To some extent, this is indeed a grace for Wu Tian.

Of course, all this is not because the other party's conscience discovered it, but because they are afraid that they will not get the money.

If in the end both sides are gone, although Wu Tian's side will suffer the most, these thugs will have to face a result that they can't get anything.

They are also people and have their own selfishness. When facing such a huge amount of sky-high wealth, they will definitely wonder in their hearts whether they should make more money.

If they miss this opportunity, they will never become billionaires again.

Therefore, no one is willing to give up receiving this money.

"By the way, you just said you can transfer?"

At this time, a mob suddenly asked.

Wu Tian immediately nodded in response and said, "Yes, if you are willing to provide a bank account, I can transfer the money to you by transfer."

Hearing this, many thugs immediately stood up happily. They were worried that on the one hand they could not carry so much cash, and on the other hand, they were not safe.

If the money can be transferred directly to the account, then this matter is basically free.

"I have an account, you can transfer to my account!"

The mob immediately laughed happily. He wanted to get the money now, so he ran two steps and walked out of the crowd.

He walked slowly to Wu Tian, ​​wrote a note of his bank account, and handed it over.

Unexpectedly, someone would actually bring his bank account over... Wu Tian didn't know for a moment whether he should pick it up or not.

Say you don't answer, but so many people watched it, and I did say something like this just now.

But if you accept it... then you have to hit the money, which is a big loss.

The scene suddenly began to fall into embarrassment. Wu Tian looked at Long Yun behind him helplessly, wanting to ask her for advice.

Long Yun nodded secretly. He felt that there was some benefit in doing so. These people provided accounts, which meant that their identity was exposed.

After seeing Long Yun's head nod, Wu Tian was relieved and bold, and then took the note with the account number on it, and passed it over to Long Yun's hand.

"It will take a while to transfer money, please stay calm."

Wu Tian also laughed with him. In short, it was enough to make the other party not feel the things he was thinking in his heart. As for other things, Wu Tian still had many ways to deal with them.

Soon, they moved very quickly to complete the matter.

After such a start, many people began to feel a little bit eager. After all, this approach can be said to have completely dispelled their worries.

Regardless of other people, first they can get the money in advance, and secondly, they don't have to worry about the safety of their funds.

Suddenly, many people also walked up and asked him to transfer money around Wu Tian. Some treasure pictures seemed to be beginning to be a little unbearable. Not all people are fools.

"What are you doing, handing over your account, do you want to wait for the other party to know your identity?"

"These are all fools!"

The thugs now began to have some different voices among themselves, and Wu Tian and the others couldn't laugh in their hearts at this time.

I didn't expect that they themselves are not monolithic. Isn't this still very loose?

Who told them to say just now that all decisions here require collective recognition and consent.

Well now, these people naturally have no way to organize these people to use transfers to receive funds.

Moreover, when they do receive the money, this effect will soon be spread to more people.

Wu Tian originally hoped that he could come over and delay some time, but now it seems that this approach is relatively successful.

With so many people wanting to transfer money, it couldn't be done for a while, and the other party couldn't say anything about Wu Tian.

It was at this time that Wu Tian stood aside and quietly began to count the number of these thugs. The other party said that his number was almost 100, and nearly 70 or 80 appeared on the scene.

In other words, as long as these people in front of them are handled by themselves, there will be very few left in the building.

When Wu Tian was thinking about it, suddenly someone stood up on the opposite side and walked straight towards Wu Tian.

"Since you are also willing to transfer money to them, shouldn't your cash here also be sent to us?"

There are not a few people who are staring at the money. After all, after some people ask for transfer and payment, can the remaining people directly ask for the current cash?

Although it may not be guaranteed that everyone can get it, there must be a large number of people who can get the money.

This remark suddenly seemed to have opened their brains, and a group of people immediately gathered around.

"Yes! We paid the money!"

Wu Tian saw that the pressure on his side was getting stronger and stronger, so it was not a way to go on like this, so he stood in front of him.

"Attention everyone! You can let me pay! But I have to see my people! I don't know if they are safe or unsafe now. Before I see people, I won't give you any money. "

Wu Tian didn't feel that he was at a disadvantage now, but he felt that the other party wanted his money so much, so he had to show some sincerity.

Under the temptation of so much money, it is impossible for the other party to make compromises.

Sure enough, those thugs immediately stopped their advancement, and then they chatted with their own people.

After a while, they came to their own results. Several people left the team and ran to the back.

Seeing that some of them disappeared, Wu Tian wondered if these people had come with their hostages.

Soon, he watched these people walking over with a few people, and Wu Tian could see clearly when he arrived.

These hostages wear black hoods on their faces, and their hands and feet are tightly bound, so it can be said that they cannot move.

They made whining noises, as if there was something stuck in their mouths and they couldn't speak.

Seeing them like this, Wu Tian felt really distressed in his heart. Anyway, they are all his own employees.

"You guys let them go!"

Wu Tian said eagerly, he tried hard to get to his employees, but the mob blocked his way.

"Give me money first!"

Looking at the other side's appearance that he wouldn't let him see if he didn't pay, Wu Tian was really speechless.

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