Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1098: bargain

At this time, the sky slowly began to turn to darkness, which was more conducive to Wu Tian and their actions.

Under the cover of night, this group quickly divided into two parts.

According to his own plan, Wu Tian, ​​together with No. 1 and No. 2 Niu, took money and prepared to go in.

Since they had already called in advance, Baotou and Wu Tian agreed to meet on the tenth floor in the middle.

There is a relatively large lobby on the tenth floor, and the surrounding area is relatively unobstructed. The other party may also feel that trading in this place is relatively safer.

They obviously already know that they are surrounded, so the only way they want to survive is to use the hostages in their hands.

Soon, Wu Tian had reached the tenth floor, and several of them stood in the middle of the hall, watching the surrounding quiet.

None of the few people spoke, but they were all very nervous.

Wu Tian could feel that the other party must be observing a few of them in secret, but Wu Tian took a few people this time, it really didn't seem to have any combat effectiveness.

Er Niu looks like a teenage girl, Long Yun is a secretary, Wu Tian and No.1 are both thin and weak, and they don't seem to be able to fight.

The only threatening person is probably Qinglong. He has five big and three rough eyebrows, but he is alone, and it is estimated that the other party will not put him in the eye.

Soon, the mob really appeared in front of them. It's just that they are not one person, but a group.

They immediately formed a circle, surrounding Wu Tian and the others.

"Um, I have taken the money you asked for..."

Wu Tian pointed to the cash box behind him, ten billion, which is not a small sum. He was also dissatisfied with these large boxes, so he said that there was some money in the bank card.

The eyes of these thugs were extremely greedy, and they wished to **** all the money right away.

But they did not do so, but suppressed the **** in their hearts.

"Your leader? I ask him to fulfill his promise! Let go of all my employees! Let's pay the money and the others!"

Wu Tianyi said righteously, this is nothing at all. Generally speaking, the rules are like this.

It's just that the other party is not an ordinary person, so you can't use ordinary people's ethics to demand them.

"We don't have a boss... We all decide if there is anything!"

"That is, you said that that person gave you a promise to release people, why don't I know! You give us the money first and we want to order it again!"

At this time, these thugs began to have various voices. In short, they did not cooperate with Wu Tian's request.

There were even some people who pushed and shoved to step forward and went straight to **** them, but they were pushed back by Qinglong.

Although these people are fierce and wicked, their bones are not so solid, and they do have the meaning of being laid off workers.

However, ordinary people shouldn't be so bad as to this extent, so Wu Tian still has doubts about their identity.

"If you have no sincerity like this, it won't work. I am a businessman, and the businessman pays attention to sincerity! Now that I have agreed with you, and I have come with the money, you don’t feel a bit of going back Excessive?"

Wu Tian didn't intend to break his face with these people directly, but he didn't want to be fooled by them either.

"It seems that our boss Wu is angry..."

"But I didn't sign this promise with you. Any decision we make here is the result of everyone's negotiation. If you talk to that person, you can go to him!"

"That is, it can't be counted without an agreement that we all agree together."

For a time, various controversies continued one after another, and Wu Tian felt that his head was about to explode. He never thought that these people would be so difficult to deal with, and so many fallacies came out.

Wu Tian is really going to die of anger, but he still can't show it on his face. If these people are angered, the hostages will be in trouble.

Looking at this scene, Wu Tian took a deep breath, "Don't quarrel, everyone, since you are going to negotiate to solve this problem collectively, well, you can negotiate now."

Wu Tian is willing to wait for them here, to put it bluntly to see what they can negotiate.

Those people looked at each other, and the thugs were staring at the cash box while fluttering back and forth on Wu Tian and the others.

Then he whispered something underneath.

After a while, someone put forward their own ideas.

"We demand a ransom, double it!"

After hearing these words, before Wu Tian could say anything, Long Yun had already called out her voice.

"What? Double! Do you know how much it is! We don't have a lot of funds in our company!"

Long Yun's anxious voice was broken.

"What's the matter with me... Besides, you can't even raise these tens of billions of funds for a group as big as your Wu Group?"

"Yes, who are you lie to! You rich people still want to pretend to be poor in front of us?"

For a while, Long Yun was so shocked that she could hardly speak, she quickly closed her mouth with acquaintance.

Wu Tian frowned and scratched his head, and things really became a little difficult to handle.

"Don't worry, everyone, the money problem is easy to solve! It's just..."

Here Wu Tian sold a pass, and did not intend to directly reject the other party's request, but he did not intend to directly agree.

"But what?"

"Cash is not that simple to get, it takes time! I have prepared for a full hour or two for the money alone. Now you are asking me to double it. I can't get it in three or four hours. The bank doesn’t mean that there is so much cash in it all the time."

What Wu Tian said was a bitter heart, but what he said really really made him spend 10 billion, which he couldn't get out now.

Even if the company has it on the books, there is no way.

"Unless you ask me to transfer money directly, which is the only way, otherwise, I can't do it."

Wu Tian spread his hands, expressing that he could do nothing.

And this group of thugs are also a little at a loss at this time. They can still lead the direction of the dialogue before, but at this moment, Wu Tian has taken control of the situation on the scene.

And they didn't even realize this, and a group of people immediately began to chat about what is more suitable for them.

After a while, the few people who were talking raised their heads again.

"We decided to give you some relief! 15 billion, still an hour!"

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