Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1084: Guard of the gate

After putting on this dress, it looks like a lot.

Not only Wu Tian, ​​but even these agents themselves have become more confident and are not so timid to walk.

"Brother, are you sure it's this road? Why didn't you see a few people along the way?" The agents were a little worried about the silence in the corridor, always afraid of any ambush.

Wu Tian looked around, and said with a smile: "It must be here. I came from this place. As for why there is no one, you may not know what time it is now, at three o'clock in the morning, who doesn't sleep. ?"

Listening to Wu Tian's words, several agents also looked at each other and smiled, feeling that what they said also made sense.

They moved on, and soon saw the huge metal gate.

This door is not the same as a normal door. Most people see it in a boxy shape, but this one is round and looks like a safe door.

Everyone seemed to see hope, and they accelerated their pace one after another.

Wu Tian can already imagine how happy they will be when they walk out of this underground facility.

"Quick, we're going out soon!" Wu Tian waved to the agents, and even a dozen people started to run quickly.

When he was about to reach the gate, a figure suddenly appeared beside the gate.

He was holding a weird-shaped gun in his hand, pointing at Wu Tian's head.

"What are you doing?"

Wu Tian and others stopped their pace almost instantly, and no one thought that there were guards in this gate.

However, in order not to reveal his identity, Wu Tian decided to respond to what the other party said.

He quickly nodded and walked over, smiling at the guard.

"The big brother... we have an urgent task to go out... so you have to be accommodating."

The other party looked at Wu Tian saying this, skeptical, he turned around and walked back to his small room, digging out a notebook from it.

"Mission? Why isn't it on the action plan... Are you lying to me?"

The guard was not stupid, staring at Wu Tian always felt that this guy was lying to him.

Wu Tian squeezed a sweat secretly in his heart, but he didn't expect this person to be quite difficult.

"Secret mission...definitely cannot be written on this kind of thing."

While Wu Tian said this, he winked at the person behind him. The agents immediately understood, and began to lean in calmly.

"Look, we are going out to perform a secret mission this time. We must not tell you casually. Otherwise, how could it be called a secret."

Wu Tian's words made the other party nodded thoughtfully, "If you say this, it seems that this is true..."

Hearing what the other party said, Wu Tianxin felt a little relieved, feeling that he should be able to get out this time.

But the guard just turned around, seeming to let them go, but turned around and came back.

"You... take out your credentials for me to see?"

The guard extended his hand to them.

Wu Tian looked at each other with the agents, not knowing what to do.

"Document? What document?"

Where did he know what documents he had, and Wu Tian had never seen these people in black show their identity with their documents. But the other party actually said that, is it possible to test yourself?

The guard looked at Wu Tian suspiciously, and his words were strange: "How could you not know this thing...It's your ID card! Everyone knows it, so I don't need to say it."

"Um... Actually we just came recently... haven't given us any certificates yet."

Wu Tian casually lied, anyway, as long as he can cheat him for approval now.

At this time, the other party picked up the gun again, and said very vigilantly: "Are you going to get out your credentials? If you can't get out..."

Wu Tian spread his hands helplessly, saying that he could not get anything out.

But at the same time, the agents under them are also ready. The other party only has a gun. They have more than a dozen people here. It is relatively easy to deal with this guy.

If the other party has any bad behavior, Wu Tian decides to kill him immediately. Must first take the initiative.

"If you can't come up with evidence, please leave here quickly! Otherwise, I will inform now..." Then, the guard picked up the phone, as if to say something in the phone.

Seeing that their identities were about to be revealed, Wu Tian said at this time that it was a dash to rush up later.

The opponent's reaction speed was also very fast, and he pulled the trigger directly. But Wu Tian had expected this, so he flashed aside immediately after moving his body.

The guards shot all the shots. He held the gun in one hand, but the sight was not very good, so he basically couldn't hit anyone.

At this moment, Wu Tian just stood up and prepared for the second shock, but saw the guard in front of him collapse like noodles.

And an agent had already appeared behind him at this time, showing his big white teeth at Wu Tian, ​​smiling very brightly.

"Let's get out quickly! I'm afraid we are going to reveal our identity!"

Wu Tian looked at the man still holding the phone in his hand, and knew that maybe he had already received the news.

Speaking, everyone immediately rushed into the control room next to them, wanting to know how to open this door.

However, the buttons above are not marked with text, and no one knows what the function is.

Several people tossed for a long time, but there was no way to get this door.

Wu Tian and several agents went up and tried to twist the handle on the door, but they were still motionless.

"Will he have nothing to do with this gate here?"

One of the agents yelled suspiciously. They pressed almost all the buttons here, but the door showed no response at all.

Others frowned and no one could say anything.

"This is really hard to say. It may be a programmed button, and it needs to be pressed in a certain combination to have an effect. It's so cunning, they actually used such a method..."

The agents did not expect that this control room should have such a high level of confidentiality. I knew I shouldn't have knocked that person out.

No one knew how to open this door when he fainted...

"Any other channels?"

"No more, just this one!"

Most of the ventilation ducts have also died of drought, so they have no other way but to get out from here.

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