Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1107: Thousand Miles

Generally speaking, the police can use such methods to investigate bank accounts and even bank surveillance videos only after the case is filed for investigation.

Now they have not filed a case for investigation. If Sun Hongsheng helped Wu Tian conduct such a search, it would very likely lead to violations.

By that time, Sun Hongsheng might not even be able to keep his job, let alone stop Wu Tian from doing things.

"If Mr. Wu really doesn't work, you need to report it first... This matter can only be handled by me when it is filed for investigation."

It's not that Wu Tian didn't think about this way of handling, but he was worried that if a crime was reported, relevant information would enter the police records.

If the other party also has an informant at the police station, wouldn't this matter be troublesome.

"Can't it be accommodating? Or is there any other way?"

Obviously, Wu Tian is reluctant to report the crime. The key reason is that some people in the police station cannot be trusted.

Sun Hongsheng couldn't help Wu Tian's attitude.

"The only way to do this is the only way to comply with the regulations in procedures."

Hearing that Sun Hongsheng didn't relax at all here, Wu Tian was forced to have no choice in the end. Since he wanted to investigate clearly, he could only do so.

"Well then! I formally apply to report the case! You can handle the documents or whatever!"

In the end, Wu Tian could only nod his head to agree to this matter. With his approval, the police immediately started their actions.

In fact, it is very simple for the police to investigate these news. As long as they use their own case as a reason, they can ask the bank to view the surveillance video.

The bank will not refuse.

After all, this is not very good for the bank to refuse, but it may cause problems for itself.

Soon, the surveillance video came to Wu Tian, ​​and Long Yun immediately used it for analysis.

Because the pictures in this kind of video are generally not particularly clear, it may not be possible to take a 100% picture of the face.

So most of the time to determine a person's identity, it is still necessary to compare various data such as body shape, height, weight, and weight.

Long Yun is going to make such a comparison. Once it is determined that this person is Li Zhan, then they can find a way to find this person.

This process is very lengthy, because the computer immediately judged that the person appearing in the surveillance screen would definitely not be Li Zhan.

Long Yun asked the computer to continue to investigate and research, and she reported the news to Wu Tian.

"How do I think there is some conspiracy behind this..."

Wu Tian felt as if he was given a set by someone. Many simple things are now very complicated.

But this approach is in line with what a savvy person can do. Wu Tian thought for a while if he was Li Zhan, he would definitely not use his account to send money.

Even if you use your own account to transfer money, first of all, you will try to choose to be overseas, so even if it is found, the police will have no alternative.

But this time, what the other party did was beyond Wu Tian's expectation. Li Zhan's account turned out to be repaid in a domestic bank, and there was also surveillance video.

It's just that Li Zhan is not the operator, but Wu Tian doesn't think this is a big problem.

"Long Yun, you immediately arrange for someone, let's catch this person now. Just ask in person to understand!"

Wu Tian still didn't believe it. He grasped every informant and every clue in his hands. He wanted to see what the black hand behind the scenes had.

"Mr. Wu... the police are also investigating this matter. Will we have some conflict with the police if we take him away..."

Long Yun is a little worried. Although they are the reporters, they have no law enforcement power in the strict sense. If the police are more serious about this matter, they really don't make sense.

Wu Tian didn't care. This kind of thing is good for him, as long as it doesn't affect the progress of his investigation.

"I'll talk about things in the future. If they really think that I can't do this, then wait for their police to come to the door. Besides, if they are so good, do we still need to take action."

After speaking, Wu Tian hurriedly packed his things and prepared to set off.

The location of this video is thousands of kilometers away from them in another province.

Wu Tian rushed over by plane overnight, but the security team had already arrived here before them.

Since the local area is not their place, Wu Tian still has to spend some setbacks to find this person.

Unfamiliar with the place, Wu Tian immediately began to feel a little dizzy after getting off the plane.

This city is very ordinary, so ordinary to hardly any features.

Although the streets are full of people, it is clear that there is no prosperous city.

"Will the train station go? Thirty-one people!"

The driver of the motorcycle soliciting passengers on the side of the road saw someone coming out of the airport and immediately swarmed up.

Looking at their dirty look, Long Yun felt ashamed and planned to drive them away.

But Wu Tian looked at these people thoughtfully, and then stopped.


Wu Tian walked forward, chose one of the drivers who seemed rather sophisticated, and got on his motorcycle.

Long Yun looked surprised at what he did. Wu Tian usually uses very high-end transportation to get in and out. He has never seen him ride in such a dirty and broken scooter.

Wu Tian watched Long Yun motionless underneath, and quickly waved at him: "Come on! Let's not waste time."

Long Yun gritted her teeth and finally got into a car. The rest of the security team followed them in other cars.

"This gentleman has the foresight and knows that my old man drives the most stable! I have the most experienced time in the local area!"

The driver looked excited. He looked at the luxurious clothes on the two men, knowing that he had attracted a big customer. You might be happy when you get to the destination, and you don't have to ask for money if you give him some big tickets.

"Where are you two going?"

Wu Tian was really confused about this question. He only knew that he was here to find someone, but he didn't know where he was.

"Just go to your best hotel here. By the way, you know what kind of person I should go to if I want to do business here?"

The driver's head blinked slyly, and he hehe twice.

"You are really asking the right person about this. If you change to someone else, you will definitely not be able to tell you. Only senior local people know this! In our county, there is such a person with hands and eyes. If you have something to find him, Can't be wrong!"

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