Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 826: The final word

The voice of opposition that had been very loud just now suddenly began to disappear, and some reverse reversals began.

Guan Ruonan has completely lost the unhurriedness that she had just now. This change is really too late for her to think.

The situation on the scene immediately began to become a little turbulent. There was everything to say, and the two thousand members began to hesitate at this time.

If it is really in accordance with the requirements of Chang Zai Rong, then they may face this trillions of debts.

This is not a small amount, even if their China General Chamber of Commerce is very rich.

But no one wants to be inexplicably burdened with a debt suddenly.

Guan Ruonan can only put his eyes on Wu Tian, ​​hoping that he can give some better suggestions at this time.

Of course, Wu Tian knew what she thought, and nodded gently to Guan Ruonan, and walked forward.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

The most important thing now is to stabilize the situation at the scene. As for what Chang Zairong has said, it can actually be considered later.

"Everyone, don’t worry. The things that Chang Zairong said are indeed reasonable, but I have a doubt. Where did this trillion of funds have been invested? Could it be that they have all lost money? I think with Chang Zairong's ability, it shouldn't be like this."

When Wu Tian said this, many people began to focus their attention on this matter.

It is true that everyone was paying attention to Chang Zairong's debts at the beginning, but did not think about what this trillion was spent on.

"If everyone doesn't know anything, just rely on his mouth to say that he owes a trillion yuan. Then who knows if this trillion is a deliberate transfer of assets?"

At this level of what Wu Tian said, some people soon realized the seriousness of the matter.

Chang Zairong's face suddenly turned pale, this Wu Tian really came to his weakness.

It is true that this one trillion is not often privately taken by Rong, but it is indeed invested in the double star company of Korea.

This matter is still a secret for the time being.

If it was revealed, wouldn't it be equivalent to the funds from outside the United Nations of Double Star, which went to their national fund in Korea.

This matter is actually very serious and is not allowed under the laws of Korea.

"Wu Tian, ​​you are not a member of our Chamber of Commerce, and you are not qualified to speak here! Let alone spreading rumors and making trouble here!" Chang Zai Rong was a little frustrated, but he stood up and accused him on impulse, which was equivalent to himself I am admitting that this thing is possible.

"President Chang, so you really don't want to tell us what is hidden behind this incident?" Guan Ruonan also began to regroup at this time, targeting Chang Zairong in various senses.

Chang Zai Rong was alone. At this time, he was already a little alone. His chest was constantly up and down because of anger.

He quickly looked at his side as if looking for a savior, but at this time, there was almost no one by his side. Even the secretary Zhang Zerui who had been with him for many years had disappeared at this time.

Is it true that the situation is over? This thought flashed through Chang Zairong's mind like a meteor, but he still didn't want to admit it.

If Chang Zairong gave up so easily, he would not sit in this position today.

"Where is this one trillion spent? Of course it is a normal investment. This can be checked and discussed at the subsequent plenary meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, but this matter involves the trade secrets of the Chamber of Commerce, so I cannot be in this place. speak out."

Chang Zai Rong straightened his waist again. Although he was the only one to fight against Wu Tian and the others, he still stood firmly on his feet, and he did not even fall behind.

"I don't think you dare..." Although Wu Tian knows the inside story, but there is no key document, no one would believe him if he said nonsense.

And he didn't have the right identity, and what he said didn't have the weight of Guan Ruonan's words.

"You can guess what you want, but this thing is impossible today."

Chang Zai Rong simply is a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. As long as he can drag it back, then he can get a very critical opportunity to breathe.

This is what Chang Zai Rong cares about, time!

"Then this farce today, I think it can be over almost now, I also said that I don't have a lot of time..."

It is not a good thing for Chang Zai Rong to stay here, so if he gets this opportunity, he intends to leave.


Suddenly a clean and crisp business rang at the door of the hall.

Everyone cast their eyes to the past.

Wu Tian and Guan Ruonan were also very surprised, because these words stopped this person who was always in Rong, who turned out to be Long Yun.

Ordinarily, shouldn't she stay in the company? Why did she suddenly come to this place.

"Why are you here..." Wu Tian also looked strange. He didn't get any news from Long Yun, and Long Yun didn't contact Wu Tian about this matter.

Long Yun was wearing high heels and a sassy suit. Her black-framed eyes set off the intellectual charm that was constantly emanating from her body.

"Mr. Wu, I'm sorry I'm done..."

"No, I didn't call you over either..."

"The time is urgent, and I haven't had time to report to you. This is my fault." Long Yun politely apologized to Wu Tian first. Wu Tianzhi didn't care much about this.

This matter is not very important anyway, the key is what Long Yun can do when she comes, what can she do...

Seeing these media one after another aimed the camera at herself, Long Yun stood in front of her, looking directly at this Chang Zai Rong.

"You are the chairman, right? I got a piece of information here. It is a list of some of your illegal assets in S city, and there is also the money laundering flow of your assets transferred to Korea."

Long Yun's expression looked very calm, but what she said was like a bomb, almost overturning the roof of the entire hall.

Wu Tian didn't even think of how she got these things?

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