Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1092: Uneasy situation

Such days continued for several days, and the situation worsened.

Not to mention Wu Tian, ​​even an ordinary old man and old lady can feel that their life is facing a huge challenge at this time.

It is a very terrible thing for such a large-scale economic crisis to affect thousands of households.

Nowadays, the streets are full of people looking for jobs, and companies that have closed down one after another.

Even many well-run companies in the past have been implicated because of this time.

For a time, not only the Internet but also the public opinion in the society had great hatred and indignation for this matter, and this sentiment quickly spread to the hatred and criticism of the perpetrators this time.

That's right, their goals are on the British Emperor Entertainment Company that triggered all this, but what makes people feel strange is that Li Zhan has never appeared.

Even the police started investigating the case, but they couldn't find the trace of Li Zhan. This matter seemed to be a pending case.

It's just that, I don't know who started to bring the wind, and some people have begun to blame Wu Group for everything.

They thought that if Wu Tian hadn't deliberately opposed Yingdi Entertainment, they might not have sold the company to Yingdi Entertainment, and naturally there would be no such violent economic shock.

When Wu Tian heard such a voice, he just sneered at it.

It's really funny, this kind of thing is simply incompetent and furious. What does it have to do with him? It's better to say that Wu Tian is also a victim.

Wu Tian deliberately asked his subordinates to be careful at all times because of this matter. Some people in the place might start making troubles because of this matter.

On this day, Wu Tian got up as always, only to find that someone was already waiting for him outside the door.

Opening the door and taking a look, it turned out to be Qinglong, which is really strange.

Qinglong, the great master, is still waiting outside Wu Tian's door... Is it possible that something big is going to happen?

It's just that as soon as this idea came out, it was immediately rejected by Wu Tian, ​​because it was impossible. If something big really happened, Qinglong would definitely not look so indifferent.

"What's the matter?" Wu Tian quickly put on his clothes, opened the door, and let Qinglong walk in.

It's just that he is not alone outside, he also brought Yin Rumeng.

This combination made Wu Tian feel even more strange, knowing that they must have something to say.

"There is something...let her tell."

Qinglong pointed to Yin Rumeng and gave this opportunity to the woman.

Wu Tian glanced at Yin Rumeng and found that she was a little bit ashamed, and she appeared very anxious and came out.

However, the clothes on his body weren't dirty, and there should be no fighting.

Seeing this, he was a little relieved, at least it means that no one should attack them at the moment.

"What's the matter, you guys look so mysterious, let me guess lantern riddles when you wake up in the morning?"

"Mr. Wu, the situation is a little bit wrong now... A large number of underground forces have appeared in S City. They are now starting to occupy territory in various places. Should we also act?"

Yin Rumeng licked his lips, as if returning to the **** years before.

Although after the severe crackdown, the underground forces in S City were almost extinct, only Yin Rumeng and the others were left, and they were also washed out.

However, nowadays, due to the economic downturn, underground forces have revived and developed extremely rapidly.

In just a few days, many different factions have emerged, and they have even begun to divide their spheres of influence.

As one of the best, and Yuan old man, Yin Rumeng certainly doesn't want to see herself abandoned by these people.

Wu Tian understood what was going on as soon as he heard it, but he still needed to think about it.

"Don't worry... let me think about it."

If left alone, these underground forces may become a new time bomb, which may explode at any time.

But if it takes care of it, Wu Tian has worked so hard to make Yin Rumeng and the group of people clean up, wouldn't all this effort be wasted.

After thinking about it, Wu Tian decided to call Sun Hongsheng first. This guy is a related professional, and he specializes in fighting evil.

If he is going to carry out a wave of crackdowns, then Wu Tian feels that this matter can be avoided.

It's just that Sun Hongsheng made a phone call for a long time and made several calls before the other party answered the phone.

"Officer Sun, you are still busy? Why didn't you answer the phone for a long time..."

"It's Mr. Wu, I'm very busy right now. I really don't have time to tell you anything else. Is there anything important? If not, I have to hurry up."

Wu Tian didn't expect to be so busy in life, so he hurriedly said: "Of course there is, it is like this. Now there are many underground forces appearing, what actions will you launch?"

Sun Hongsheng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Wu Tian to ask him questions so straightforwardly.

"Normally, it should definitely be managed, but we really can't spare our energy now. There are many cases in my hands now, and there is no time to manage it."

Sun Hongsheng was also quite helpless, but Wu Tian realized a lot about the news revealed in it.

To put it bluntly, Sun Hongsheng is already spinning at this moment. As long as there is no major incident, he should not take the initiative to manage these underground forces.

In other words, Wu Tian and the others can naturally play at will. As long as they don't show any flaws and injustices, it is estimated that Sun Hongsheng will not say anything afterwards.

"I also finished the call...and you guys heard it too."

Wu Tian pointed to the phone, and then let his eyes cast on Yin Rumeng.

"Well, I want to leave this to you. If it really threatens your safety, then you can do what you should do. As for this site, I don't think anyone will dare to come to my site to collect protection fees, right?"

Wu Tian laughed. He is no longer the same as he was then. Naturally, I didn't feel so scared in these basements.

They can come if they want to collect protection fees, but it is estimated that they can't even go to Huadao.

"That's what it says..."

Qinglong is also happy. Isn't an important purpose for them to build Huadao for safety? These people can't even get up to the shore, so why do they collect protection fees?

Yin Rumeng nodded slightly, she probably understood what Wu Tian meant.

"Then I will continue to run my club first, but if they come to make trouble, I won't be soft."

"Of course, you can do whatever you want."

For this, Wu Tian still gave his approval very painfully.

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