Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1097: Those who have the Tao will help

In fact, Wu Tian's idea is also very simple. One is very good at speed. Perhaps his speed can be used in this hostage rescue operation.

And the abilities of Er Niu needless to say, it can help Wu Tian advance or get to the thoughts of people nearby, and this may be able to avoid some potential risks.

If neither of them can solve this problem, then Wu Tian feels that there is absolutely no way he can do it, so he can give up completely.

With that said, Wu Tian asked these people to follow behind him with money, ready to walk into the building to take a look.

The other party can never stop himself outside, after all, he is responsible for paying the money.

And just when they were about to enter, Luo Huaicheng suddenly ran over and stopped Wu Tian.

"Wait a minute! New progress!"

Luo Huaicheng said in surprise, and then anxiously pulled Wu Tian aside.

Everyone didn't know what medicine was sold in Luo Huaicheng's gourd, but seeing that time was still rich, they walked along with him.

When he arrived in an alley next to him, Wu Tian understood what Luo Huaicheng was talking about.

Because what appeared in front of him were twelve agents in strong costumes.

These people are too familiar to him, because Zhao Hui is the leader.

"Wu Tian! We are here to help you, you should contact us first if you encounter such a thing!"

Zhao Hui walked up excitedly, and then gave Wu Tian a hug.

These agents have a very high evaluation of Wu Tian. If you know that without Wu Tian, ​​they might be worried about their lives now.

"I really didn't expect that you would come here... but don't you have a job! Is it really okay for you to participate in this kind of thing?"

Wu Tian didn't know that these agents could still move around freely, otherwise it would definitely be twice the result with half the effort to invite these more professional people.

"We are all so badly injured and we have no mission recently...just some training. It just happens that you have a little problem here. Let's treat it as training."

Zhao Hui said with a smile on his face. In short, it would be great to have them participating. In this case, Wu Tian's heart would feel more at ease.

Looking at these people, Wu Tianxin was also very emotional. It seems that his birth and death are not without return.

"Okay, let's not say anything polite. This time the matter is not handled very well. There are too many people on the other side, there are 100 people, and they have taken nearly 500 hostages..."

Wu Tian briefly explained the situation to them. The most important thing is the bomb.

According to the information provided by the mob, they claimed to have planted a lot of bombs in the building. As long as the ransom was not received or the time required by them was exceeded, the bombs would explode.

By that time, the entire building could not be kept, let alone the people inside.

The agents glanced at each other, and their expressions did not change much.

Zhao Hui held his arms and nodded thoughtfully.

"Bomb-making is my strong point. Leave this to us."

He is very confident. If Zhao Hui said that he is second in bombs, I am afraid that no one would dare to say first.

As for his skills, Wu Tian had already experienced it at Guangyao's place before.

"Really! It would be great if so!"

Wu Tian was very excited, the presence of the agents really helped a lot.

If they can find all these bombs and destroy them, the rest will be much easier.

The enemy has no weapons in his hands, so what do they use to threaten these hostages?

After the things Wu Tian feared naturally disappeared, he would not show mercy to these people.

"Okay! Let's divide the work, the secret agent team, you sneak in from the top of the building with people, and then take care of all the bombs. But I'm curious, how do you tell where the bombs are?"

Wu Tian couldn't understand the truth, so he asked directly.

Zhao Hui smiled, he waved to his companion, and then took out a box from behind.

When I opened it up, it was a very delicate instrument with an earpiece like a stethoscope used by a doctor.

"This thing is an ultrasonic detector. We can use this thing to detect whether there are bombs nearby, so don't worry."

Zhao Hui gave a brief explanation and then sent the instrument back.

Seeing this, Wu Tian nodded, and at this point he would never question Zhao Hui and other agents.

"The agent walks from above, so my special forces will start from below and prepare to break in, what do you think?"

Luo Huaicheng is also gearing up. In fact, they don't have much intersection with the special agent team, but watching them show themselves here, to be honest, Luo Huaicheng also has a stamina in his heart not to admit defeat.

He knows that every agent is a talent who chooses one from a thousand, a dragon among people. But their special operations forces are not yours. What's more, with the training equipment provided by Wu Tian, ​​Luo Huaicheng feels that his strength has risen to a place of lawlessness.

He urgently needs a stage to show it, and at the same time he can show his combat strength to the leaders above.

"You fight from the bottom up, it doesn't seem to have any advantage, is it really possible?"

Wu Tian is still a little worried. After all, the agents work from the top down, and the special forces forces work from the bottom up. This is a natural suppression in itself.

"There will definitely be some difficulties, but we have a lot of people!"

Luo Huaicheng didn't think so. If his special forces couldn't solve this little problem, they wouldn't become special forces.

Seeing his persistence, Wu Tian didn't say anything any more, and he agreed to Luo Huaicheng's request very happily.

"Okay! Let's act like this! When the bomb is dismantled, we receive a message from the special agent team, so we will try to sneak in! Try not to hurt the hostages!"

Wu Tiansan ordered five claims, these hostages are his treasures, they are all his employees!

What's more, it is said that Zhang Chi and the high-level personnel in the department are also in it. If these people lose Wu Tian, ​​there is nowhere to make up.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wu, you rescued us back then, and now it's our turn to help you. It's time for you to see how powerful our agent team is!"

With that said, Zhao Hui left with some people, and the curtain on the action began.

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