Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1087: Retribution of the wicked

Unlike Wu Tian's panic, the agents didn't have much reaction, and they still drove indifferently toward the direction of the warship.

Wu Tian had already closed his eyes and held the Er Niu's hand tightly, preparing for the coming doom and death.

Speaking of which, Wu Tian was not so flustered when he was underground just now, but his mood was completely different at this time.

When everyone faces it calmly and feels that this matter is completely hopeless, people will not feel too nervous.

But there is a solution, or I feel that there is still a chance, but I have to face death, which makes it hard to accept.

Wu Tian is now in such a mood. He hopes that the speedboat can turn its direction, but he is not the one driving the speedboat at this moment...

Just when Wu Tian was able to see the ship numbers of those warships, suddenly a wave of waves rose on the sea, almost overturning the speedboat.

Wu Tian didn't know what was going on, and quickly grabbed the handle beside him desperately.

After he took a closer look, he found that the speedboat had stopped, and next to them was a dark submarine.

The agents were very proficient in passing the rope from the speedboat to the submarine, and then climbed over it in a familiar way. I don't know how many times they have done this kind of thing. It seems that they can be done with their eyes closed.

"Go... Why stay here? The other party will find us soon."

Zhao Hui watched Wu Tian motionless, and quickly pushed him with his hand, which made Wu Tian wake up.


Wu Tian realized that his worries turned out to be superfluous. These people still have a back-up... it is not possible to escape with a speedboat.

Soon, only an empty speedboat was left on the sea, and there was already no one inside.

The agents led Wu Tian into the submarine, and cleverly escaped from the Eagle Nation warship under the sea and returned to China safely.

Seeing that he also valued the safe return of these agents, Tiejun was extremely happy. This time, Wu Tian was even more admired.

According to their previous reservation, Wu Tian was to investigate for him to see if he could find some intelligence or news.

But this guy did a better job. The twelve agents who were directly led escaped without even needing the Iron Army to send someone to rescue them.

This saved him a lot of time and cost, and most importantly, no one sacrificed.

"Boy, what you saw this time is really good! I admire it!"

Tie Jun patted Wu Tian's shoulder with his hand. Although he felt uncomfortable that Wu Tian deliberately concealed something from him, he still looked down upon him now.

"Don't worry, I will never treat you badly this time."

Tie Jun's words are so eloquent, he is ready to give Wu Tian a big gift.

After all, the two of them are not in a superior-subordinate relationship, but are similar to business partners. It's as simple as you pay for my affairs.

In the same way, if Wu Tian does something, then the Tiejun must come up with a corresponding remuneration, so it is fair to everyone.

"Boss Iron Army and Iron...I can't figure it out. As soon as I close my eyes, I think of those two innocent people who died."

Wu Tian said with a pained expression, this emotion was not relieved because he returned to Huaxia, but worsened.

The safer and more comfortable Wu Tian is, the more he will think of Old Man Chu and Sister Xing he saw in the underground city, seeing their painful faces and hearing their screams.

This scene kept lingering in Wu Tian's mind, making him almost out of breath.

"You mean Chu Mingjian and Xing Juan?" Tie Jun's expression did not change much, and the names of these two people also blurted out. It can be seen that his grasp of intelligence has far exceeded Wu Tian's imagination.

Wu Tian nodded, he had never suffered such a severe blow.

The Iron Army shook his head gently. This incident is actually something that agents like them will meet sooner or later, so it is not the first time that the Iron Army has dealt with such a thing, and it can already be said to have come easily.

"Yes, do you know the identities of the two of them?"

Wu Tian shook his head. His understanding of this kind of people is still limited, limited to their contact with himself.

"Chu Mingjian, he is very rich, but do you know how his money came from? He specializes in loan sharks. Many of our people in China go to Eagle Country, and if they don't have any money, he lends them the money. Asking for a high amount of interest, do you know how many people are tied there by this interest?"

Tie Jun's voice was very heavy, and Wu Tian heard these news for the first time, and he looked at Tie Jun in disbelief.

"Don't you believe it? Do you think what you see is the truth in front of you? Do you know how much Chinese people will be bullied there? How can he become a rich local? Have you never thought about this?"

Tiejun's series of interrogations caused Wu Tian to have nothing to say. He really hadn't thought about it. Turning his head and thinking like this, he also found some clues at the beginning, but he didn't think deeply about these aspects.

"Don't talk about him first, let's talk about Xing Juan. He specializes in human trade. I don't know how many girls are reselling under his hands. Do you think he is a good person?"

Wu Tian's previous impressions of these two people were completely destroyed by the Iron Army at this moment.

Seeing Wu Tian's unbelievable expression, Tie Jun snorted coldly.

"I think you feel sorry for the two of them. It's really stupid. It's not enough for these two to die ten thousand times."

This remark was like a divine enlightenment, and Wu Tian immediately untied the knot in his heart.

Yes, if such a person shouldn't die, then I'm afraid there will be no justice in the world.

"Thank you..." Wu Tian looked at Tie Jun very gratefully. Without him, he still didn't know when he would be depressed because of this.

"Okay, why should you go. Then tell me what you want, and I will try my best to arrange it for you."

The Tie Jun waved his hand and let Wu Tian leave first.

On the way back, Wu Tian finally really relieved his tension.

This matter finally came to an end. Although he vaguely felt that the matter would not end so easily, but let the rest of the matter be left to later, at this moment Wu Tian no longer wants to think about these messy things.

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