Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 817: Money black hole

Of course, Wu Tian's doubts are justified. The security team was obviously developed for possible attacks against Tianying Church.

Wu Tianxin still knew what level those people were.

Su Cancan did not speak, but led them to a tent.

The area of ​​this tent is not small, and there are several people guarding it at the door, and they walked in after passing through the levels.

Inside, there is another cave.

"These are the weapons, which we just received today."

Su Cancan pointed. There were rows of shelves in it, on which were placed a lot of hand crossbows, bows and arrows.

Although guns and ammunition cannot be used, these cold weapons are currently not controlled by anyone.

"The arrows of these arrows are non-lethal. When they hit the body, they will send out a strong current pulse, knocking people out."

Su Cancan took an arrow from the shelf next to it and handed it to Wu Tian.

This arrow is indeed very well made. It seems to be made of some new materials. When held in the hand, it is very light, but the arrow is slightly heavier.

And it is indeed the same as Su Cancan said, the arrow is a somewhat blunt metal head, it seems that it hurts at most to shoot at a person.

But it can relieve the enemy's combat effectiveness without injury, which is pretty good.

"This is good, but this range..."

Wu Tianshun picked up a hand crossbow in the past, this thing is not very large, and it is also very light.

He easily tightened the string of the crossbow, and then placed the arrow.

Aiming at a target more than ten meters away, pulling the trigger, and with a swish, the arrow shot out and nailed firmly to the target.

"It feels okay, the speed is quite fast."

Wu Tian still felt satisfied overall, and Su Cancan probably wouldn't use bad weapons for his own people.

"The effective radius of this hand crossbow is almost fifty meters away. Of course we also have more professional long crossbows, even bows and arrows."

Su Cancan pointed his finger at the shelf at the back, there were many types on it.

Wu Tian nodded, he looked at Long Yun and asked with his eyes.

"I just checked, this kind of crossbow can be used as long as it is reported to the Public Security Bureau, as long as it is not lethal."

For security purposes, it is quite good.

"Yes, it's really good here. I'm very satisfied with that."

Wu Tian looked at Su Cancan very appreciatively, and to be honest, he really rarely praised her.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want, as long as you remember to call us the funds on time."

The cost of the security team is certainly not a small amount, and Wu Tian is also mentally prepared for this.

"Well, I will let Yu Naixin allocate 50 million yuan to you now."

With so much money, it should be enough, Wu Tian thought so, but Su Cancan's expression was disdainful.

"The price of weapons and equipment here is already as high as 200 million. If you take 50 million, you will be paid a salary."

Not to mention Wu Tian at this price, even Long Yun, who has always been very serious, was stunned.

"This is...this is too much..." They only invest in a project. Although they have money now, they don't spend money like that.

"Why, this is too expensive? I tell you, this is because we did not ask to develop new equipment. If you count the money, let alone 200 million, even 2 billion may not be taken."

Su Cancan looked at Wu Tian coldly with slanted eyes, as if he thought they were too simple.

"Um, I will give you the money later, Long Yun, let's go." Wu Tian really doesn't want to stay in this place anymore, maybe he still doesn't know if he will be stripped off again.

I would have wanted to watch some good news, but after Wu Tian got down from the top floor, his whole body began to feel a little languid.

"Mr. Wu, if we continue like this, the company's expenses will be..."

Long Yun has always been in charge of the financial aspects of the entire group company, so she is still relatively sensitive to the flow of funds. According to the money they spend now, even the richest company will definitely not be able to withstand such a toss.

"Stop talking, let me be quiet." Wu Tian rubbed his temples and frowned his eyebrows very uncomfortably.

Seeing Wu Tian like this, Long Yun also closed her mouth simply.

Turning the sky around, Wu Tian just woke up, there were already several people outside his door waiting to see him.

In the past, I felt that I had money and I could do whatever I wanted.

But now Wu Tian knew clearly that this was not the case at all, and he almost didn't have time to eat and drink when he was busy.

"Mr. Wu, are you awake?"

Long Yun's voice sounded timely outside the door.

Although Wu Tian hasn't washed himself yet, he doesn't have that much attention in front of Long Yun.

"come in."

Watching Long Yun's style walk in, Wu Tian simply lay himself in the bed and slowly woke up with his eyes closed.

"Mr. Wu, someone found our company last night."

"Just say who it is, don't be sloppy here."

"It's Chen Cheng."

Hearing this name, Wu Tian slowly opened his eyes.

This guy, didn't he run away without a trace back then? Could it be that he didn't die, now he came to find himself.

"He? What did he come to do with us?" Wu Tian was very curious, and was completely puzzled.

If it weren't for Wu Tian, ​​Chen Cheng would not have been in this position at all. They were clearly enemies.

"I don't know this. I have placed him now. See if you want to see him."

This thing really seemed a bit tricky, and Wu Tian could no longer pretend not to hear it.

"Well, it's up to you."

Wu Tian rushed to wash.

When he saw Chen Cheng, he was holding a piece of noodles in front of him and eating it was called a cool one.

The clothes on her body are also tattered, like a tramp.

Wu Tian looked at this guy with a serious face, and couldn't think that Chen Cheng, who was so powerful at the beginning, was now like a dog.

Came to Wu Tian to pray for shelter.

"I don't care what happened to you, but since you are here to find me, can I ask, what can you bring to me?"

Wu Tian looked at this guy with a smile on his face.

Chen Cheng stopped his chopsticks and raised his eyes.

"Help you fix Chang Zai Rong."

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