Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1105: Surveillance investigation

The target's home is in a seemingly inconspicuous unit building, which was built thirty years ago and now looks very old.

Moreover, the area is not large. There are all kinds of sundries in the stairwell. It is very mad to think that it is impossible for two or three people to walk side by side.

Su Cancan was right next to the target, and he bought the house directly.

Of course, the target didn't know that the room was actually occupied, so no trace of them has been found so far.

Long Yun walked to the door, and according to the previous secret code, knocked on the door twice lightly, and brought Wu Tian in.

There are several security team members in the room who are resting at this time, and on one wall, they have added a lot of instruments, including infrared perspective and some ultrasound perspective.

There is even something specially used to monitor their conversation.

It can be said that there are all kinds of equipment, and this wall can be ignored for the security team.

They could almost see what the other party did in the room and what they said.

And Su Cancan is lying on a sofa to rest at this moment, watching her motionless, he should be asleep.

Long Yun hurriedly explained: "They are now on a round-the-clock shift monitoring. It is estimated that President Su should have just taken a break."

Wu Tian nodded, and walked over carefully, trying not to make any noises.

But just as he sat on the edge of the sofa, Su Cancan slowly opened his eyes.

"Aren't you going to sleep?"

"You can feel that you are coming from a long distance away from such a big movement."

Su Cancan said angrily, but at this moment, her attitude was much better than before, which made Wu Tian very pleased.

"Any progress?"


Su Cancan's answer was extremely straightforward, and if there was progress, they wouldn't have to stay here.

Wu Tian turned his head and looked at the monitoring screen in the monitor. The people inside were watching TV, and then they were joking and playing around.

The identity of these people has long been investigated, and they are said to be retired workers from the same factory. Their previous income in the factory was not low, so they had some savings.

It's just that no one can figure out why these people would go to the Wu Group to make trouble together.

In short, the background identity is fairly clean and there is nothing he said about contact with history.

What Wu Tian cares most about is whether these people are in contact with the Pulitzer consortium.

It can be said that looking at the entire city of s, the person who most wants Wu Tian to die, I am afraid that apart from Zhang Zerui, there should be no second one.

Naturally, Wu Tian would also regard it as the first target of suspicion.

"We waited so long and they didn't say what to do." Wu Tian saw that this was not an option, and he couldn't always let Su Cancan spend here. As the person in charge of the security team, she still has many important things to do. Do it.

"In another day or two, if there is no news, I will use my method to solve this problem."

Su Cancan said lightly, of course she didn't want to waste time here in vain. It's just for procedural justice. After all, there are police and special forces watching behind her. She is so decisive if she can't do it.

According to her character, I am afraid that she would have rushed in and arrested these people, and then used the methods of the Five Poison Cult to torture a confession.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about what they will hide. No one can grasp their secrets in front of their torture.

At that time, I'm afraid they will have to tell the nasty things they did when they were young.

"So...that's okay." Wu Tian didn't say anything. He was actually here to solve this problem this time, but he didn't want to make this matter too much.

Su Cancan isn't a person who is so easy to deal with. If he doesn't take his face into consideration, I'm afraid this guy will not be angry, and he won't go anywhere easily.

Thinking of this, Wu Tian swallowed and did not speak.

Instead, he nodded his gaze to Er Niu... The two of them had already communicated when they were on the road. The purpose of this time was to let Er Niu find out whether these thugs had something hidden in their minds. Related news. …

The second girl quietly closed her eyes and began to search the few people on the other side of the wall.

This process is basically not very time-consuming, because the other party does not know that there will be such means and capabilities, and it is naturally impossible to defend against such things.

Soon Er Niu got the result, not even a minute before and after.

Don't look at the other person's seemingly indifferent, and then do what they should do, life is very good. But my heart is already in a mess.

Because according to the agreement, they have to keep in touch with their own peak, but no matter how they contact, the above will not pass them the next plan and goal.

So these people don't know what to do with them, and they are very confused.

"They... are waiting..."

Wu Tian was very excited when he heard the news from Er Niu. But the lightness did not show up at all, and it was still so peaceful.

"wait for what?"

"Waiting for instructions on the next step..."

This point confirms that these people are indeed affected by others, and basically did not exceed Wu Tian's expectations.

It's just that this is not what Wu Tian wants to see. What he wants to know is who is behind this scene.

"Who will give them guidance and instructions for the next step?"

"do not know…"

Wu Tian was immediately confused, why is this thing so difficult to obtain information?

"Don't you know?"

The second girl shook her head, indicating that this matter has nothing to do with him.

"It's not that I don't know... they don't."

After some explanation later, Wu Tiancai understood what was going on. Of course, this is also due to the fact that Er Niu's current level of expression is getting better and better, and she speaks much more neatly.

Although they communicated through the consciousness in their minds, the whole process still took a lot of time.

These thugs did follow certain instructions, but they received text messages to get their next steps.

But now, they can no longer receive any text messages, which means that no one will take care of them anymore, so they don't know what to do now, so they have to stay at home like this.

They only knew about the text message, but the text message was also anonymous. There was no information about the sender, and no information about anyone was revealed.

This is why Er Niu said they don't know, these people really don't know who their superiors are.

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