Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1104: Rogue with no eyesight

Of course, this matter has naturally received media attention. People can easily associate this matter with the kidnapping of Hualong Entertainment's employees.

But Wu Tian did not intend to cover up for this at all.

First of all, there is no evidence to prove that his people did this thing. Second, the family members of these thugs were attacked, but basically no casualties were caused.

It's just that their homes have been smashed to pieces.

Wu Tian was very successful in propagating to the outside world that people who came to trouble him should be prepared to bear all the consequences.

There have been some bad-minded people, after seeing such actions, naturally they dare not make any big moves. Just kidding, Wu Tian's reaction speed was extremely fast, he almost completed his revenge in less than two days, and treated him equally.

There is no such thing as revenge because someone has money or no money.

For a time, even when many people were walking on the road, they began to deliberately avoid the street where Hualong Entertainment is located.

However, when this situation is not very clear, such an approach makes Wu Tian feel more pleased.

He doesn't need to continue to worry about the possibility that someone will imitate and commit the crime now, but instead focus all his attention on the tracing of the few who fled.

Two days have passed since the development of the matter. During this period, Wu Tian and the others did not act rashly.

Su Cancan has been closely following this group of people, and even a group of special forces has been closely surrounding the few escaped people nearby.

According to Wu Tian's request, these people were not immediately arrested.

Since he was not on the front line, Wu Tian could only contact the front line through Long Yun to find out the situation.

"How is it now? Did you see who they were in contact with?"

Long Yun shook his head. If there is news in this regard, he definitely doesn't need Wu Tian to ask, he will tell him if he takes the initiative.

"The situation is not optimistic... We are not easy to deal with the other party's flaws."

In short, the current situation is deadlocked. Wu Tian and the others didn't have a breakthrough. The other party seemed to have never happened to this matter. What should they do?

Wu Tian frowned, and the other party was quite tolerant. Since this is the case, I have to find a way to put some pressure on them.

"In this way, I will go to the front in person! I will meet them."

Wu Tian changed his clothes and was going to see what happened to these people.

Long Yun originally didn't want him to go, but when he thought of the many security personnel next to him, her worries should be unnecessary.

After changing clothes and dressing up in disguise, Wu Tian took the two girls and set off.

The place where these people are hiding is a factory community. Since this factory has now closed down and there are unemployed workers everywhere, it looks rather messy.

Of course, this is also an important reason why they can gather so many people in a short time. Now it seems that the impact of unemployment cannot be underestimated.

Wu Tian arrived outside the community and looked across the road. He saw that it was on the upper floor of a hotel. One of the windows was open, and a little reflection could be seen faintly.

"Are there people in that place?"

Long Yun looked in the direction of Wu Tian’s fingers, and then looked at the documents in her hand. She nodded and agreed with Wu Tian’s words: "Yes, that’s the person from the police station. Inside the house are special forces. President Su is now stationed in the community with people."

It seems that these three forces have their own arrangements, and they don't need Wu Tian to blend in.

That's good, triple protection, even if the people inside can't fly out even with wings.

"Let's go, take me in and take a look!"

With that said, Wu Tian asked Long Yun to lead the way, and a few people walked into the community in a swagger.

The community was full of people squatting on the side of the road. They talked to each other and smoked, and their eyes kept floating on Long Yun's body.

They were all young men in their twenties and thirties. Of course, they couldn't do without the eyes of the big beauty.

Long Yun's face was serious, she didn't put these people in her eyes at all, and she didn't even bother to take a look.

However, those who are not long-eyed took the initiative to come up.

Wu Tian saw that three or five people blocked their way, the leader's head was hot with gold hair, he was holding a cigarette in his breath, and he always held a baseball bat in his hand.

The images of the people around him are similar, and they are always known to be rascals at first glance.

"Little girl, why are you going?"

The gangster dangling a cigarette while tilting his head and whistling at Long Yun, then blocked his way.

Long Yun did not speak, but gave him a fierce look, and then walked away from him.

Now her task is to take Wu Tian to their hidden base, not to pester these people.

Seeing that he was completely ignored by Long Yun, the rogue suddenly became very angry.

He turned his head and grabbed Long Yun's arm, and drew her back.

"Don't you hear me talking to you!"

At this time, he didn't care about the face on his face, and directly roared at Long Yun.

The people nearby just looked over here and then smiled. No one was planning to come out to be fair.

Wu Tian sighed. He didn't want to cause trouble, but such harassment is not a problem. After all, Long Yun is his secretary anyway, so he can't watch him being bullied like this.

However, before Wu Tian took the shot, Er Niu glanced at these hooligans strangely, and then suddenly opened and closed her eyes, and these hooligans immediately seemed to have changed.

The person in the lead released Long Yun's arm, then turned and left silently, and several of them walked towards a corner, and then squatted there without saying anything.

The people around still didn't understand what was going on, and found it strange, but they didn't come to stop Wu Tian and their actions.

"Oh my don't want to do it casually! It's easy to reveal your identity in the public here!"

Wu Tian knew at first glance that Er Niu did it, but this was not the result he wanted.

Er Niu's identity is very important, and he cannot allow Er Niu to expose his abilities.

"Sorry... I want to help her..."

The second girl was a little embarrassed, but in fact she was just kind, but she was still young and didn't know how to deal with the best result.

"Mr. Wu, let's go!"

Long Yun watched the hooligans around him gather more and more. The few people who had to kill and return did not dispel their other thoughts. On the contrary, more people began to think of Long Yun's beauty.

Staying outside for a long time is not an issue, they have to leave quickly if they want to avoid trouble.

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