Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 828: The worry behind the joy

Under the dim light, a teapot that was already darkened was emitting hot steam.

The hot boiling water formed a stream from the kettle and poured it into a teacup.

Zhang Zerui picked up the cup of tea, placed it gently next to his nose, and sniffed it slightly.

Although it is a good tea from all over the country, he almost got tired of drinking it for a long time, but this kind of crude tea, which is extremely crude and not very particular about it, makes him very like it.

"You did a good job in this matter, and I am very satisfied."

There was a person standing in front of Zhang Zerui, who was listening to Zhang Zerui's speech respectfully.

The original secretary of Chang Zai Rong was not implicated because of Chang Zai Rong's accident, and was even more comfortable than before.

"Thank you Mr. Zhang, then can I go abroad?" The speaker was not someone else but Chen Cheng who provided information to Long Yun.

If Wu Tian and the others saw this scene, they would be very different. They absolutely couldn't believe the facts before them.

In any case, Chen Cheng was the spokesperson of Double Star Company in China before, but at this time, he was like a rewarded dog, wagging his tail in front of the humble secretary Zhang Zerui.

"Well, there are some things, I won't emphasize them anymore, I think you should know it yourself."

Zhang Zerui nodded lightly, acquiescing to Chen Cheng's statement.

With joy on his face, Chen Cheng picked up a backpack next to him and turned around to walk outside.

He held a ticket to a foreign country tightly in his hand, which was his plan for the rest of his life.

If nothing unexpected happens, Chen Cheng doesn't plan to come back to this muddy water again.

Not long after Chen Cheng walked out, a strong man in a suit with a whip approached from behind and leaned over to Zhang Zerui's side.

"Mr. Zhang, do you want to do it?"

Zhang Zerui lowered his eyes and took a sip of tea gently.

"Try to be neat and don't leave clues."

This time, Chang Zai Rong was not doing very cleanly, leaving clues, which led to him being trapped.

"Yes, the leader!"

The brawny man in suit went out soon. Not long after, a small boat went out to sea at night on the seaside of city s, and dropped a heavy bag on the vast sea, leaving waves on the sea. .

On the other side, Wu Tian and the whole company can be said to be cheering.

The pressure that had been there before suddenly disappeared, as if a person who had been strapping a sandbag on his body suddenly ran off all these loads and threw them down. The whole body was very comfortable.

Among them, Tang Yanrou was most moved.

When she saw the news of Chang Zairong's detention on TV, she immediately shed tears of excitement. Over the past few years, she has always wanted to find a way to avenge her father.

Now this wish can be said to be finally realized.

Wu Tian saw that everyone thought very much, so he organized them all and held a banquet in the company.

Seeing everyone laughing, Wu Tian always feels that something is constantly stimulating him in his heart, and always feels that something is wrong.

Guan Ruonan looked happy, looking at Wu Tian there seemed to be something wrong, always looking worried, and quickly walked over.

"What's wrong, Mr. Wu, is it uncomfortable?"

Wu Tian shook his head quickly and smiled at Guan Ruonan, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, by the way, how is the Chamber of Commerce now?"

Guan Ruonan showed her own smile very brilliantly, with a look of complacency.

"Everyone has unanimously elected me as the acting president of the Chamber of Commerce. After Chang Zairong's affairs are over, we will re-negotiate a date for the election. Moreover, everyone seems to be looking forward to your joining, Mr. Wu."

"Haha, that's fine. As for whether this chamber of commerce joins or not, does it mean that I am here? I don't like such a small organization. I'll talk about this later, and wait for our Wu Group When the company becomes stronger, and when you become the official president, I will definitely give you face."

Wu Tian is quite satisfied with the progress of the matter, and both Guan Ruonan and Tang Yanrou have achieved their wishes.

Now that Guan Ruonan is in the China General Chamber of Commerce, the Wu Group will also get more extensive resources in the future.

Looking at the two of them talking, Tang Yanrou quickly wiped her tears and ran over to thank Wu Tian.

Of course, Wu Tian didn't do these things to listen to their gratitude to him, but to overthrow Chang Zairong is also good for him.

"Okay, what are your plans for the future?"

Hearing Wu Tian's question, Tang Yanrou was also taken aback, because she hadn't considered this question seriously before.

Now that I fulfilled my wish all at once, I lost my attention.

"My brother is still in Goryeo. I think I might go back to Goryeo for a while, just because Mr. Wu, don't you still have a red light district in Goryeo? I still like being an administrator there."

It seems that the arrangement made by Wu Tian at the time gave Tang Yanrou quite happy, and it turned out to be time to start to miss working there.

"Well, whether you go back, it just so happens that I also need someone in Goryeo, you just need to work hard."

Wu Tian is generally satisfied with Tang Yanrou, this little girl is more courageous no matter what.

This is better than many people.

Moreover, she is still Tang Liansheng's daughter, and her business mind is not bad. Of course she can do a career.

After drinking a lot of wine, Wu Tian began to feel a little bit drunk, and he couldn't help feeling a little sad in his heart.

I don't know if I can let such a happy time last forever. It seems that this kind of beauty will end sooner or later, but Wu Tian doesn't want this.

"Wu Tian, ​​pay attention, the time is almost up." Su Cancan can be said to be one of the few people who didn't have a good face at the entire banquet.

She saw Wu Tian sitting here alone, walking over with a wine glass.

"Time? When is the time coming?"

At this time, Wu Tian's mind was not turning so fast when he was awake, and he couldn't think about it for a while.

"Don't you forget Tianying's teaching? If you count the time, tomorrow is the seventh day, that is to say, they will do it on us soon."

It can be said that Su Cancan has never dared to forget this matter.

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