Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1103: Retaliation

Seeing Su Cancan's positive appearance, Wu Tianxin felt relieved a lot.

It should be safe for him to take action.

Seeing helicopters flying out of the building and carrying stretchers out of the building, reporters outside are desperately reporting the matter at this moment.

Many people think that this is a very large-scale case, it is almost useless for a long time, the whole network knows.

After all, the scale of the special forces can be dispatched, so the things in it are definitely not small.

Before the results came out, all kinds of gossips were already flying in the sky.

Some people say that this is due to Wu Tian and his company's arbitrary layoffs caused by employees' revenge.

Others say that it was because Wu Tian and the employees of the company that failed their competition were planning the matter. In short, there were everything.

But they all have the same characteristic, that is, intentionally or unintentionally, they want to bring the culprit of this case to Wu Tian and the others.

If it were replaced by other companies, perhaps these people would have begun to wave the flag and denounce these criminals.

But nowadays, a voice of sympathy for criminals has slowly spread, which makes people feel very difficult to understand.

When he saw these reports, Wu Tianzhen was not angry and laughed abruptly.

These unscrupulous media, I am afraid that there are no people in the world who have no conscience less than them. Don't they know their responsibilities and roles?

Even allowing these gossips to spread on the Internet, and even played a role in fueling the flames.

I don’t bring anything like this when I’m falling into a well...

"Mr. Wu, should we send them a lawyer's letter to warn them?"

Long Yun is also upset about this situation, but they can't be as helpless as these people. Large companies must have the tolerance of large companies.

"Forget it..."

Wu Tian waved his hand, he was going to hand over the things here to Qinglong and the others for further processing, while he got in the car and prepared to return to Huadao.

"If we send the lawyer's letter, we will seem stingy. But this also reminds me that the initiative of public opinion must be in our hands."

Wu Tian said thoughtfully, and he glanced at the building outside. This was built by his grandfather Wu Zhi himself, but now it has experienced vicissitudes of life.

There have been several such attacks alone.

From a certain perspective, Wu Tian simply did not protect the building that his grandfather gave him.

"Mr. Wu, should we also strengthen security here?"

Long Yun was talking while driving. When something like this happened, the company must be panicking.

"Since it has happened, what use is it for us to do security? It is okay to send a little more manpower, but don't go too far, it doesn't make sense."

The other party now knows that Wu Tian is not so easy to deal with, and it is estimated that similar things will not be done again.

It's just that this can't solve the fundamental problem. The economy of S City has also experienced such a big shock, and we must find a way to solve it.

Otherwise, these unemployed people will sooner or later become a greater hidden danger.

When the car was halfway down the road, Wu Tian suddenly remembered something and patted Long Yun on the shoulder to make her turn around.

"Take me to the place Yin Rumeng!"

Long Yun immediately changed the direction of the car, and she could probably guess what Wu Tian was going to do.

Yin Rumeng's clubhouse was already very large, and it was so impressive that no one thought she was still a genius in this area.

Wu Tian was very satisfied watching the prosperity and prosperity of this club. Although he rarely came, he had heard of it.

This club is probably the safest and most peaceful place in city s.

No gangster has ever dared to make trouble here, because the security inside and outside the clubhouse is even more fierce than fierce and evil. People with unhealthy minds just see them, they are already retreating.

Yin Rumeng hurried out to greet him upon hearing the news of Wu Tian's arrival. Even the people under her hand were arranged outside to welcome two teams.

It was almost late at night, just when the clubhouse was booming. Wu Tian felt that they were doing something like a big move and quickly stopped Yin Rumeng.

"Be low-key, I'm here to find you this time, not to play."

When Yin Rumeng heard it, he immediately understood and dismissed the people under his hands.

"Mr. Wu, come with me."

Yin Rumeng took Wu Tian to her office, and no one could disturb them in this place.

Wu Tian sat on the sofa in the office, playing with a small ornament in his hand, and Long Yun stood beside him with a serious face, and the two of them said nothing.

Yin Rumeng became nervous at this time, because she didn't know which Wu Tian was going to cause trouble. It always seemed like she was going to come to Xingshi to inquire...

After a few minutes, Yin Rumeng couldn't hold it anymore, and cautiously wanted to test it.

"Mr. Wu... You are here this time..."

"Oh, you said this, I'm thinking about things. You should also be aware of the case in the Wu Group Building.

Yin Rumeng nodded quickly, like a chicken pecking at rice.

"I know, it's broadcast on TV 24 hours a can't even know it."

Wu Tian nodded, and then slowly said: "I'm thinking, is there any way to solve this problem once and for all? I don't want someone to follow along with me next time."

"Then what do you mean?"

Yin Rumeng vaguely felt that there was something in Wu Tian's words.

Wu Tian focused his gaze on Yin Rumeng. He is now very entangled in whether to do that.

"I'm thinking...Is it time for you to play a role. If these people don't manage well and don't frighten them, they will definitely be in trouble. I don't want to be a fat cow being targeted."

Speaking of this, Yin Rumeng quickly understood. Wu Tian came to her specially, naturally because of her intentions.

"Mr. Wu, don't worry, leave this to me!"

Wu Tian nodded, with Yin Rumeng's assurance, then he didn't say anything anymore.

This was the last time before leaving, Wu Tian specially told her.

"Be careful not to show your feet! I will take care of Sun Hongsheng and ask them not to check you as much as possible, but you should not reveal your identity to me."

After talking about Wu Tian, ​​he left this place. After a day or two, some violent cases spread across S City.

Many people were beaten for some reason, even women and the elderly.

They all said that a group of people rushed to the house with their faces covered, and then beat them all at once.

Without exception, these smashed families have one common feature, that is, they are all family members of the thugs who kidnapped Wu Tian's employees.

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