Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 827: Long Yun's highlight moment

Not to mention so much information and evidence, as long as one can be obtained, it is almost enough to make Chang Zai Rong drink a pot.

But Long Yun took out several at this time.

It's as if it was deliberately aimed at Chang Zai Rong.

Chang Zairong's hands were already shaking at this time. He just felt that there was a thud in his head, and there was no way to think.

"You... why do you say that? Do you have evidence?"

Such words almost became a conditioned reflex of Chang Jae Rong. Although they could speak, they had no power at all.

"Since I dare to take it out, what do you think?" Long Yun was expressionless, but she put a lot of pressure on Chang Zairong.

This is not the end, Long Yun also took out a document.

She raised the file bag in her hand, her eyes shifted to the live camera.

"One more thing is this murder case on you! This is evidence that you instigated a murderer to kill Tang Liansheng, the former president of the China Korea Chamber of Commerce!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar!

If the previous so-called evidence is like bullets, enough to kill Chang Zai Rong, this evidence is like a pack of explosives, completely smashing this guy completely, without leaving any residue.

There were people who wanted to support Chang Zai Rong before, but now there is no one to speak.

Not only the live media, the members of the network connection, and even those people who were watching the live broadcast online, everyone was shocked by this development.

As soon as the voice fell, several police officers walked in. They came with Long Yun.

"Hello, we are the police from the Public Security Bureau of S City. We suspect that you have been involved in multiple crimes. Please come with us now!"

The police's words were like nails, which completely nailed Chang Zai Rong to death in the coffin.

He immediately looked at the ground with a gray face, stretched out his hands dumbly, and accepted such a pair of shackles.

Although Chang Zai Rong didn't say anything during the whole process, everyone knew that he was completely finished. There will never be such a number one again.

Wu Tian was also in shock for a long time at the side, until Chang Zairong was taken away by the police, but he didn't get any relief.

"Mr. Wu, is this true?" Guan Ruonan looked at the police car going away with some sluggishness. She couldn't believe what happened before her.

To be honest, when Guan Ruonan and Wu Tian came, they originally expected that they could resign through pressure.

I didn't expect Chang Zai Rong to be uprooted, especially after Chang Zai Rong successfully withstood their pressure.

Even Wu Tian began to suspect that they might return without success this time.

But the appearance of Long Yun was like the arrival of an angel, bringing hope to them.

"Mr. Wu, I really worry about you today." As the protagonist of the scene just now, Long Yun didn't feel proud or proud of it.

Instead, he walked to Wu Tian's side calmly, standing behind him as usual.

"That person, is it Wu Tian's secretary?"

Some reporters can guess at this time, who is Long Yun's identity?

It's just that they were shocked that Wu Tian could have such a big energy, and exposed the big case of Chang Zai Rong in one fell swoop.

"Mr. Wu, thank you so much this time. If it weren't for you, we might still be in the dark by Chang Zai Rong."

The members of the Chamber of Commerce also hurriedly expressed their gratitude to Wu Tian at this time. To be honest, these people took a breath.

At least this matter is over, and they have achieved their original purpose.

"It's nothing, it's nothing." Wu Tian nodded lightly. He also had a calm expression on his face. It seemed as if he had grasped this matter in his own hands for a long time, and his operations were slightly unambiguous. .

At this time, Guan Ruonan was also very time to start discussing the future with people in the chamber of commerce. It was naturally imperative to elect a new president, and Wu Tian was no longer used to participate.

The matter started vigorously and ended in this way, but Wu Tian was still a little trance.

Wu Zaibin has already started to direct people to clean up the equipment, and the people on the scene have also begun to disperse.

Sitting on the car going back, Wu Tian couldn't help but stop on Long Yun's body.

"Long Yun, where did you get these things?"

When Wu Tian asked this sentence, he was actually a little bit painful. He already vaguely felt that the answer to this question might not be so face-to-face to him.

Long Yun seemed to know this too, she just glanced at Wu Tian, ​​and then turned her face back.

"Naturally, there are channels. This is not for nothing. I privately used the company's funds and spent 50 million to buy it."

Long Yun was very honest. This was the first time she used company funds privately without telling Wu Tian.

But how could Wu Tian blame her for this matter.

"This doesn't hinder, you did a good job. Actually, you don't need to care about my feelings, I know, I got it from Chen Cheng, right?"

Long Yun did this, but it made Wu Tian feel that it was really bad if he didn't dare to admit that there was a mistake, and he took the initiative to recognize his mistake.

Hearing Wu Tian's words, Long Yun had some approval in her eyes.

"Chen Cheng has always been a person in Chang Zai Rong, and is also a contact at Chang Zai Rong and Double Star. He has a lot of evidence about Chang Zai Rong in his hands. Before that, Chen Cheng was abandoned and he I felt that I might die, so I went into hiding. Now that I have found us, I hope to use our strength to bring down Chang Zai Rong."

With this explanation, Wu Tian understood what was going on.

However, this is a very good opportunity for Wu Tian, ​​and no one will come to trouble him anymore.

Then, in the future, I can safely develop the directions that Wu Tian envisioned.

"Before, what I did was a bit wrong, I was wrong." When Wu Tian said this, he mumbled, and admitting mistakes is sometimes more difficult than accepting criticism from others.

But Wu Tian also knew that he owed Long Yun this, so he had to say it.

"Mr. Wu, you don't have to. I will always be your secretary, and everything I do is for your benefit."

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