Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 830: Principal Zhao Ergou

Before the meal, everything else was for nothing.

Although this is ironic, it is also a reality.

"When you get to that place, don't talk nonsense. I am not particularly familiar with this Qingcheng faction..."

Su Wenxin hurriedly told him, Wu Tian also agreed.

He still understands this.

After all, he is not a young man anymore.

After a night of driving, the car finally arrived at their destination, in another province next to city s.

The Qingcheng faction is said to have broken away from the original mountains and began to settle in the city.

It is precisely that they are advancing with the times so that they have maintained their scale and are now the largest school.

"Suzhou?" When Wu Tian saw the name of this city, he was a little surprised.

Because this city is actually very ordinary, basically there is nothing special and famous.

The economy is average, the population is not too much, and the other characteristics are nothing special. There are other places, and here are also.

There are some here, as well as other places. It can be said that it is a city with more and less, and less and less.

Zheng Taiwen drove the car skillfully and came to the door of a seemingly large courtyard in Suzhou.

There is also a sign hanging at the entrance of this yard. It says Suzhou Wenwu School...

"That's it, get out of the car."

Su Wenxin's voice immediately drew Wu Tian's attention back, and he looked at this place unbelievably.

This school has a fairly expansive playground and a teaching building with only two or three floors.

They arrived in the morning, so they happened to see some students busy washing up and so on.

It seems that it hasn't been long before getting up.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes and heard with his ears, Wu Tian would never believe that such a place was the Qingcheng School.

"Let's go, what are you doing in a daze?"

Su Cancan watched him not move his position for a long time, and pushed Wu Tian next to him.

Wu Tian hurriedly followed in a daze, looking very strangely everywhere along the way.

This place looks like an ordinary school, the only difference may be that the students here learn martial arts more.

Walking into the teaching building, Su Wenxin took them directly to the top floor, which is the office area of ​​the school.

At this time, the principal of the school was reading the newspaper in his office leisurely, listening to the news, and suddenly so many people broke into his office, which shocked him.

"Su Wenxin?"

The principal looked a little greasy, his head was already in the Mediterranean, and the middle position was shiny, he had one eye, and his panic look seemed a bit funny.

"Long time no see, Zhao Ergou."

Su Wenxin reached out and said hello to the headmaster, who had a funny name. This name almost made Wu Tian laugh.

But when he saw the few people around him were very serious, he quickly put away his smile with a serious face.

"Why are you here? What are you doing this time? We don't have any martial arts secrets anymore!"

The response of this Principal Zhao was very interesting, and he immediately stood up, as if he had seen a robber, facing Su Wenxin's guard.

"I'm here this time, not looking for something from you, I have a favor and want to ask you for help!"

Su Wenxin sighed, she knew it would be like this. Of course, this is also very directly related to the evil she committed that year.

"No! You must have some conspiracy!"

Principal Zhao didn't believe Su Wenxin's words so simply, and he didn't know how much he suffered from Su Wenxin's body.

"Brother Zhao, don't worry, this time I promise we will really come to you for help!"

Zheng Taiwen also spoke at this time. When Principal Zhao saw him, the expression in his eyes immediately changed, and the greasiness just disappeared instantly.

It was replaced by a sharp, eagle-like look.

His somewhat fat body was as flexible as a cat at this time, and with a chuckle he drew his long sword from the scabbard hanging on the side wall.

The footsteps hit the ground three or two times, and the body floated over like a dragonfly.

This scene made Wu Tian's eyes widened, and it was the first time he saw such a powerful character.

The direction Jianfeng is pointing is exactly the first level of Zheng Taiwen.

Before the sword arrived, a surge of sword energy had already arrived in front of them. Su Wenxin suddenly shot out and waved his hand, dispelling the surge of sword energy.

But the aftermath of the sword qi swept to other parts of the room, cutting off a few iron shelves like mud.

Even so, Principal Zhao still didn't stop, Jianfeng went all the way to Zheng Taiwen.

Wu Tian saw the blood immediately when he saw it, but no one tried to stop him, he couldn't help but want to rush forward. But he found that he couldn't move even one step.

His feet seemed to grow from the ground, motionless. No matter how hard he tried, it was useless.


Wu Tian had no choice but to close his eyes, and couldn't bear to see the bleeding happen.

However, he closed his eyes, but didn't wait for the blood that he had meant to burst.

It was that the murderous aura around him disappeared completely.

The pressure I felt just now is gone.

He opened his eyes, but watched as President Zhao's sword stopped just a millimeter or two from Zheng Taiwen.

Several people stood like sculptures, and Principal Zhao's eyes were full of incredible.


Zheng Taiwen grinned, and stretched out his hand to reveal his cuff. There was a nail on his wrist.

Seeing this, Principal Zhao understood what was going on when he came over.

"I think it's weird, why do you appear here, it turns out that it is."

Principal Zhao immediately recovered his previous appearance, becoming a greasy Mediterranean uncle again.

This scene just now made Wu Tian a little unbelievable. He couldn't believe that all this turned out to be true.

"What the **** is going on here?" Wu Tian didn't dare to ask others, but quietly pulled La Su Cancan's sleeve.

Su Cancan looked at Wu Tian, ​​and then moved his lips slightly.

"This is an old acquaintance of Master, thinking that Zheng Taiwen is still the right guardian of the Tianying Church."

With such an explanation, Wu Tian understood it, but he didn't expect that this principal was so powerful, and the momentum just now made Wu Tian unable to move.

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