Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1108: Deep into the den of thieves

Hearing this old Wang's head seemed to really know something, Wu Tian also began to have some qualities.

"Since this is the case, you might as well introduce it to me. If you really have this ability, then I really want to thank you."

Wu Tian said with a smile, then took out a thousand yuan from his clothes pocket and passed it calmly.

Old Wang looked at Wu Tian in such a way, and he was flattered. Originally, he just wanted to charge him a little more money for the car, but he didn't expect Wu Tian to do it in one step and take out so much money as a reward.

He enthusiastically drove his little motorcycle, leading Wu Tian and the others, and went straight to an alley in the county seat.

This place does not seem to be prosperous at all, and most of the people coming and going on the street are elderly people.

And this old king head took them deep into the alley. The width of this place is narrow and the road is rugged, so it doesn't look like a good place or a good place to go.

To be honest, Wu Tian is still a little nervous following this old Wang, but he feels that he has given him so much money, this driver shouldn't cheat himself, although he is not simple and honest, he should not be so bad. thought.

"Mr. Wu, can we do this?" Long Yun looked at the surrounding environment, feeling a little uneasy in her heart. Girls are originally more afraid of this narrow and rugged, and then there are very dark places, and this old Wang's head is also used to pick those bad roads, and the **** is shaking up and down, making it very uncomfortable to sit. .

"Hold on, if we can find useful people, the rest will be much easier."

Wu Tian didn't care about this, he didn't care about these messy things. Anyway, there are so many security team members behind them, and security issues should not be considered too much for the time being.

Zhang Zerui shouldn't have set up an ambush in this place. Wu Tian didn't believe that he had such a great energy.

If he really has this ability, Zhang Zerui can directly do these sneaky things in S City.

It was with this idea that Wu Tiancai didn't think of his messy thinking in this regard.

It's just that what he cares most about now is this capable person who hasn't met yet. Wu Tian hopes he can wait and see how good he is.

After running around in this dim alley for about twenty minutes, Lao Wang’s head finally stopped amidst the harsh braking sound.

Long Yun was relieved at this moment, opened the car door and rushed down for the first time. Listening to the voice just now, she thought the car was going to fall apart...

"Is it here?" Wu Tian looked around, and there seemed to be only such a yard next to him. There was a dirty sign at the door, which clearly read Delong Company.

"It's fine if you two go directly in. The boss of Delong is called Liu Feng. He is a very well-connected local person. It can be said that it is equivalent to eating black and white, and everyone knows everyone. You must be wrong to find him. No more."

Lao Wang's head patted his chest as before, with a posture of doing what he said.

Wu Tian looked at him like this, so he was no longer suspicious, and he was ready to go in after he had all arrived.

"Mr. Wu, did he lie to us? I think we should be more careful." Long Yun was as cautious as ever, not daring to make a mistake.

Wu Tian shook his head and said with a smile: "He doesn't need to lie to us, even if he really wants to lie to us, why should he take such a long distance?" They ran for nearly half an hour before and after, if only to cheat For money, this old man doesn't have to do this.

After all, Wu Tian took a close look at the Delong company in front of him. There are some equipment used on the construction site, which seems to be a real estate project type company.

However, the number of floors in it is not very high, and the car is not parked, let alone any figure.

No one knows what this is for. If it weren't for Old Wang to show them the way, I'm afraid that if they really let them find it by themselves, they won't find it for a lifetime.

"Let's go, let's go in and take a look. It's useless to say more, but we still have to practice to learn the truth."

Wu Tian is already a little uncontrollable. He doesn't care about those messy things anyway. The key is to solve the problem.

Speaking of a few people slowly walking in, their number is almost about six or seven. Although the security team behind is not wearing their uniform, it can still be seen at a glance that they are so strong and so annoying. of.

After walking inside without a few steps, the door of the bungalow next to him suddenly opened, and a brawny man with a naked upper body came out from inside.

There are not a few hairs on his head, his face is full of flesh, and the muscles on his body are as hard as a rock. With that one, it extends from the upper arm to the back with a tattoo, which makes it scary to look at.

Wu Tian confronted him face-to-face, and even invited the Prime Minister to greet him, but the other party did not focus on Wu Tian, ​​but looked at Long Yun beside him.

For the first time, she was attracted by Long Yun's beauty, and then the security team behind him.

"Brothers copy guys!" Where did he want to get this naked upper body guy, thinking that Wu Tian was here to seek revenge, and directly greeted his companion without saying a word.

When this voice went out, there was a ding-ding-ding sound from the bungalow next to it and the second-story building inside. In less than a minute or so, nearly a hundred people gathered beside Wu Tian.

They all have a very notable feature, that is, they have solid muscles all over their bodies, holding iron rods or machetes in their hands, and they are murderous.

"It's broken, Mr. Wu, we seem to have entered a thief's den..." Long Yun sighed. It seemed that he had thought of this situation a long time ago, but he didn't expect to be able to escape such a development.

"This is something that can't be helped, just accept your fate." Wu Tian doesn't matter, no matter how many people there are, what can they do?

Which of the security team members behind him is not one in a million, and this time Wu Tian also specifically approved them to bring the gun out secretly. The weapons in front of these gangsters and Wu Tian are not even a bit different.

This is not a gap that can be made up by numbers, so Wu Tian is not worried at all, it is still the big Mimi standing there.

"I want to see your head here. I heard it is called Liu Feng. There are things I want to ask for when I'm here. Don't be nervous."

Wu Tian's meaning is also very simple, first prove that he is not an enemy to seek revenge.

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