Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1100: The situation reversed

Looking at the other side's appearance that he wouldn't let him see if he didn't pay, Wu Tian was really speechless.

The initiative suddenly returned to the hands of these thugs, because they were still holding weapons such as sticks.

The other side threatened his employees with an open flame. If Wu Tian didn't give the money, he might do some extremely cruel things in front of him.

"Yes, yes, take off your headgear and let me see!"

Wu Tian made some compromises, but he must know that these people are really his employees.

He may not be able to recognize all the employees, but Long Yun next to her has a very good memory. As long as she sees it, she can distinguish the identities of these people.

These thugs didn't care, they just dropped the black headgear on the heads of these hostages, revealing the faces underneath.

Wu Tian looked at the hostage closest to him in surprise, because it was obviously Xi Chengwen...

Apart from Huang Lan, the hottest celebrity under my own hands, I never thought that she was also kidnapped... I just don’t know if the other party knows her identity...

"Okay, you have seen people, give us the money quickly!"

Wu Tian looked helpless, being pressed tightly by the other party, it would be inappropriate for him not to give money at this time.

"Well... if I give you a portion of the money, you will hand over the person to me. Paying the money one hand and the other hand, this is fine."

These thugs don't have too many opinions on this. They still have a lot of logs under their hands. Sending a few to Wu Tian does not affect their right to speak.

In order to show their sincerity, the thugs gave a push and pushed these Xi Chengwen people to Wu Tian and the others.

Qinglong hurried over to help them and help them untie their shackles.

Wu Tian and Long Yun took the cash box and opened it with a crack.

From the inside, the cash was piled up by dozens of dozens, and distributed to the outside at a price of 200 million yuan per person.

"Why are you here..."

When Xi Chengwen saw Wu Tian and their faces, she immediately cried. She thought that she might die here. But unexpectedly, Wu Tian still came to rescue them.

"I'm late, I'm late... I'm sorry."

Wu Tian was very guilty of apologizing. This is what he said in his heart. If he found out earlier and started to act when the other party was just messing around, maybe things wouldn't be like this.

In fact, what Xi Chengwen said just now was more emotional. She also knew Wu Tian's difficulties.

Moreover, Wu Tian on the scene is constantly sending money to others, and Xi Chengwen is not a fool to understand what it is.

It's just that she can't say anything from this position. After all, they are hostages, and the money is equivalent to buying their lives.

Wu Tian's eyes rolled, he was still making money on the surface, but he started a conversation with the two girls in his mind.

"Have you found something wrong?"

"Hard to say…"

Er Niu glanced at Wu Tian with complicated eyes. To be honest, Wu Tian didn't know what it meant to be hard to say.

"Who is the leader of them?"

Wu Tian firmly doesn't think it's impossible for no one to take the lead. This is pure nonsense. They said that collective decision is actually a slow-down strategy, and no one can fool Wu Tian.

So he felt that these people would definitely have their commanders.

"The leader...not here..."

Er Niu was very careful and serious in investigating. Although this group of people would not say such things on their faces and mouths, there was no way to defend themselves in their minds. Er Niu directly began to read their minds. In the mind.

I have to say that this ability is really abnormal, it's like a humanoid radar, no matter what they hide, they can't stop Er Niu's detection.

"What? You mean that there is indeed this leader, but he is not here now?"

Wu Tianxin was taken aback. He thought it must be lurking in the crowd, but he didn't expect it to be the result.

No wonder why this group of thugs will be divided into two or three groups of people, using different methods to collect money.

It turned out that no one was able to direct them at the scene, so the question is, who is their leader? Who planned all this from behind?

Wu Tian was planning this matter in his heart, when suddenly Long Yun pulled Wu Tian quietly from underneath.

Wu Tian looked at Long Yun making an OK gesture to him, and suddenly became happy.

This is a secret code they have communicated in private before. Long Yun wears a very concealed earphone in her ear. If you don't pay attention to it, you can't see it at all.

You can hear the secret agent team's movements at any time. Obviously, this OK gesture means that the agent team has completed their mission.

In less than ten minutes before and after this, they had basically cleaned up the bombs in the building.

Except for a few bombs that they could not get close to, all the remaining bombs have been resolved.

Hearing this news, Wu Tian's waist suddenly became hard, so what are you afraid of?

The opponent has no bombs, and the threat to the hostages has dropped to a very low level, so a large-scale counterattack will begin!

Wu Tian's hand holding the money stopped suddenly. He kept putting the money out of the cash box, but suddenly he put the money out again.

These thugs looked at Wu Tian's movement with surprise, and they couldn't believe it.

"what are you doing?"

Some people became furious. The people in front of them all received the money but they went to them. Wu Tian seemed to have changed his mind.

"I'm not doing anything, just want to regret it."

Wu Tianruo said these words nonchalantly, and the people on the opposite side stared like a cow at this moment.

They never expected Wu Tian to be able to say something like this, which was completely beyond their expectations.

"You... don't you want your hostage?"

The thugs began to feel a little nervous at this time, and Xi Chengwen on the side stared at Wu Tian closely. He was also very afraid that Wu Tian would give up the remaining hostages.

"Of course I will not give up the hostages. From now on I solemnly declare to you that no matter who you are, you will be released to me immediately! Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

Wu Tian's words resounded loudly, echoing throughout the hall.

The air suddenly became much quieter, and the thugs looked at each other. You look at me and I look at you, and then burst into thunder-like laughter.

This man is crazy. The mob pointed at Wu Tian, ​​thinking that the rich man must be crazy for money.

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