Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 816: Visit the security team

The two of them almost didn't need to communicate, they began to change their previous thinking and attacked Wu Tian at the same time.

With two fists on the left and right, Wu Tian has almost no place to hide, so he can only move backwards.

This made Wu Tian a little surprised. They actually had no way to force Wu Tian, ​​who had practiced the alien fist for so long.

"It's interesting." Wu Tian felt a little pressure, and knew that he couldn't hide it anymore. It would be a problem to deal with the two of them like that.

Seeing their oncoming fists, Wu Tian didn't hide at all, and directly ran into it with his body.

The two players thought that they had succeeded, and they were immediately happy.

It's just that they didn't expect them to be as if they were hitting an iron plate. Wu Tian turned out to be nothing. Even taking advantage of this opportunity, he hit him with a sharp punch.

This punch directly swept one of the team members down. Before the other could react, Wu Tian kicked it up again, and the two fell to the ground one after another.

"what's the situation?"

Some other people inside also heard the movement here, and immediately rushed in, that is, within a dozen seconds, there were already more than a dozen people surrounded Wu Tian.

The two people were bare-handed just now, but these newcomers were completely different. They seemed to be wearing something.

The joints of their knees, elbows, etc., even directly to their fists, were wrapped in a metal mechanical device, but their movements appeared very light and were not hindered.

Seeing that they were beaten, everyone immediately cast their eyes on Wu Tian, ​​and a group of people rushed over no matter how much they deceived these rules and principles.

Not only was Wu Tian not afraid, but took the initiative to greet him. Since these guys have these new equipment, let's try what it is.

A person on the opposite side jumped up high and aimed his fist at Wu Tian. When Wu Tian saw this, he simply swung his fist against him.

The fists of the two people collided in the air, and the expressions on both sides were a little surprised.

Wu Tian found that his fist was sore, and the feeling of hitting metal was naturally uncomfortable.

But the other security team wearing these metal exoskeletons was also very surprised. They wondered why Wu Tian was not hit and flew out.

This seems to be somewhat different from their experience.

With a loud noise, the two of them were knocked apart by the impact of the fist, and Wu Tian fell to the ground and backed back again and again, almost not stopping.

I'm only fighting a person wearing this exoskeleton. If I deal with so many people at the same time, there is definitely no chance of winning.

"Mr. Wu, are you okay." Long Yun hurriedly supported Wu Tian in the past and asked very concerned.

She looked at Wu Tian's fist at this time, it was already a little red, and blood was oozing out of the knuckles of her fingers, which seemed to have broken the skin just now.

"It's okay." This injury is nothing to Wu Tian. What really surprised him is that this exoskeleton can actually promote an ordinary person to such a powerful level.

You must know that Wu Tian had spent a lot of energy on cultivation, and he barely drew a tie with the opponent.

"what happened?"

At this time, a voice came from behind, and these soldiers quickly gave way. Wu Tian squinted his eyes and took a closer look, only to realize that the speaker turned out to be Su Cancan.

Her clothes are basically the same as those of the players, but she is more delicate and compact, and should be more flexible.

"It's me, I'll come and take a look." Wu Tian said hello.

Seeing him a little embarrassed and the situation here, Su Cancan nodded blankly.

"This is our company's Wu Tian, ​​our boss, the highest person in charge of the security team."

The brief introduction made these fighters a little nervous, especially the guy who fisted with Wu Tian just now, and his face was even more nervous at this time.

They were not scared at all during the battle, but at this time they appeared to be a little cute.

"We don't know that you are Mr. Wu... I was really sorry just now."

Watching the players quickly apologize to him, Wu Tian waved his hand and laughed.

"It’s okay. You’re right to do this. I think it’s not even enough. There are many people who are stronger than me. I found out that someone broke in. If you want me to say it, don’t ask questions. I just attacked it. For this equipment, I think it shouldn’t be a problem if it is a sneak attack."

Not only was Wu Tian not angry, but he started to instill some inferior tricks into these players.

"Okay, you go to train first."

Seeing a group of people around here, Su Cancan felt that it was not a problem, and quickly coaxed them all away.

"Where did you find these people? I think they are very good." Wu Tian couldn't help but gave a thumbs up. Su Cancan did this thing beautifully.

"They are all soldiers from the reconnaissance unit that has just retired. This was recommended by Director Wang. I went to find them. They also hit it off. After all, the salary we paid was quite high."

Su Cancan said very lightly, as if this matter was natural.

"Will we violate the law by doing this?" Long Yun was a little worried. These team members were very professional at first sight. This place looked like a military base except for no guns.

"Of course there is no violation of the law. The equipment on our body and everything that is being tested here are all recently developed by the military factory, but there is no time to leave the test, so we cannot supply the army for the time being. After taking over the military factory, they immediately began to maintain the research on these things."

With this explanation, Wu Tian also understood. He seems to have heard that in recent years, it seems that countries in the world are studying this technology. After all, human abilities are still limited.

But if you use such an exoskeleton, you can easily break through your limits.

As for the law, it seems that the military factory does not provide illegal weapons, so it does not involve violations of the law.

"But, we can't just fight with our fists..." Wu Tian looked at it for a long time, and it seemed that there were no key weapons in this base. They couldn't just use their fists.

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