Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1095: Sitting on the floor

These employees are not so easy to find, and they have also made great efforts in Hualongwenyu.

During this period, every employee was actually advancing and retreating with the company. How could Wu Tian give them up?

Qinglong was not ignorant of this truth, but he was reluctant to accept it for a while.

Wu Tian simply ignored him at this moment, and he ran aside, picked up the phone and communicated with the other party.

"I will prepare the funds now, but you must ensure the safety of my people!"

"It seems that Mr. Wu is quite clear. It's just that some of our brothers have discussed it... We are too many. There are more than 100 people, and only 2 billion? One person can't even get 100 million. Is it a bit too bad?"

The other party's voice was so disgusting to listen to, it seemed so ear-piercing at this moment.

What Wu Tian worries most really happened. They are now sitting on the ground and starting to ask for prices directly.

"Go ahead, how much do you want? This is the last discussion."

Wu Tianqiang endured the anger in his heart, and was fooled like this five times and three times. Whoever replaced it might not feel so good in his heart.

"We brothers don't want much, so we have one hundred million for each person. We have more than ninety people here, even ten billion! The time is still one hour!"

The other party clicked again and hung up the phone. At this moment, Wu Tian squeezed the phone's hand, shaking constantly because of his strength and muscle tension.

He turned his head, stared at Qinglong and said, "Tell Long Yun, prepare 10 billion, and the other party has bid."

After talking about this, Wu Tian turned his eyes back to the Wu Group Building. If the other party only asked for two billion, he paid the other party to let him go. Wu Tian felt that he could just forget about it.

Although two billion is indeed a lot, Wu Tian thinks it is more worthwhile to use the money to buy the lives of his employees.

But this sudden price increase, and it increased by five times, made Wu Tian a little unbearable.

An employee's life is still priceless, but his dignity also cannot be violated by others.

Is it possible that everyone thinks that their Wu Group Company is being taken advantage of? Isn't it possible that individuals will come to them in the future?

Once this hole is opened, I am afraid that it will be a really dangerous thing for these employees in the future.

Who knows if anyone wants to emulate the behavior of these thugs and then come to Wu Tian to threaten?

Thinking of this, Wu Tian walked slowly to Qinglong's side, patted him on the shoulder, and gave him a new instruction.

"Go to Huadao and get No. 1 and No. 2 girls! I want them to be urgently needed!"

Qinglong looked at the Wu Group Building a little reluctantly, he still wanted to contribute his strength here.

It's just that Wu Tian's order he also had to follow. Although he was a little bit reluctant, he still obeyed Wu Tian's request, turned and drove away.

For this matter, Wu Tian felt that there was no need to choke and hide.

He quickly notified Sun Hongsheng, but as soon as the other party heard the news, he fell silent.

Sun Hongsheng didn't say much, just silently hung up the phone and didn't say when he would come.

He must be going crazy at this moment.

The police alone are not enough. According to them, the number and scale of the mob inside is nearly a hundred, which is beyond the reach of ordinary police.

After thinking about it, Wu Tian found a new goal, Luo Huaicheng.

He is a serious commander of the special forces, and this matter might be easy to solve if you ask him.

After all, special forces like them will also train how to target terrorists, and let them mobilize their hands. Wouldn't they be more sure to rescue all their hostages?

Thinking of this, Wu Tian hurriedly acted, and immediately called Luo Huaicheng to explain the matter.

The other party also nodded in agreement without saying anything, saying that he wanted to report it.

However, within a few minutes, Luo Huaicheng called back and told him that he would leave immediately.

Finally, with some good news, Wu Tianxin was also relieved.

With support, things are much easier to handle. The police rushed to the scene first, and the number of them was not a lot but only ten or twenty.

What can be done is also very limited. The surroundings of the Wu Group Building were sealed off with warning tapes, and the crowds who were watching were also driven away.

After all, it is very easy to produce other threats at this time. If the masses are injured, it is a real big trouble for them.

With the arrival of Luo Huaicheng and others, a large group of journalists also rushed over. When they heard that there was big news here, and that it was Wu Tian's Wu Group Building, they immediately felt that there was an article to do.

You know, Wu Tian had offended these people severely before, so they certainly have to make a big fuss now that they have such an opportunity.

"My audience friends, this is the frontline reporter! The Wu Group Building in front of you is said to have been occupied by angry people at this moment, and they are suing the unscrupulous boss..."

Hearing what the reporters next to him said, Wu Tian suddenly became angry.

The crooked **** is too bad, these thugs even set up their bombs, and they just call them angry people?

What did Wu Tian do, he became an unscrupulous boss?

"You guys, get me aside!"

Thinking of this, Wu Tian was immediately furious, he angrily walked to the reporter's side and pointed to his nose and shouted.

"Audience friends, please take a look, this is what we call the boss, no wonder this happens..."

Saying that the reporter didn't just leave, but instead pointed the camera at Wu Tian.

Seeing this scene, Wu Tian picked up a stick from the side, and walked to the side of the camera without saying a word, and smashed the camera with a stick.

"What are you doing!"

The reporter immediately yelled and he didn't expect Wu Tian to actually make a move.

"I told you to **** off! Don't let me say it again!"

"Police! The police smashed my things!"

The reporter beckoned to Sun Hongsheng and others in the distance, probably because he felt that as long as he was a reporter, he could do whatever he wanted.

Sun Hongsheng walked over and took a cold look. He knew what was wrong without asking.

To some extent, these reporters sometimes do it by themselves, and no one can blame others.

"Now this is the guard area. You can't protect your safety if you break into the guard area privately!"

Sun Hongsheng faintly dropped this sentence and left. The reporters and photographers looked at each other, knowing that they had kicked the iron plate this time and left griefly.

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