Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 831: The old man of the Qingcheng school

Both sides began to let go of their vigilance, ready to sit down and discuss things.

Principal Zhao now completely believed that Su Wenxin had come to ask her for help.

As long as it is not here to make trouble, Principal Zhao said that he would welcome them all.

"What exactly is going on?"

Principal Zhao was very surprised. It can be said that the entire Chinese martial arts are very clear about what Zheng Taiwen and Su Wenxin had done.

Su Wenxin smiled, she still feels quite proud of this, because it was Wu Tian and the others who handled Zheng Taiwen.

Although it was not like this, if it weren't for a passing expert... I'm afraid Wu Tian would have become a plume of smoke in the sky by this time.

"He did his own evil and bullied my younger generation. Who knows that he was unlucky and was dealt with by my two apprentices, so it is now like this. It can be regarded as a piece of filial piety by my two apprentices, no. .."

At the end, Su Wenxin made a gesture of scratching his neck.

Principal Zhao said, and nodded as a simple understanding of the previous events.

His eyes rested on Su Wenxin again, "Then, why did you come to me for?"

Speaking of this matter, everyone's eyes began to become a little serious.

"That's the case, Tianying Church will attack us soon, I need help!"

After listening to this, Principal Zhao nodded calmly, then suddenly looked at Su Wenxin suddenly, with unbelievable expressions in his eyes.

"What are you talking about? Tianying teaches? Isn't this guy already done by you? Are you still afraid of Tianying people? Could it be that... is..."

When talking about the latter, Principal Zhao's expression began to change a little, and there was such a trace of panic in his eyes.

Su Wenxin, who was able to make this fearless and fearless Su Wenxin come over to request reinforcements, needless to say, her enemy is naturally Su Wenxin and these people can't deal with it.

And the strength has to be stronger than Zheng Taiwen and the others, so there is only the leader in Tianying Church.

With a wry smile on her face, Su Wenxin nodded slowly, confirming this principal Zhao's conjecture.

"Oh my God, what did you do? How did you provoke him!" Principal Zhao suddenly looked panicked, and what he said just now was so loud that Su Wenxin's things are his business.

When I talk about the matter now, I feel sad.

"I won't mention anything else, he took the initiative to trouble us, and we are not livestock, so naturally we will not be slaughtered!"

Su Wenxin sighed lightly, her attitude was already very clear.

"So, are you willing to help me?" Su Wenxin blinked her big eyes, regardless of her age is almost the same as this principal Zhao, but the two seem to be very different.

Principal Zhao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Once this matter involves the leader of the Tianying Church, then he can't simply think about it.

"This... I can't make a decision alone... I have to ask Master..."

"You are now the head of the Qingcheng faction, so you don't even dare to decide?" Su Wenxin suddenly became a little angry. It was obvious that he wanted to play football.

This guy didn't really want to help, but he was embarrassed to speak directly.

"Oh, my grandmother, I really didn't mean that. You know how important this matter is. You don't know what the Qingcheng faction is like now. It's just such a basic foundation. If you all play with you Now, what will I do in the future? The predecessors must not poke my spine?"

Principal Zhao is not unwilling to go, he also has morality, but this morality, sometimes he has to succumb to reality.

"Hey, I know these things too, so let me talk to the old man or not."

Su Wenxin is also very helpless, and if it is her, she might do the same.

Now everyone is too busy to take care of themselves, how could they have time and energy to manage other things.

President Zhao thought over and over again, but he could only nod his head to agree with this matter.

To be honest, he has no better choice.

"Well, you follow me."

Principal Zhao waved to Su Wenxin and the others, and went straight to the back door of the school.

Across a road, facing the back door of the school is a massage clinic, which looks very shabby, and you can smell a strong smell of Chinese medicine when you are far away.

"Master, Su Wenxin is here."

Principal Zhao respectfully opened the curtain and walked in, and bowed his head respectfully to a gray-haired old man lying leisurely opposite the door.

The old man didn't open his eyes, he just stretched out his hand and waved to let Principal Zhao go out.

This small massage shop is not very big, or it can be said to be a bit small, and Su Wenxin and the others are starting to be a little crowded.

A teapot next to it was making a screaming sound that the water was already open, and the air seemed to start to freeze at this moment.

"You hapless kid haven't come to see me for a while, what's the matter, is there something wrong this time?"

Although the old man looked a bit old-fashioned, the voice of his speech was full of breath, and it was obvious that his bones were still strong.

"Uncle Xing..."

"Uncle Master..."

Su Wenxin and Zheng Taiwen both saluted respectfully. Su Cancan and Wu Tian didn't dare to speak at all behind them, but they also saluted respectfully.

"Okay, just say what you want to do, don't use it for this virtual one."

The old man seems to dislike this kind of etiquette.

"Well, now that Tianying Sect is preparing to attack me in an all-round way, the few of us really can't hold it, so I hope the Qingcheng faction can support me."

Su Wenxin said very cautiously, very afraid that if she didn't say anything about it, the old man rejected her idea.

"Tianying Religion? This evil way is still raging outside!" Mentioning this Tianying Religion, the old man's emotions began to become a little agitated. He slowly opened his eyes and stretched out his hand to pat his own chair.

Each of his slaps made Wu Tian feel a huge pressure. Although the target was not him, it still made him feel a little hard to breathe.

"Yeah, Uncle Master, we really have no choice..." Su Wenxin said quickly, looking like this seems to be a play.

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