Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1106: Bank accounts

If you look at it this way, things have reached this point, but they have fallen into stagnation.

No one knows what to do next. Originally, seeing progress, it suddenly seemed to return to the pre-liberation feeling.

It seems that the only breakthrough is now blocked by others!

But Wu Tian didn't plan to just give up like this, it's too early to give up now!

Having to think of other ways, Wu Tian put his chin on and began to fall into deep thought.

It is said that it is impossible for these people to have any intersection with the black hand behind the scenes. The other party must have given them money? Or is there any other Xu Ruo.

Otherwise, why might someone be so willing to sacrifice their lives to others? This is simply an impossible thing.

Thinking of this, Wu Tian called Long Yun over.

"Have you investigated their bank accounts? Is there any inflow of funds?"

Hearing Wu Tian's words, Long Yun shook her head. They didn't think that they hadn't done it yet.

"Now we don't have the authorization to investigate their accounts rashly. The procedures are not very justice..." Simply put, they are just non-governmental organizations and do not have the right to investigate other people. Only the police can do so. do.

Wu Tian looked at the screen on the monitor, and since the matter was for this purpose, he couldn't control that much.

"You can investigate, what happened, just let Sun Hongsheng come to me directly!"

Wu Tian still has courage, and the consequences of this incident are not so serious for Wu Tian.

The police station is so busy now that there is no time to take care of him.

Moreover, if the parties did not report to the police, who would know that Wu Tian investigated their bank accounts?

Long Yun quickly took action. With their efficiency and speed of action, investigating things like this was simply easy.

After less than half an hour, a detailed bank account statement was sent to Wu Tian.

"Mr. Wu, there are really some tricks in it... There is a bank account that has sent millions to their account."

Wu Tian took a look and found that it was indeed written like this.

He frowned immediately, thinking that he had no clue, it seemed that the other party did not leave any clues.

This is not immediately obvious.

"Check me, who owns this bank account!"

Wu Tian said immediately, since there was a clue, he would naturally continue to deepen on this clue.

And these Long Yun has already done all.

"The investigation has been completed! It is not a member of the Pritt consortium, nor is it a member of Zhang Zerui."

Long Yun took out another document, and this was the proof of the bank account, which clearly wrote the account holder's information.

Wu Tian took a look and suddenly looked puzzled.

Because the name of Li Zhan is clearly written on it.

"Li Zhan?"

Wu Tian never thought it would be this person. Although he was indeed against Wu Tian, ​​he heard that Li Zhan was nowhere to be found.

It may be running away with money, it is very likely that he is already abroad at this time, and it is normal to find him.

However, does he still have the thought to come here to find his own trouble? Obviously, the money is also in his hands, and there is no more benefit for him to trouble Wu Tian.

Yingdi Entertainment has closed down...

"I think this matter... there should be a problem! Continue to investigate!"

Wu Tian is still reluctant, he feels that this matter can't be left alone.

Su Cancan watched Wu Tian chattering here just now. She seemed to be a little upset. She stood up and walked over, then snatched the documents in Wu Tian's hand.

"Li Zhan? Is the money he gave to plan this thing?"

Su Cancan glanced briefly, but there was still not much expression on his face.

"Since you have already checked this out, we don't have to monitor it here like this."

"This... it's up to you."

Wu Tian didn't have much opinion on this, and Su Cancan couldn't control that much when he heard him say that. He picked up the walkie-talkie and issued a few orders to his own person.

Soon, I heard a sound of smashing the door next door, followed by a burst of exclamation and shouting, and within a minute, the mobs had been controlled by the security team who entered the door.

Su Cancan looked indifferent, anyway, the behind-the-scenes gangsters were also investigated, and these people were of no use to continue to monitor them.

It's better to catch them and torture them directly, ask them for clues, and then send them to the police station.

"Take them away for me!"

Su Cancan waved his hand, and the few people were put into the sack and transported downstairs by the security team.

After speaking, the people in the house immediately began to disassemble the equipment and prepare to retreat.

Wu Tian didn't say anything during the whole process, he just still had the conjecture in his mind.

Speaking of this, it is a bit strange. Why did Li Zhan never show up again after he escaped? Moreover, if he and Zhang Zerui were in partnership, would Zhang Zerui just let it escape? Or do they have divided the money?

These questions rushed into Wu Tian's heart one by one, and he didn't know which problem to start to solve.

There are too few clues and handles left by the other party, and it is impossible to destroy the other party in this way.

After leaving the tube building, Wu Tian returned to Huadao with a solemn expression, and the rest was waiting quietly.

And Long Yun's investigation continued to deepen, but he found a strange phenomenon.

Li Zhan’s account was a remittance to these thugs in the country. In other words, if this was operated by Li Zhan himself, then he might not have left China, but hid in a certain place.

After the news was sent, Wu Tian was already unable to restrain his inner doubts.

He directly picked up the phone and contacted Sun Hongsheng. Wu Tian made no secret of the results of his investigation during this period.

In fact, if the police come to investigate, they can easily investigate all of these. So Wu Tian felt that there was no need to conceal them.

"Then what is it for you to find me? You know all these things."

Sun Hongsheng finds it strange that there are not many things he can do.

"I want you to investigate who is controlling this bank account. He will always leave surveillance videos when he goes to the bank to remit money! I don't have the authority to investigate this thing, I can only rely on you."

Sun Hongsheng was embarrassed, and Wu Tian's request was really difficult for him.

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