Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1091: Draw from the bottom

When Wu Tian heard this, he immediately threw the teacup in his hand.

The teacup fell to the ground, and the fragments suddenly burst and fled, and the tea was scattered all over the floor.

His action shocked the two people next to him, and saw Wu Tian staring at Yu Naixin in disbelief.

"You can ask me again, are they sure they are going to sell out? By the way, we clearly have a contract with him. If we want to sell out, we should be prepared for breach of contract."

Wu Tian gritted his teeth and said, he never expected that the other party would lead this crisis to his head so quickly.

It seems that this time, Wu Tian doesn't want to be alone. Even if he doesn't want to participate in these messy things, some people will deliberately pour dirty water on Wu Tian.

"Mr. Wu, I have already sent this news to them, but they still decided to sever the relationship with us."

While talking, Yu Naixin took out a list from her body, and her hands trembled.

"They even paid the liquidated damages..."

"It's clear that I'm going to fight hard against me."

Wu Tian took the list and tore it to pieces.

He called Long Yun over, and this matter certainly couldn't be left alone.

"Hurry up and investigate for me, for what reason these manufacturers cut off the supply from us, and then report back to me as soon as possible."

Having said this, he turned his attention to Wu Zaibin again.

"Our kaleidoscope sales will stop for a while, tell the market that it is out of stock, and we need to wait for a while, and then immediately look for a new factory! If it doesn't work, we will purchase this factory ourselves and produce it ourselves!"

Finding a supplier to supply for oneself is such a price, there will always be all kinds of messy things, and it is still unstable after all to be in the hands of others.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wu!"

Wu Zaibin patted his chest fiercely. When the catastrophe was imminent, everyone had to concentrate on the experience to deal with.

Wu Tian seemed to feel a little worried about this.

"By the way, if there is no domestic stock, please contact a foreign country, even if the price is a little bit higher, it doesn't matter."

In short, the sales of Kaleidoscopes should not be stopped in the strict sense. Such words will make people have great doubts about their production capacity.

Because the sales of Kaleidoscope are rising all the way, but the market share is actually quite low.

It hasn't really reached millions of households. Now, since the beginning of the fever, the sales volume is only tens of millions.

Compared with the hard currency of which mobile phones and TV sets, the gap is a bit big.

After this series of actions were ordered, Wu Zaibin and other executives immediately began to act.

And Wu Zaiyao also began to agitate online public opinion, but this time it was not to attack which party, but to explain to everyone the cause of the problem with the kaleidoscope supply.

In short, to be open and honest with all of this may make customers feel satisfied. After all, it is better for them to find a reason for a reason than to stop the sale without reason.

Wu Tianxin was actually a little anxious, he could probably guess why this happened.

There are not many people who oppose Wu Tianzuo. Li Zhan of British Emperor Entertainment is one of them, but now that he has run away with the money, there is really no need for him to provoke himself.

For the rest of the people, the film and television industry is now too busy to come over to find Wu Tian's trouble. The only ones are those old opponents, and the most striking example here is Zhang Zerui.

The companies and consortiums under this guy are foreign capital and have a lot of money. They have always regarded Wu Tian as a thorn in the flesh.

To do such a thing is really nothing to him.

Soon Long Yun made the background investigation clear. In fact, these are very simple, as long as you check it, you can know it immediately.

"Mr. Wu, your guess is not wrong."

Long Yun handed over the investigation report while talking.

"These suppliers have now basically been acquired by the Pulitzer consortium, or have a large number of shares controlled by the Pulitzer consortium."

Wu Tian sighed, really what he was afraid of.

"It seems that we have to contract the upstream and downstream of the entire industry chain..."

Wu Tian actually doesn't want to do this, because many industries are actually cumbersome and unprofitable for him.

The most important thing is that if he really contracts all the upstream and downstream industrial chains himself, then others will not want to make money.

By that time, Wu Tian will be under more pressure, not less.

"They do that...Where did the money come from?"

Wu Tian felt very curious. The Pulitzer consortium had spent a lot of money before, but now it is said that it is impossible to have money to do such things.

Besides, Zhang Zerui of the Pulitzer consortium cannot take away all the investment money for the film and television industry park. He must be divided with Li Zhan.

Even with this money, he bought a few companies at most, but now he has cut off all Wu Tian's suppliers. This is not something that can be done with a little money, and it would cost hundreds of billions.

"We don't know about this, but it is indeed the Pulitzer consortium that is now taking the lead in the stock market. It seems that they should have a lot of money in their hands."

Long Yun was not quite sure about this, and could guess about this kind of thing, because the other party's source of funds was too much, and it might have come from abroad.

"Since this is the case, we have to find a way to deal with it. We will solve the supplier's problem first."

Wu Tian scratched his head, and can only think about the rest of the matter, now he can't take care of his butt.

The situation in S city began to deteriorate drastically. A large number of factories closed down and even laid off workers, directly leading to countless unemployed people on the streets.

The ratio of this range is very huge. Every time Wu Tian goes out, he can see countless people wandering on the street.

If they have no jobs, they naturally have no income and sources of income.

Even Wu Tian can hear a lot of criminal cases happen every day on the TV station, and the root of all this is caused by this economic crisis.

Therefore, in modern society, it is not that a certain field can go out independently. All things are inextricably linked, and no one can be independent from each other.

Such days continued for several days, and the situation worsened.

Not to mention Wu Tian, ​​even an ordinary old man and old lady can feel that their life is facing a huge challenge at this time.

It is a very terrible thing for such a large-scale economic crisis to affect thousands of households.

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