Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1086: Secret vehicle

Of course he couldn't escape by himself, and he would never forget the second girl who was still there waiting for him.

Fortunately, Wu Tian returned to the room and found Er Niu was watching TV right there, not even a single piece of hair fell off.

This made Wu Tian breathe a sigh of relief. The agents outside the door looked at the situation inside and did not say anything, but although they did not ask, they could see the importance of Er Niu to Wu Tian.

It must be his companion, that's why he cares so much.

"Mr. Wu, we should go now."

They urged outside, these people really don't want to stay in Eagle Country for a minute or even a second.

Wu Tian nodded and hurriedly took the two girls and ran out.

The explosion awakened many people. Many nearby residents opened their windows and looked at the situation outside. Many people were terrified.

In the distance, there was a sound of fire alarm, and it seemed that a fire engine had begun to dispatch. It is estimated that it won’t take long for the company to make headlines in the news.

Maybe ordinary people don't understand what is going on, but those behind the scenes will not be deceived by such news. They are very clever, and they know who targeted them, and maybe revenge will be launched then.

But these things are not what Wu Tian is considering now. What he wants to do most now is to go home quickly.

"I thought I was really going to die..." At this time, many agents sighed with emotion. This sentence is really not a joke. When most people were caught underground for interrogation, almost everyone had done it. Well prepared for sacrifice.

But they will never take the initiative to ask for death. This life of their own is not only their own but also their own family members. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they are not willing to give up.

It's just that these people struggled to be beaten and injured themselves, and they didn't say a word or reveal any information. It can be said that it is not easy to be able to do this.

Zhao Hui smiled. He can be said to be the best in this group of brothers. He reached out and patted Wu Tian on the shoulder, quite moved.

"We all saw our brother Wu Tian. Although he is not a special agent, he is also a member of General Tie. He is absolutely reliable. He caught us all by himself. I think it is better than our special agent team. Much more powerful."

His statement was immediately recognized by everyone. Although Wu Tian felt a little ashamed, in the eyes of others, Wu Tian saved his life.

"I don't have to say, brother, if you have any difficulties in the future, you will come to us. Those of us in the special agent brigade have nothing to say!"

"Yes, yeah, we owe you a favor! We owe you a life!"

"If anyone bullies you, tell us that we will help you get him! There is nothing our agents can't do."

Listening to them talking in a few short words, Wu Tian felt a little relieved in his heart, but there were still some things that lingered in his heart and couldn't let go.

"Thank you... But, do you know the two people who were arrested with you? They are innocent, this matter has nothing to do with them... But they are because of me..."

Wu Tian felt very ashamed. Mr. Chu had helped him a lot, and even sent him here, and asked Sister Xing to accept him.

But now that the base has completely exploded, Mr. Chu should be ill-advised, and it is estimated that not many people will survive inside.

As for Sister Xing, Wu Tian always felt that he was just greedy for money, and there was nothing wrong with it. He didn't even know what conspiracy was behind the scenes, but he was just as unlucky with Mr. Chu.

Whenever he thinks of this place, Wu Tian feels that these two people were killed by himself.

These agents are also silent at this moment, and there is no way for them to do anything like this.

Sometimes, some trade-offs must be made.

Which one is important, an agent or a civilian?

People who are absolutely sane will choose agents without hesitation, because cultivating an agent does not know how much financial and material resources it will cost.

What's more, they are more than a dozen agents this time, trading two lives for them, which is very profitable from a rational point of view.

But people do not live by reason alone, but by sensibility.

It wasn't just Wu Tian who felt uncomfortable in his heart, but the agent's heart also began to feel sad.

Zhao Hui saw that everyone's mood began to fall a little, knowing that this time could not go on, so he hurriedly stood up and made the rounds.

"Okay, okay, don’t be sad, everyone, there is a saying that this is fate. Our agents have always been unbelieving. We can only say that we will remember their sacrifices forever. But the most urgent thing is to escape from this place. , I’m afraid Eagle Nation’s special service will come to us immediately."

What he said was very correct because at this moment, the sound of helicopters was already in the sky.

These people in Eagle Nation are not fools, they really think that they will suffer a lot if they react so slowly.

"Now there are ships waiting for us in the port. We must hurry over."

The agent in charge of the contact came with very critical information at this time, and everyone had a direction, and they were no longer so confused.

Soon a large group of people began to act immediately. They got a few cars and drove desperately toward the port a few kilometers away.

It was still the same way as before. Although the Eagle Nation's secret service personnel moved very quickly, because they didn't know their tracks, they were searching for a needle in a haystack.

This was very inefficient. Wu Tian and the others arrived at the port without being noticed.

It was not a big ship that came to greet them this time, but a small speedboat.

The ship had been arranged by the Iron Army before the operation, and it was also prepared to be used by Wu Tian from the beginning.

This time, whether they succeeded or failed, they couldn't leave the Eagle Country in ordinary ways, so they had to be prepared.

Everyone boarded the ship without saying a word, and hurriedly left the port in the dark, heading towards the depths of the sea.

"We can't rely on this thing to go to the meeting, there can be thousands of nautical miles in between..."

Wu Tian was a little surprised. If they really rely on this, they may not be able to run for long before they will be discovered by the Eagles.

As a result, the words were not finished yet, and huge searchlights suddenly appeared on the sea in the distance.

It is a few huge warships! The Eagles even deployed warships here in advance!

"It's over..."

Wu Tian felt that they were probably going to jump into the sea this time. Their small boat was like a piece of paper and it broke with a single stabbing in front of the force of a warship.

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