Just as he finished speaking, the old man immediately changed his attitude.

"It's just that our Qingcheng faction has no staff now. You see Ergouzi is now the principal. As for the other apprentices, they are either starting a company or treating people... Even if I have the intention, I am powerless. Support you."

A second ago, the old man was still filled with righteous indignation, turned his head, and immediately began to change his face.

This speed almost makes Wu Tian a little bit unbelievable. There are many such people in the mall, but they can do so quickly and so decisively. Wu Tian hasn't really seen a few.

"Uncle Master..." Su Wenxin had already made a voice like a little girl acting like a baby at this time, which immediately surprised everyone present.

Especially Su Cancan, it was the first time she saw her master be like this.

Although Su Wenxin has always been a little bit not serious... but the name of this uncle... is so ashamed to hear it.

Wu Tian opened his eyes wide and carefully looked at the situation in front of him. To be honest, he now feels that he has been refreshed.

"Oh, you hapless kid, you will use this trick. Every time I disagree, you will act like a baby! I tell you, this trick is not working!"

Although that was the case, the old man was quite helpful to this sound, and the smile on his face was an unconcealable joy.

"Oh, Master Uncle, you see that I was bullied by others. You still don't help me. When you were a kid, you liked buying me delicious things the most..."

If it were not for the great cause, Wu Tian really wanted to go out and shake the goose bumps on his body.

The condition of Su Cancan next to him was much worse than that of him. At this time, she was already a little lost, and seemed to be beginning to doubt the world.

"Come on, there is really no one in my hand. In the past few years, you also know that there are really no people in our famous and upright sects. Our Qingcheng sect is relatively good, and it’s been three years since we haven’t paid a visit. Disciple..."

Of course, the old man didn't want to have his own thoughts. Now that the outside world is so wonderful, there will be a few people who are willing to come to their sect to deliberately ask for hardship.

"Is this... a question of money?" Wu Tian whispered in the back. He felt that if this phenomenon cannot be solved quickly, I am afraid that there will be no decent people anymore in the future. It's a crooked way like Tianying.

"Yes, nor is it." The old man looked at the talking boy and shook his head gently.

Without disciples, and without incense, they naturally have no source of income.

In this case, there is no way to recruit more apprentices.

There are even very few people who know their existence, let alone apprentices.

"Master, if I can help you solve this problem, can you help us! Our time is running out."

Everyone looked at Wu Tian with an incredible look, this guy actually used this way to talk to the master!

"Wu Tian!" Su Cancan hurriedly gave Wu Tian a hand, not wanting him to do anything bad.

But Wu Tian stiffened his neck instead, and didn't back off when he said anything.

The old man looked at Wu Tian with great interest, with a smile on his face.

"you are?"

"He is my little apprentice, he just received it recently." Su Wenxin replied quickly while inspecting.

"My name is Wu Tian. As Master Su said, I am her apprentice." Wu Tian's attitude is considered polite, but he looks a little younger.

People in the past did not have such equality, so there are not many people who speak this way. When meeting elders, they generally have to be respectful.

But today's young people don't care about the tedious rules at all, and prefer to treat all people as equal.

"You just said, maybe you can help me if you have a way?" The old man's eyes narrowed, and he couldn't believe that this kind of words came from the hairy boy's mouth.

Wu Tian nodded. He looked at Su Wenxin and her face seemed a bit unpleasant, probably because he felt that doing so would not bring any benefits.

But Wu Tian also has his own way of doing things. What he thinks should be done is what he wants to do.

"Yes, I said that if it can be solved with money, I can help you."

Wu Tian reiterated what he said just now, which is considered to have approved what the old man said just now.

"Yeah, isn't your tone small?"

The old man seemed a little unhappy, Su Wenxin hurried over to explain.

"Uncle Master, you still don't want to be familiar with him. He is really young."

The old man pushed Su Wenxin away very rarely and looked at Wu Tian curiously.

"You might as well tell me, if it really satisfies me, maybe I will consider it."

The old man's speech surprised everyone present, and no one would have thought that he would say so.

Su Wenxin's eyes quickly fell on Wu Tian. Since this old man has given them a chance, whether he can seize this opportunity depends on his performance.

Su Cancan was also very nervous, but she didn't know what Wu Tian was thinking, she could only hope that Wu Tian was not talking big. Otherwise they can waste this effort.

"Okay, but I hope I can talk with you alone." Of course Wu Tian readily agreed, but he had other requirements.

For this request, the old man agreed at the time, this is really nothing to him.

The three of Su Wenxin had to walk out of this massage shop. Everyone was a little confused. They didn't know what Wu Tian was doing, and what he was thinking in his head.

"What the **** is he going to do? If the master had just said that maybe the old man would have agreed to our request."

Su Cancan muttered. Although he complained about Wu Tian, ​​he still hoped that Wu Tian could succeed.

"I don't know, now I can only see what Wu Tian plans."

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