what kind of torture these agents endured, but they are still so strong.

Wu Tian's tears were about to come down. He looked at no one around and hurried to the side of these agents.

He gently pushed one of them, then wiped the blood from his face.

"Can you hear me? This is Wu Tian."

Hearing Wu Tian's voice, the other party slowly raised his head, weakly opened his eyes and looked at Wu Tian.

"you are…"

His voice was very hoarse and low, and at the same time weak, it felt like he might die at any time.

"I was sent by the Iron Army. Don't worry, I will take you out."

Wu Tianqiang endured the excitement in his heart, he was finally about to reach his goal, but looking at the current physical state of these eleven people, it was not so easy to take them out.

There are too many people, and their bodies are weak, there is no way to carry out high-intensity exercise.

"You must cooperate well in a while! Remember not to reveal your identity!"

Wu Tian heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside, and thought that another person had gone to the toilet just now. He must have come back at this time.

Wu Tian immediately returned to his position, but the other party had already entered this room.

Seeing Wu Tian standing beside these agents, I was very curious.

"Did you ask anything?"

He thought that Wu Tian was tortured to extract a confession in the past.

Wu Tian smiled, his brain running wildly, thinking about how he would answer.

"Almost, I just ask casually..."

"Is there any result?"

"It seems to be good news! Come and listen, I don't know if what he said is useful!"

Wu Tian waved to this person and motioned for him to come together.

The other party had no doubts at all, and came over very happily, looking forward to asking for some key information and gaining credit.

"What is he saying?"

The other party pressed his ear to the mouth of the agent in front of him, wanting to hear what he was muttering.

"Wang Ba...Wang Ba Laozi?" He only heard a Chinese swear word, but he understood what it meant and looked at Wu Tian with a puzzled look.

"What does it mean?"

Wu Tian smiled slightly, but didn't answer immediately.

"You keep listening."

If the other party is very obedient, just follow Wu Tian's statement and continue to maintain this posture.

But Wu Tian ran in front of each agent, checked their situation, and then told them his purpose.

This is not a small project. The physical condition of these agents is not particularly good, but the injuries on their bodies are not particularly serious.

The other party only carried out severe torture, not intending to kill all these agents.

It is estimated that they should also know that the value of these agents being alive is far more important than they are dead.

Soon Wu Tian finished all his preparation activities, and most of the half-dead agents also opened their eyes, wanting to see what Wu Tian plans to do next.

"Brother, I will record what he just said, but nothing seems particularly useful. I haven't got the information we want..."

The Secret Service just now is still struggling, and still hasn't given up to understand what they just said. Wu Tian felt amused just looking at it, and this guy was too cheating.

"Let me take a look!"

Wu Tian took over the notebook he used to record, and then flipped through it back and forth, intending to see what the agents said.

But before and after, the book is basically blank. Some people say that this is an agent who hasn’t said a word in the past few days. They know that once they open their mouths, they will not only betray, but also make themselves more. The companion is in danger.

So these people would rather sacrifice themselves than betray their companions.

With the support of such a strong willpower and spirit, no matter how severely tortured these people in black are of no use to them.

Of course, these eleven people are not the only ones in the house, there are two other hostages, namely Sister Xing and Mr. Chu.

Just now, Sister Xing had been lying on the ground and sleeping, and she didn't know if she was knocked out or sleepy.

Elder Chu had been in a coma, hearing Wu Tian and the others' voices, he slowly began to wake up.

Both of them are very weak, and after the confinement, they are trying hard to find the figure they want to find.

Sure enough, he saw Wu Tian.

"It's you..." Mr. Chu opened his mouth hard, trying to identify Wu Tian.

In this way, he can get rid of the suspicion and go out alive from that place.

They are not special agents, they are just ordinary people without those professional training. What ordinary people can think of at this moment is actually their own things.

Most people are selfish. Of course, this characteristic is not necessarily a disadvantage.

Selfish talents can better protect themselves.

It's just that he just opened his mouth here, and he just wanted to say but couldn't make a sound.

When Wu Tian heard the movement, he turned his head and could see the expression on the old man's face. At this moment, he didn't know how he should face him.

"It's you…"

Mr. Chu is still working hard. He wants to say the two words Wu Tian, ​​but the strength on his body slowly disappears, and he also begins to feel weak.

"What's wrong with this?"

The special agent next to him ran over at this time and looked a little weird from the original look, not knowing what he was going crazy.

Wu Tian shook his head. He knew it in his heart, but he absolutely couldn't show it.

"I don't know, but I think he definitely wants this."

Speaking, Wu Tian took out a roll of tape from his body, and then skillfully tore off a piece of tape from the top and stuck it on Mr. Chu's mouth.

Sorry, you have to sacrifice at this time.

Wu Tian apologized in his heart, and now he must first rescue these eleven agents.

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