Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1096: Rescue operation

These people deserved it too. When Wu Tian was in a bad mood, they came to find trouble. It would be nice not to beat them up.

Sun Hongsheng usually doesn't dare to be so arrogant to these reporters and the like. After all, if they report anything casually, the police might be scolded half to death.

But this ease is not easy for anyone here.

Luo Huaicheng had already asked his own people to clear the place, and the special forces had already been heavily armed and began to occupy some of the commanding heights nearby.

"There, send me two people! And the snipers on the top floor!" There were more than 500 special forces, all of them moved under the command of Luo Huaicheng at this time.

Wu Tian walked over with an anxious look and asked Luo Huaicheng.

"Team Luo, can you be sure this time?"

Luo Huaicheng looked at this building. This kidnapping case can be said to be rare in the history of the country. To be honest, there was no bottom in his heart.

If, as Wu Tian said, these people are just temporary intentions of some laid-off workers, then it would be easy to handle.

It's just that no one would believe that a group of ordinary people can actually get a lot of explosives. It can also kidnap hundreds of people in the company.

Their identities are definitely not ordinary, ordinary people, such words are those stupid reporters will believe, at least Luo Huaicheng and the others would never dare to care.

"It's hard to say, I will try my best!" Luo Huaicheng said with a gloomy expression. The task this time was really not easy.

Wu Tian frowned. His people are not here yet, so if he rushes in forcibly, he is not sure that there will be no trouble.

"If it doesn't work, I will go personally!" Wu Tian is already prepared for this kind of psychological preparation, and he probably thinks that this matter is probably impossible for ordinary people to handle.

When Luo Huaicheng heard this, he was shocked and quickly stopped Wu Tian.

"You can't go, they are thugs, and there may be other weapons in their hands! I tell you, the best thing we can do now is to wait. After my people are in place, we can send someone in to investigate the enemy’s location. Isn’t there one hour left?"

Speaking of this, Wu Tianzhi nodded his head. He had already started arranging people to prepare for this one hour. After all, if there is really no good way, Wu Tian decided to use money to redeem people.

It's just the consequences of this matter. It's hard to say whether these people have the ability to bear it. Anyway, Wu Tian is really angry this time.

"Oh, my old brother, you can see that this has happened, can I not go?" Wu Tian is really worried. If he can't understand the situation personally, there is a high probability that he can't. Don't worry about it.

"You are such a bone, can you do it? You might have to make trouble for our team members if you go! I didn't mean to offend you when I said this, but it is not rough, I still hope you can understand it. ."

Luo Huaicheng felt that his Chinese might be a bit too much. In fact, he didn't know Wu Tian's own strength at all, and he treated him as just an ordinary person.

While talking, Luo Huaicheng’s people were already in place, because these thugs occupied the middle floor, while the upper floor was controlled by Su Cancan’s security team, while the lower floor was occupied by special forces. Up.

It can be said that the enemy is unable to move up and down now, and is basically a turtle in the urn, unable to run away.

Had it not been for the hostages in their hands, Wu Tian would have directly sent someone to bludgeon all these thugs.

"Captain, we are currently searching below, but it is quite difficult to find the bomb in a short time..."

"Then I have to find it! There are hundreds of lives on it!" If this building collapses, it won't be a matter of hundreds of lives. This is the city center, surrounded by many high-rise buildings...

Moreover, the number of people gathered is very large. If one is not possible, the number of casualties may be tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.

If this happens, let alone Wu Tian can't bear the responsibility, I'm afraid Luo Huaicheng and others will have to finish playing from top to bottom.

While talking, suddenly there was another explosion on the building. The glass in the other room was blown up. The explosion of fireworks spread out from it, and thick smoke continued to float up along the top.

"Tmd!" Wu Tian clenched his fist fiercely, hammered the car next to him, and forced the car into a pit.

"Mr. Wu, you quickly contact the robbers inside and ask them to keep the hostages safe!" Luo Huaicheng can also guess that the other party's purpose for doing this is probably to use this method to deter Wu Tian and the others.

In this case, they would be more capable of dealing with Wu Tian and their threats of force.

"This is natural."

Wu Tian hurriedly followed suit, but the other party stopped contacting Wu Tian and said nothing to answer the phone.

Moreover, according to reports from Luo Huaicheng's special team members, they heard from a distant observation point that the other party closed all the windows with curtains, just to organize the team members to obtain information from the outside.

At this time, everyone is starting to feel helpless. After all, various methods have been used, but they have no effect at all.

In fact, Wu Tian's idea is also very simple. One is very good at speed. Perhaps his speed can be used in this hostage rescue operation.

And the abilities of Er Niu needless to say, it can help Wu Tian advance or get to the thoughts of people nearby, and this may be able to avoid some potential risks.

If neither of them can solve this problem, then Wu Tian feels that there is absolutely no way he can do it, so he can give up completely.

With that said, Wu Tian asked these people to follow behind him with money, ready to walk into the building to take a look.

The other party can never stop himself outside, after all, he is responsible for paying the money.

And just when they were about to enter, Luo Huaicheng suddenly ran over and stopped Wu Tian.

"Wait a minute! New progress!"

Luo Huaicheng said in surprise, and then anxiously pulled Wu Tian aside.

Everyone didn't know what medicine was sold in Luo Huaicheng's gourd, but seeing that time was still rich, they walked along with him.

When he arrived in an alley next to him, Wu Tian understood what Luo Huaicheng was talking about.

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