Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 825: Offensive and defensive momentum reversed again

These people under Wu Tian moved very fast, some of them were responsible for installing the equipment, and some of them started debugging.

Not long after, almost hundreds of screens were placed in the entire hall.

Reporters and the media also rushed over at this time, and now everyone knows that some major events are happening here. Many people want to squeeze their heads and get in.

"Okay?" Wu Tian looked at Wu Zaibin, the commander of the equipment at the scene. Ten minutes have passed.

If it drags on, there will soon be no time to vote.

"Well, all the devices are already connected, and the network is already Unicom."

After getting Wu Zaibin's definite answer, Wu Tian also nodded to Guan Ruonan.

Everyone present began to hold their breath, looking forward to what will happen later.

"Well, President Chang, let's start now."

As Guan Ruonan's voice stopped, Chang Zairong's heart began to get tangled together.

The screens in the hall started to light up one by one at this time, and then people began to access them continuously.

There are really men and women, old and young, these people are all registered members of the China General Chamber of Commerce.

Although it is the General Chamber of Commerce, the number of members in it is not very large, but each is a big boss of China.

If the company cannot be opened up to a nationwide scale, or even a capital scale of several billions, it will not be eligible to enter this general chamber of commerce.

In other words, this Chamber of Commerce is equivalent to a top club of Chinese merchants.

Chang Zai Rong originally thought that he wanted to contact these people, it should not be so simple, but the constantly lit screens are like the lights of thousands of families in the dark night, illuminating the darkness little by little. .

It was only a minute or two before and after. All the two thousand members logged into the online meeting here.

This efficiency, this time, if they are not calculated, no one can believe it.

Chang Zairong was a little speechless at this time, he never thought it would be like this.

"Now let's vote, please vote for those who agree to the resignation of President Rongchang!" As Guan Ruonan's voice remembered, the words of agreement began to pop up on the screen.

It was like an ink dripping in clear water, and soon began to faint, and everyone in the audience agreed.

Such neatness and consistency made everyone present feel surprised.

I'm afraid the reporters didn't think that the masses hadn't thought that Chang Zairong actually talked about impeachment like this, and would step down because of this incident.

"It's impossible..." Chang Zairong's body suddenly became a little untenable, and if the little secretary beside him hadn't supported him, he would have almost fallen.

"Chairman Chang is unwell now, we will discuss this matter later!" The secretary knew what he should do now, so he quickly said to Guan Ruonan and the others.

Such an excuse was of course impossible to pass. Guan Ruonan walked over and blocked the direction they wanted to leave.

"You want to run away when you see the result is bad for you?"

"That is, even if you want to lose the result, you are still not a man..." Not to mention the angry people, even members of the Chamber of Commerce and consultants expressed dissatisfaction with Chang Zairong's appearance.

It's just that at this time, suddenly Chang Zai Rong stood up again, he stretched out his hand to support his body, but the corner of his mouth was filled with a smile.

"I admit that you defeated me by using the rules, but I also make it clear that I cannot resign now, and you cannot let me resign!"

"What are you talking about, the result is already very clear, everyone wants you to step down!"

Guan Ruonan only thought he was fighting against the beast, making the final struggle.

"Hahaha, you are really naive, and I remember that there is nothing wrong. According to the regulations of our chamber of commerce, if the chamber of commerce is in a critical period, the president of the chamber of commerce must stick to his duties and shall not resign."

Chang Zai Rong's eyes rolled, changing his decadence.

To be honest, he also suddenly thought of this just now, otherwise he wouldn't know what to do.

This can be considered the last straw, and now it is severely caught by Chang Zairong.

"Guan Ruonan, is what he said is true?" Wu Tian looked at this as if something was not quite right. This Chang Zai Rong was indeed an old fox, and he still had such a method.

"There is such a thing..." Guan Ruonan didn't take this matter as the same thing. As Chang Zai Rong said, this regulation has a premise that the chamber of commerce must be in a state of emergency, a critical period.

"This regulation requires that the chamber of commerce must be in a critical period and in a state of emergency, so I have to ask you, what urgent matters will our chamber of commerce have now?"

This is Guan Ruonan's confidence that he is not afraid of anything.

Chang Zai Rong snorted coldly and ordered a few words to his secretary, asking him to bring a document.

"This is the account book of the China General Chamber of Commerce this year. It records the income and expenditures of the China General Chamber of Commerce this year! Don’t you say that you don’t know what an emergency is? I will tell you now that the China General Chamber of Commerce is now in debt. Trillion!"

This sentence can be said to cause an uproar, and the members who are connecting are also shocked.

Everyone began to discuss in whispers, because this matter is really not a small amount.

This is a trillion...

Wu Tian frowned immediately, and he felt something wrong.

"If this is not an emergency, then I want to ask you what an emergency is."

After learning about this situation, those who originally wanted Chang Zai Rong to step down, at this time also began to ask Chang Zai Rong not to leave.

Because this debt was made by him, if he leaves, who will solve this problem?

"So, you guys think about it, do you still want me to step down? If this debt cannot be resolved in the end, it will be shared with everyone in our entire chamber of commerce."

Looking at everyone, Chang Zairong started to hesitate, and immediately began to add more oil and vinegar to it.

He is now sitting back on his throne, and this time he is sitting more stable than before.

Guan Ruonan was already ashamed, and every step in front was very smooth. Why did he get here, suddenly this Chang Zai Rong survived in the Jedi, and completed the reversal in one fell swoop?

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