Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1085: Escape

Sure enough, as Wu Tian had guessed, an alarm sounded in the base instantly.

The violent and ear-piercing siren sounded like a cry for life, making everyone present feel very uneasy in their hearts.

They had done the first three knocks and nine prayers, but they were stuck here after the last shiver.

There is freedom outside this gate, but they just couldn't open this gate.

"No, they are coming soon!"

Wu Tian could already clearly hear the dense sound of footsteps coming from the corridor not far away.

It's crackling like hail, and just by hearing it, you can know how many people are coming here.

"We are also doing our best! But I don't know when we can open this door."

One of the agents who specializes in electronic equipment is sweating profusely trying to break the switch of the door.

But he doesn't have any tools in his hands, and can only debug through his own experience.

But this will take a long time, and if they are not exposed, they might be able to wait.

"I can't take care of that much! The third and fourth, you two follow me to block those people, and the rest of you continue to think of ways."

Speaking of a very energetic person in the agent yelled, at this time you can't be too indecisive. Fortunately, these agents don't need Wu Tian to worry about in this regard. They were originally the dragon among people.

Calling in front of him, the three immediately rushed out. They found some temporary weapons nearby and hid on both sides of the corridor.

They were going to fight each other for the first time after the enemy appeared. The corridor in the basement was not very wide. If there were three or two people blocking it, no matter how many people were behind, they would not be able to get through.

But all the imaginations are very beautiful, but when the real reality appears before them, these imaginations begin to become extremely fragile.

The three agents who were originally going to block the enemy were blown away almost in the face.

It is not the ordinary secret service like the man in black who is on the front line, but the bio-transformer.

Some of them are wearing clothes and some are not wearing them, but all of them are very muscular and even have some tubes inserted in them, which looks very scary.

These biochemicals were like human-shaped tanks, directly knocking the three agents into flight. Their crowd didn't stay in the slightest, and they were rushing towards Wu Tian's door frantically.

Wu Tian even imagined a scene at this moment, when these people rushed in front of him, would they directly hit the door with them.

With their power, it is definitely not a problem to knock yourself into the flesh.

"are you done!"

"Still no, the door can't be opened!"

The agents finally began to feel a little desperate, but at this time there was a smile on their faces and they were not afraid of anything.

As long as you see through death, then naturally there is nothing to worry about.

It's just that ordinary people can't accept this fact so easily. What Wu Tian felt at this moment was not fear or worry.

I just feel a little regretful. I still have a lot of things to do, and there are many people who make him feel very reluctant.

But things are already like this, when the real death threat is faced, what kind of efforts and words are pale and weak.

Just as the enemy was in front of him, all the lights in the corridor were suddenly extinguished.

The entire space was plunged into darkness, and Wu Tian suddenly woke up.

He remembered how he got in because Zhao Hui cut off the power for him outside, which gave the door a time to open it manually.

"Open the door! Now the door can be opened!"

Wu Tian rushed up towards the door for the first time, and fiddled with the **** on it desperately.

The agent next to him froze for a moment, but then realized what Wu Tian knew, so he also cooperated with his actions.

The other agents held them tightly, and the attacking enemy seemed to have lost their way in the darkness, and many of them hit the wall.

This also gave Wu Tian and the others a very important opportunity, the door opened, and these dozen people immediately filed out.

"You are finally here!"

Sure enough, Zhao Hui was outside the door. He heard the alarm sound and immediately realized that there was a problem with Wu Tian. Even if there was no communication between the two parties, he knew that he should do something for Wu Tian at this time.

So he turned off the power of the base again, wanting to see if Wu Tian could escape in this short few minutes.

Unexpectedly, it really came out, and it came out with the recalled companions.

"Run!" Wu Tian didn't have time to talk to Zhao Hui, but just said something to him and ran out of the base desperately.

Zhao Hui's body now recovered a little bit of strength and followed them closely, but he was not without any preparation.

As he ran, he pressed the detonation button of the explosive he had set, and the deafening explosion sounded continuously from behind them.

The chasing soldiers had already rushed to the gate at this time. They continued to chase regardless, but they didn't want many people to be crushed to death by the concrete that suddenly burst from the ceiling.

The explosion was too sudden, but it successfully blocked the path of these chasing soldiers. It will take some time for them to clear these roadblocks.

But this period of time alone was enough for them to escape.

"Are they all out?"

Zhao Hui shouted aloud to it, Wu Tian clicked and the number of people just counted as 13 people.

There is not much one person, and there is not much one person.

"Everyone is here!"

"Then let's go, by the way... I will give them another present."

With that, Zhao Hui pressed the last button, which was the biggest bomb he had buried.

The deafening explosion sounded a translucent shock wave in the air.

The huge explosion lifted all the ground nearby and exposed the soil underneath. The tall and towering surface building of Guangyao Company was also wiped out at this time.

The fiery fireball swallowed all the surrounding tens of meters in almost at this moment.

Under such high temperature, even metal will be melted, let alone human life.

Seeing this scene, everyone was silent, and an agent came over and patted Wu Tian on the shoulder gently.

"Let's go... I have contacted President Tie, and he will arrange rescue for us."

Wu Tian nodded, but instead of following the agent, he went straight to the hotel where the second girl was.

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