Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1083: camouflage

The special agent beside him didn't feel anything wrong with Wu Tian's behavior, but looked at it with a hippie smile.

Soon, things here are almost handled, and Wu Tian feels that time is almost ripe.

The special agent next to him was lying in a rocking chair at this moment, and staring at the one in front of him while playing.

"The eleven of us actually need two people to's a waste of resources."

He was talking and chattering.

In the words, it seems that he does not need to be here at all.

Wu Tian quickly understood his thoughts, so he followed his thoughts and said: "If you are really too sleepy, go back to sleep first. I'll be watching here alone."

The other party was very happy immediately.

"What you said is true?"

Wu Tian nodded, there is really no need for him to deceive people in such matters.

"It's really great. You are really an angel sent from heaven. No, angels are not as kind as you."

Wu Tian chuckled, not knowing when an iron rod appeared in his hand. Wrap the upper end with cloth.

In this case, it will not produce too much sound when playing, and it is very smooth to use.

Just when the man turned to leave, Wu Tian went down with a stick.

Hit directly on the back of the man's head, and the sturdy body collapsed to the ground.

Wu Tian hurriedly held on to prevent him from falling down and making any movement.

Instead, little by little, he gently put the man in black on the ground.

Seeing that there was no one on the left or right, Lao Fang hurried over to put all these agents down.

"Everyone follow me! Don't fall behind!"

There is only one chance, even if you don't need Wu Tian to say it, people like them know very well in their hearts that once they are left behind, there will be no chance to escape from here.

The agents were in groups of three or five, and two or three people supported each other and followed closely behind Wu Tian.

Because it was late at night, there was no one in the corridor outside, it was surprisingly quiet.

And Wu Tian didn't trigger any alarm device, so I am afraid no one will know what happened.

"Be careful, there may be people patrolling back and forth."

Wu Tian carefully reminded these agents of life, and then kept on tiptoing forward.

They were lucky to have walked halfway without being noticed.

Only at this time, there was a sound of talking from a corner in front, which seemed to be from the patrol.

Wu Tian hurriedly directed these agents and hid them in the toilet next to him.

"When will we be able to catch the target above?"

"Then you asked me, do you think I am smarter than you?"

"Hahahaha, you must be more stupid than me, and you certainly won't know things that I don't know."

The voice of speaking kept approaching them, and then walked to the bathroom door step by step.

"Wait for me here, I will come out as soon as I go in."

One of them opened the bathroom door and walked in.

Wu Tian asked the agents to hide in the toilet cubicle without his place, so he simply stood at the sink.

As soon as the patroller came in, he saw Wu Tian's existence and was taken aback. But seeing the clothes on him didn't say anything.

"Are you not feeling well?"

He also looked at Wu Tian very caringly. It must be abnormal if he didn't go to bed in the middle of the night, next to this pool.

Wu Tian nodded lightly, then made a retching look.

"I ate something..."

"Haha, you were also recruited! I said that the food in our base is really bad! All these people should be expelled!"

Fortunately, Wu Tian's performance was very clever, and the other party not only didn't see it, but started to laugh with Wu Tian.

"When you go back a while later, you can ask for pills. The medicine in our base is still very good."

The patrol member finished going to the toilet and walked away without looking back after saying another sentence.

It wasn't until then that Wu Tian and the agents in the compartment breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, there was really no danger.

Everyone's heart mentioned their throats, for fear that this guy broke into the compartment and found their existence.

Hearing the sound of footsteps outside, Wu Tian quickly called out the agents again.

"We can't go on like this... it's too easy to be spotted."

Wu Tian felt that they could escape this time, not necessarily the second time.

There are too many people, the target is too big, and as soon as you see these agents, you will know immediately that they escaped.

"That's it! We should find a way to disguise it!"

These agents are not fools, they are specialized in doing this kind of thing, and they immediately know the best solution.

"So you wait for me here, and I will find a way for you."

Wu Tian decided to go out alone, and he couldn't let people like them leave in blood-stained clothes.

I don't know if the blind cat ran into the dead mouse. There are various storage rooms on both sides of the corridor. There are really what Wu Tian and the others need.

There are piles of black suits and sunglasses.

It should have been the usual supplies of these people in black secret service, but Wu Tian found out that he immediately picked eleven sets of clothes from it and secretly sent them back to the bathroom.

"Hurry up and put on these things... Let's walk out in a hurry, you don't need to talk, let me do everything."

Wu Tian was quite relieved, watching the people inside changing clothes while standing at the door and staring. If they are lucky, they may be able to escape from this place soon.

"This brother, I think you always think that you are very kind, you shouldn't be an agent in charge of Britain."

The agents behind them didn't forget to chat with Wu Tian while changing their clothes.

"I am not an agent, I am only commissioned by the Iron Army. Actually I am a businessman..."

"Just pull it down, I think your psychological quality is not comparable to that of ordinary businessmen."

These agents unanimously believed that Wu Tian would not be worse than them, so he was less likely to be a professional-level agent.

When Wu Tian saw this, he didn't say anything anymore. After all, it was quite a bit of a word to explain this to them.

Seeing everyone put on their clothes, waiting for people in the bathroom to look at it from a distance, there is no difference between them and those in black.

"Attention, be careful, there is someone on duty at the door, we have to go out from that place!"

Wu Tian exhorted again, took a deep breath and pushed open the door in front of him.

He didn't know how to develop in the future, anyway, it was only a short walk away. It was a mule or a horse to walk around.

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